View Full Version : What LDoN really needs is.....

09-15-2003, 03:03 PM

Right now every single dungeon is essentially the same. Heck, every single mission is almost the same. Why? All the mobs are so similar. The each con the same, hit for about the same, and do the same shit. It is SUCH a boring slog playing in LDoN.

What would make it better is if there were DIFFERENT types of mobs in these dungeons. stuff like....

The occaisonal green con mob (hi! dire charm)

The occaisonal yellow con.

The occasional RED con that hits like a mac truck but drops better things (but maybe you can skip?)

Some more caster type mobs that hit hard but have really low hp's

The occaisonal mob that has HIGH AC, but low mr.

The occaisonal unslowable mob.

The occaisonal unmezzable mob.

The occaisonal unrootable mob (this exists)

The occaisonal mob that when killed, will split into 5 or 6 adds that have very low hp but hit hard(make me mem an AoE damn it)

The occaisonal trap or mob that will completely dispell someones buffs. (Why do I want this? because I am disgusted how people want shaman/cleric/enchanter/druid buffs before going into a dungeon, but once in, only want 1 bard plus 5 dps)

Make me WANT to hit exodus every now and then.

After that, I would like some of the missions to be actually different. Why are all adventures always worth 51 (or 76) points. Why not have the odd LONG assassin mission, that takes well over an hour to do (but gives more points).

Anyways, I think that a lot of the complaints about class balance re LDoN has much to do with how they chose to populate the dungeons.

09-15-2003, 03:19 PM
There are occasional traps that do mass dispells. I've been hit by them once already. Normally you can avoid them unless your with a zappo.

09-15-2003, 04:57 PM
And my heart swells with even more joy for choosing to just say NO to this expansion.

09-16-2003, 05:53 AM
When I think about the zones I like, they all have one thing in common. (You might say its because I have spent alot of time in them, but I really dont think thats why.)
In zones like SolB, ToV(north), Sebilis and those kinda zones, you can drop me off anywhere and it will only take me a second, two at most to know exactly where I would be at.

If you on the other hand drop me off in a zone I really dislike.. VT comes to mind, I would have no idea at all (I have spent alot of hours in this zone also!). The zone is built by rooms all made in the same "mold", put together with copy and paste, paste, paste and paste all over again. The very same thing applies to ldon dungeons, and its making me sick.

The first time I was raiding deep sebilis, when I had no idea what it looked like and I only knew there was a dragon somewhere at the bottom, none had to tell me that "when you walk over that bridge and up that ledge and turn left, thats where he will be at...". That pretty much explained itself. You could smell the fear in the air, hearts were pumping and people would keep there feet on their chairs to feel a little less vulnerable. First time I encountered a "named", "boss" or whatever its called in ldon, it was when I walked into just another room and started swinging at just another mob, only to realize that this time the mob was doing about twice the damage. I went "oh look a rare or something?".

Atleast they could have made the dungeons descent, so you would know that "if I go down here I will get closer to the boss Im gonna kill to complete the mission" and that "if I go up here I will get closer to the zone out". Its a dungeon after all, arent they supposed to descent? ;)

And seriously, is there really no way to make an encounter with a named mob cept giving it a little more hp and make it hit a bit harder, with 2-4 regular mobs as its "guards" ?

If there are 48 "new zones", there could have been atleast 48 different encounters one would think?

In the city of mists, the splitting reavers were really cool. They were unique. That was cool, that was funny, and you never drowned in them. In VT, 50% of the mobs were splitting, not unique, not funny, not cool and I was suffocating. Thats a nice guideline no? Most PoP god encounters were unique, most were also funny, why not atleast TRY something like that again (and without making fights take more than 5min, atleast the 1 group ones ;))

Im just not content with this "sleep fest", repeat thing that will eventually give me another 25hp. Im sure some can find ldon just as good, or even more fun than the regular PoValor exp grinding or whatever, then maybe its all good. I just think it had alot of potential, and didnt at all live up to the expectations I had. For some reason I was expecting a crawl from zone in to emperor thing in sebilis, and thats not quite what we got eh...

09-16-2003, 06:32 AM
Stitz <3

09-16-2003, 06:54 AM
Originally posted by Tilea
And my heart swells with even more joy for choosing to just say NO to this expansion.

Oh Tilea... If I hadn't bought this expansion, I wouldn't have this cool slag aluminum keychain fob!

