View Full Version : Canada's Druggies

09-16-2003, 12:42 PM
This article is kind of funny and distrubing at the same time. What's funny is that the people who buy Marijuana from the gov't complain that the weed isn't good....not fit for human consumption as one man said.

Give them an inch, they take a mile. What is also funny, is that the marijuana is grown in an old mine....mines are pretty well known for being pretty harmful to the environment and people's health.

So, lets grow weed in the mine where it can suck up all kinds of industrial pollutants...then sell it to our people who are sick with cancer and aids and other terminal diseases...they're going to die anyways so we'll just speed up the process a little. This is probably why the guy says the weed is no good...it probably tastes like smoking mineral solvents.

The disturbing part is, that Canada is also now opening up a clinic where druggies can shoot up with injection kits in a sterile environment...and then put them in a "cool-out" room for counseling and whatever.

"here shoot this into your arm and then come listen to this really cool tape we have for you!"


09-16-2003, 01:24 PM
First of call, "Canada" didn't open a safe injection site. The city of Vancouver did. I think they got a wee-bit of funding from the Provincial and Federal government, but for the most part it's the city's baby (I think it's been spearheaded by a former mayor). And second, you should take a walk down East Hastings in Vancouver at 3 in the afternoon and tell me a better solution to the situation. There are junkies everywhere, in the middle of the day. I stayed the hell away from the area at night, because I didn't feel like getting mugged. It's one of the worst areas in North America for drugs and crime. Maybe the safe injection site will help get some of them off heroin? Or at least, they won't be shooting up with the needle passed down from 8 of their friends and pick up whatever diseases they may have.

And the whole medicinal pot thing is a complete joke. The people growing the weed have repeatedly shown they are completely inept. Last year's crop was grown from a shitload of seeds they got from police confiscations. Good idea, let's try scientific studies on the efficacy of a drug using wildly varying strains of the plant that we have no idea what the potency is. They ended up tossing out all of last year's crop because it was essentially useless for any scientific purpose. Now it sounds like the latest crop is garbage. Any jackass with a few growing lamps and access to the internet for guidance can grow a decent crop of pot, yet this company can't seem to do the same. And I doubt it has anything to do with polution or poison in the mine. They may be incompetent, I doubt they are suicidal (they have to work down there, don't forget).

Hurry up and just legalize the shit already. For anyone looking for something to read, try this: http://www.amazon.ca/exec/obidos/ASIN/0195138937/qid%3D1063743810/702-8955494-4952865

Excellent book that shows that both sides of the debate tend to bend the truth, although the prohibition side is much more deceitful about it.

09-16-2003, 01:44 PM
I knew Eomer would be the first to get us started and I knew it wouldn't take him long :p

I love getting a rise out of him about the drug issue though...and especially as it pertains to Canada or Canadian cities I guess.

09-16-2003, 01:51 PM
I aim to please! I dunno, it's just a hobby horse of mine I guess. The other thing you have to take into account is that Vancouver is a very, very, very, VERY "progressive" city in a relatively "progressive" country. That sounds better than "liberal," since liberal seems to be a dirty word now. The safe injection thing would never get off the ground in Toronto or anywhere else down east. And god forbid in the Prairies. There really is a serious problem there, and I applaud them trying to do something about it.

One example of the problems there is that there is now the largest criminal investigation in Canadian history going on for a serial killer that they have so far charged with 15 murders, and may be responsible for upwards of 50-60, nearly all of them drug addicted prostitutes from that area of town. It's hard to say, since he ran a pig farm and most likely fed the remains to them.

And yeah, the whole prohibition thing, wow, don't get me started :D

09-16-2003, 01:53 PM
I love getting a rise out of him about the drug issue though...and especially as it pertains to Canada or Canadian cities I guess

So what does that mean? Actually this topic was brought up on another msg board(DrO boards). They needed to do something about it as the problem with people loitering the streets, is a problem that that seems to be increasing as the days go by. Hopefully it will get some of these people off the street at any rate, and in time perhaps some of them will also get cleaned up.

09-16-2003, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by Zarxen
Hopefully it will get some of these people off the street at any rate, and in time perhaps some of them will also get cleaned up.

Yep. It's worth a shot at least (no pun intended) any solution is better than no solution at all, which is basically what we have in the U.S.

09-16-2003, 04:22 PM
Apparently safe injection sites started in Berlin, in the end they decreased problems with


Hepatitus C

Hospital admissions due to infections.

Need for heart valve replacements( wich costs thirty six thousand Canadian.

These are the problems that come from injecting dirty needles.

10-01-2003, 08:33 AM

10-01-2003, 08:43 AM
did i read that right, 5?
kinda messed up