View Full Version : Sorry messed up on first App. Wanting to join Hoss

10-06-2003, 08:45 AM
What is your character's...

Name: Virix

Class: Beastlord

Gender: Male

Race: Vah Shir

Level: 65


Describe your playtime. How many days a week do you play, and when do you typically log on and off? (Please convert all times to Pacific) I usually play from 6:00 est to 9:30 est. I play as many days as I can which is normally 5 or 6 days a week.

What is your character's birthdate and /played?

What guild are you in now? Why do you want to leave?
I am currently in Syndicate of Gods. I want to leave because the officers have been very mean to me. Like the other day everyone was giving advice of were to raid so i said Terris Thule and they started yelling at me in Tells.

List your raid experience. I have killed many high end mobs. Such as VZ,TZ,TT,AD,Al in SSRA,Hp, and ect.

List any Hoss friends you may have. My friends i have in Hoss are Liyon,Cardinal,Izamien,Sleepie,Uggme,Renshin,and Depen. Might have been a couple I missed.

Describe how you play your class in raid-level encounters. Be verbose. I play my class like most any other Beast besides raids. During raids I try my best to keep all the mobs off the casters and aggro them onto me. Which would give the casters a chance to heal/DS themslevs.

Why do you want to join Hoss?
I want to join Hoss because i have alot of friends in there and I have grped with many Hoss people and they have been very very nice.
List your PoP flags. You may paste a guided meditation if you like.
HOH,Valor and storms,COD,Tactics,BOT,and Torment.

10-06-2003, 09:25 AM
wrong forum dude hehe.

Post it here


10-06-2003, 09:26 AM
Hmm, you might want to try posting in the recruitment thread.
Located here (http://hoss.lubbin.org/forums/forumdisplay.php3?s=&forumid=43)

Also, we sometimes don't START raiding till 9:30EST, heh.
Also, you forgot to finish the App (magelo # or link, birthdate, /played etc...)

10-06-2003, 09:37 AM