It's so nice. If a person didn't know what my new keychain was from, they would look at the pretty astrological- and wikka-symbols and think that maybe I'm the kind of guy who likes to sneak off into the forest with other guys, and beat drums around a campfire and wear nothing but a baseball cap and a nut-curtain.

-- Peotr (The Normal Guy) &copy;™

P.S. Not that I don't like sneaking off to the forest to beat drums around a campfire with my buddies!

09-16-2003, 07:27 AM
Agreed with everything Aelia said. However those are just spices to the real fix that LDoN needs.

What LDoN needs most of all is to eliminate time limits, and mob respawn added. Dungeons can poof if they are empty for 30 minutes.

This does create one problem, however. Wipes would mean having to reclear everything. Personaly, I could live with it and be very happy. No time limit means the worst case scenario is you have to spend another 40 mins clearing. This is EXACTLY what we had to do back in the day. However possible solutions include:

One or two evac safe room points that you activate when you reach them. (sure makes wizards and druids MUCH more valuable, as opposed to dead weight right now)
Respawn that does not see invis.
10 minute graveyard, but the dungeon does not poof.

Also fixes that Sony needs to do right now:

Balance the time cost of the missions. Kill X mobs missions are by far the best to do right now. Rescue missions are ASS. Give more points for the shittier missions, or make those missions less time consuming.

Eliminate or greatly reduce the refresh time after you hit decline. Sitting on my ass for 10 mins after every mission is not fun.

Allow players to buy the grayed out items on the merchant list using points from other dungeons. Also, increase the range at which items "unlock." Right now I have 900 worthless points, because what I want is from a dungeon I don't have most of my points in. Its stupid. All this does is split friends up who want to buy items from different places, or forces them to do a ton of extra work to stay together.

09-16-2003, 09:07 AM
I cant help it, I like my food spicy!

And I actually like rescue missions. In fact were I to order my prefs for missions it would be:

Slaughter (duh)
Rescue (only if you have maps)
Assassinate (only if you have maps)

Rescue and Assassinate require you to kill roughly the same number of mobs, the reason I like rescue more is that you know where the guy you need to rescue is . He is up at the start and you can track him. While the boss that pops at 60% could be at any number of locations.

I used to like collect missions, but after getting a few stinky ones that required us to kill 90% of the mobs in the dungeon , I now refuse to take them.


09-16-2003, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by Torrid
Right now I have 900 worthless points, because what I want is from a dungeon I don't have most of my points in.

I don't worry about this at all. the only item I really want is in 1 camp for 600ish points. I have 8 of the 12 or so kills I need for that and will get the other 4 eventually. This issue may almost 100% go away with slot 8 augments, at least for us.

Example: (made up)

avoidence +10 augment for 2000AP for camp A

Crazy warrior X with 5 peices of time geer that is screaming for avoidence +10 augs

Crazy warrior X has helped out underpowered wizard Y in 4 other camps for a total of 40 missions, 10 in B, C, D, and E.

Crazy warrior X has 5 missions already in A .

At this poing Crazy warrior X still needs 35 missions to get his augment.. But when he does get those 35 he will be able to to buy 2 of the 5 augments he needs, although he does get his first augment a bit later in life he gets his second augment at the exact same number.

The names where changed to protect the guilty:)

Moral of the story. In the end you will have 40+ missions in each and it won't mater the order you got them in. Help out people and whatever missios you do you will be able to spend the points... but maybe not as quickly as you would want.

09-16-2003, 12:16 PM
Annoys the hell out of me to be told by a no-name group of twits looking for a tank .. and ( rant on ) I'M NOT A PALLY/SK SO I AM NOT A GOOD ENOUGH TANK FOR THEM !!!!!

I suppose I was better off not grouping with them anyway, but christ, the already undervalued exp grouping reputation of the warrior class is getting thumped mightily in LoDN now.

JFC..... time to roll up a Bard I guess....

- Card

09-16-2003, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by Seanreisk
Oh Tilea... If I hadn't bought this expansion, I wouldn't have this cool slag aluminum keychain fob!

It's so nice. If a person didn't know what my new keychain was from, they would look at the pretty astrological- and wikka-symbols and think that maybe I'm the kind of guy who likes to sneak off into the forest with other guys, and beat drums around a campfire and wear nothing but a baseball cap and a nut-curtain.

Uhhh..... yeah...... that thought almost passed through my mind... too....



09-16-2003, 05:00 PM
Waright, that works great if you want more than one item. I do not.

09-16-2003, 05:08 PM
I put warriors in my LDoN groups all the time and win. Card stop grouping with nitwits and join me.