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View Full Version : Hoss / NToV -- 9/25 - 10/1

09-22-2001, 09:53 PM
Just an FYI that Hoss will be in North ToV after the patch next week. We'll be in there the entire week (or until Vulak dies).

09-24-2001, 08:38 AM
Was my understanding you and I agree'd no guild would be in NToV for more than three days when others were waiting. 7 days is more than double that heh..

I understand you want to get Vulak, but we just got back in NToV and you call it for a full 7 days? We'd like to mess around with Vyemm and Vulak also.

By calling Ntov for a week, and saying you may not be done till the end of that week you basicly block us off for two weeks man...

09-24-2001, 09:27 AM

Check out the discussion thread regardin N ToV, and make some input there.

You guys had been hibernating, passing rotations left and right, so it's not surprising this may have come up prior to your awareness.

09-24-2001, 12:16 PM
Yeh, didnt see it, thanks Quint.

09-24-2001, 03:13 PM
About this post, we willing to give ya 4 days, but want to be able to mess around with Vyemm and Vulak ourselves, so if ya havn't killed Vyemm in 4 days(Vyemm still alive Sunday)would ask that ya let others get a shot.

Four days imo is more than you should need and I see no reason why we should wait any longer, when in fact when you and I spoke in IRC we said we wouldnt be in NToV more than three days a spurt.

09-24-2001, 03:28 PM
Ciner, Vindication has yet to even kill Zlexak. Why should Hoss step aside in NToV after killing all but Vyemm and Vulak and allow Vindication to take a shot at them after our work clearing?

When Hoss gets the zone down to Vyemm and Vulak this week, we intend to stay in the zone throughout the scheduled time above if necessary to attempt to kill them. You know as well as I do that this respect would be given to Vindication just the same.

I'm sorry that Vindication wasn't able to do much for the last month, but that isn't my problem. Hoss has been sticking to our original plan of doing NToV about once every 3 weeks or so, as we discussed back when both of our guilds wanted that area.

I would also like to add that if Hoss did leave NToV before respawn, and Vindication took some attempts on Vyemm, that that would be really cheesy. You should earn the clearing of the zone, and not use others hard work to your advantage (at least the first time clearing it).

09-24-2001, 04:13 PM
HI andaas, you use a trick to kill Zlex, we know of the trick also, we've tried to stray from using it though. We both know what this trick is and we know using it Vindi can kill him. Also I dont see why Zlex has anything to do with us getting our shot at Vyemm as one isnt related to another.

That is not the arguement here, the arguement here is no guild should have more than 2 days on a mob when others are waiting.

Its the concept behind why Aary is 2 days to try before another guild can step in and take there go.

Following your time schedule, you'd be on Vyemm the 3rd day, like I said we'd be happy to give you 3rd and 4th days on Vyemm, but then we'd like to have some shots.

When you wanted in to NToV we certiantly didn't sit in it for a week, we were in an out so as to let you do as you liked, so we defenitly expect the same respect.

09-24-2001, 04:30 PM
I'd like to know what "trick" we use to kill Zlexak cause I sure don't know wtf you are talking about Ciner.

Get off your high horse, please, your boastings have no place here.

You know as well as I do that leapfrogging through ntov to steal Vyemm/Vulak when another guild has cleared to them is something only a loser guild would do. Are you gonna prove it?

09-24-2001, 04:36 PM
Ciner, every Hoss raid into NToV has started with the zone at full pop (except once where Vindi had killed Eashen/Ikitiar). We haven't "taken advantage" of someone elses hard work to take shots at things we haven't before.

As for the "trick" to killing Zlexak, I'd say that its more common sense than a "trick".

What if it takes Hoss until day 4 to attempt Vyemm? You're still going to give us our 2 days to attempt him, right?

I will consider it very rude for Vindication to move in on our raid in North ToV this week until we state we are finished. After we leave, I will consider it very cheap if Vindication makes an attempt on Vyemm after Hoss did the work of clearing the zone. Of course, Hoss plans on leaving the zone empty... but it may take until Sunday.

09-24-2001, 04:51 PM
Siren heh, you say I dont know what trick.. Andaas says its common sense. Andaas at least is always on the level with you and is to the point.

I'm sorry you've been pissed ever since we decided to kill Aary alone and were the first in NToV but we don't need...what was the phrase that peeps been calling you here? Queen B? Don't need Queen B here heh.

Like I said 4 days is really all I can agree to here, I think its a resonable comprimise and of course I'm willing to stand by that for Vindication also. We'll never be in NToV for more than 4 days.

We both have guilds to answer to and I dont like telling mine they cant touch NToV for a full seven days but will comprimise to four.

Also, as to the boastings you refer to Sirensa, I see none of them. Perhaps you would like to reread my above posts? I'm trying to work out a comprimise here, if you think I enjoy it anymore than you do...

09-24-2001, 10:20 PM
Bleh, sick of argueing over fuckin nothing... a fucking game heh. Do what ya folks want, gl.

09-24-2001, 11:57 PM
The point Ciner is that what I proposed for NToV *is* a 4 day period, after October -- also note that if a guild bails on the zone, then whatever is left becomes a free-for-all. I felt however that people during their first month in NToV would appreciate having the extra cushion of a 7 day period to better learn the lay of the land.

Everyone has bad runs through NToV.. hell, Hoss had to summon corpses out of NToV at the end of our last raid. When I sketched out the proposal for NToV rules, they were meant to benefit all involved. I wasn't trying to give Hoss better positioning, but give everyone a fair shake.

09-25-2001, 02:40 PM
I noticed that you only were allowing a week of ToV for the first month a guild is doing ToV, and I liked it ><