View Full Version : My puppy

10-06-2003, 04:02 PM
She was rescued from the gas chamber by the GSRA in my area. Isn't she a cutie?

10-06-2003, 04:21 PM
aww she is cute !

10-06-2003, 10:33 PM
Looks like a total sweetheart! ;)

Buazag Bonesteel
10-07-2003, 09:16 AM
German Shepard cute?? Nub. They're supposed to be like....mean and stuff....ya know....scare would be burglars and chew their legs off.

10-07-2003, 09:50 AM
Here is my puppy, we got him a couple months after the last time Vidmer visited.

10-07-2003, 11:14 AM
my dog had an eyebrow problem also

10-07-2003, 02:58 PM
German Shep's are actually some of the smartest, friendliest dogs around. Sure you can train em to be mean, but for the most part they are very good dogs. Mine is a pretty massive one, and is so meek and mild most people can't believe it. One of our neighbour's daughters tried to ride him, and all he did was yelp and try to run away. (the girl was like 4, he's 120+ lbs)

If we hadn't chopped his nuts off Vin, they could make some cute puppies!

Andriana Duskrose
10-07-2003, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by Eomer
If we hadn't chopped his nuts off Vin, they could make some cute puppies!

Or you could've made some tasty Eclairs! Like in Van Wilder.

10-07-2003, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by Eomer
If we hadn't chopped his nuts off Vin, they could make some cute puppies!

Yeah I remember your dog, he's nice looking. I really like the stockier Canadian bred GSDs the American bred are getting a little too fine boned imo so I'm all for mixing some Canadian bloodlines with the Americans'. But my little girl just got spayed last Wednesday, so no puppies for her. ;)

Andri- eclairs? huh?

Zobb-get that abomination out of MY puppy thread!!! This thread is supposed to be about how cute MY puppy is, not about Vidmer's proclivity toward sexual deviance... :confused:

10-07-2003, 05:54 PM
Well, he isn't a pure-bred, so no idea about what kind of German Shep breed he is. He is half collie (he has floppy ears, sometimes one stands up for the hell of it), which I think gave him his size and a longer face. The Shep gave him his thickness and color.

Seriously though, before we got him neutered, you should have seen the size of his nuts. I mean wow. The upside was that even after he got neutered, he still humped everything in sight. For some reason he tended to pick on my smaller friends. I still have fond memories of a little Indian friend of mine that was under 5 feet, pinned up against the fence in my backyard getting taken for a ride by a dog significantly larger than him.

10-08-2003, 04:41 AM
Humping dogs are bad mmmkay! ;)

10-08-2003, 07:04 AM
Yeah, mine was even trained to. People found it so amusing at parties that eventually he learned that if someone bent over and called him, it was go time. He's got bad hips now, so he doesn't do it anymore thankfully.

10-08-2003, 12:30 PM
you like dags?

10-08-2003, 12:53 PM
Your dog is gorgeous Vin!! I had German Shepherd's growing up. They are indeed in my opinion some of the smartest and greatest of the dog breeds. And as Eomer said, it people training them unnecessarily to be mean and not doing it right that gives them a bad rep. They are instinctively protective. If they sense you are in trouble (rightly so or not) they will make a move.

>Eomer - Hip displasia is unfortunately common in German Shepherds, poor things. Other than surgery, you can get relief for your dog as vets can prescribe Phenylbutazone, which is an anti-inflammatory and will relieve some pain. If they are on this, they require blood work and monitoring regularly.

10-08-2003, 01:23 PM
Yeah I know Gemmi, my neighbour's dog had it really bad. They had a little cart built for it, so it could wheel around on it's two front legs while it's ass rested on the back.

My dog doesn't have that though. It's just simple old age, with perhaps a bit of arthritis tossed in for flavor (he's 9 now). He still gets around fine, or at least over the past while he has been fine. A year or two ago he was in really rough shape and could barely walk, but since he has improved a bit. We give him one or two aspirin a day, and also have started giving him Glucosamine. Personally I think it's helping, he has seemed more energetic lately.

The main problem with him is that he is so paranoid of being stepped on or bumped into now. He was always a big wimp when it came to things like automatically closing doors and what not (you should see him try to tip toe his way through a normal door that's partially closed, he is scared shitless to touch it, let alone a moving door). But now he is constantly trying to stay out of everything's way, and occasionally hurts himself more by trying to move too fast and yelps. If he is laying down and you walk anywhere near him, he jumps up and gets ready to dive out of the way. It's annoying as hell sometimes.

If he gets much worse, we will most likely just get him put down. It's awful to see something go through so much pain.

10-08-2003, 08:15 PM
thump thump!

jk =p cute dog vin!

I have a mix right now, dad was full-blooded beagle with papers and mom was half beagle half pekingese (weird huh?) so she looks like a black beagle with a cuter face =\

she rocks because i get this huge greeting when i am gone like all day or 5 minutes it's like she hasn't seen me in a year, and she is protective as hell, she can see someone walking down the road 200 yards away and give the most ferocious growls like she can do something =D

when i get a digital camera or scanner i will post some up :D

10-08-2003, 08:44 PM
my dog (parents dog since I moved out) is like a small fuzzy hippo , cocker spaniel(sp?)

HESHZA FAT BABYBOY YES HE IS!!! (as my mother would say)
