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Lronius de la Mancha
09-26-2001, 10:21 PM




We were finishing a night of PvP and decided to gate home. Gating in this game means running into the Realm Guards. You don't lose exp for dying to them. Those Fireballs flying through the air... do 460 dmg per shot. At level 34 with 800 hp it didn't take many to take me down. Was fun =)

09-27-2001, 12:53 PM
Are those fireballs from nmy guards? Lol, was kinda hoping they were from siege equipment, but oh well.

09-30-2001, 12:01 AM
Yea and you see those Human thingies in the SS's? Those are Hibernian Melee Realm Guards, I never knew how hard they hit until the other day. Well on a raid we decided to camp their gate for a bit. Someone from another high level guild on the server "accidently" shoots one. It proceeds to kill him in 3 hits, me in 1, and wipe out the other 10-15 people on the raid in about 30 seconds. I hit me for around 700, and at level 27 as a cleric I have about 570hp, so I died instantly =p (managed to knock a whole percent off my BP too heh)