View Full Version : Hoss6!
11-03-2003, 10:19 PM
I started up a new game for those interested in getting their feet wet with some diplomacy.
This game is a BLIND NO PRESS game. What does that mean?
It means there is no talking between the different players. Moves are made with no open communication. That being said, there is an art to no press games, often signals are sent by use of support or other means (see the general rules section posted above by vader).
In addition this game is blind. That means you can only see the units that are directly adjacent to your own units, and suplly centers. I've never played a blind game before, but it sounds like fun!
No press (also called gunboat) games are fast paced, since no time is needed to chat (read: lie) about moves. As such the deadlines are set at only 24 hours! The whole game will likely only take a couple of weeks, as opposed to a month or more for a normal game.
If interested come join us in #diplomacy on the progameplayer IRC server.
What BLIND means exactly:
also pasted for the lazy:
In a BLIND game, each player receives individually tailored results and sees a map made from these tailored results. Each player will "see" only:
his own units and their orders,
units (and possibly the orders of those units) owned by other powers, provided that the unit started or ended the turn adjacent to a space where one of the player's own units either began or ended the turn,
units (and possibly the orders of those units) owned by other powers, provided that the unit started or ended the turn in or adjacent to a home supply center of the player in question (regardless of whether or not that center is currently owned by the player). See VENETIAN, below, for an alternative.
his own list of owned supply centers,
his own unit-count, center-count, and adjustment phase status (number of builds or removes he is eligible or required to submit).
When a foreign unit is "visible" to a player, the player will either receive full information on the unit's order (if he could "see" the unit both before and after the moves), or will receive one of the following instead (based on whether the unit was visible to the player before the moves or after the moves, but not both):
Observers and all other non-map powers receive basically no information from the judge, other than the notice that the game has progressed to the next phase. Notice that this does not apply to any player or observer who is specified to be OMNISCIENT. Such a person receives the same results as the Master and as each of the players (during the period of time that the person is OMNISCIENT). Omniscient persons can also still log in at the Website as any or all of the map powers to see the information at each player's disposal. The BLIND rule also has the following effects:
It is never disclosed in the results if a unit's order was void -- the (*void*) annotation is completely suppressed from appearing in the results. However, convoyed armies that were issued orders that would have been (*void*) are re-annotated in the results with the (*no convoy*) annotation.
The HIDE_LATE_POWERS rule is in effect.
The SHOW_PHANTOM rule is in effect.
The FICTIONAL_OK rule is in effect.
The NO_DIAS rule is disallowed.
Note that visibility is determined by the space, not the coast, on which a unit is located. A unit is visible to, and can "see," any unit that can support it, or that it can support. For example, a fleet in the Western Mediterranean can "see" a fleet on the north coast of Spain, and vice-versa! This rule automatically includes the SILENT_ABSENCES rule. Note also that the BLIND rule may have some further effects if used in different rule variants (such as Payola — see below).
Also, I should reiterate what Aal said about gunboat. There is NO communication whatsoever allowed regarding this game. Don't talk to anyone but the GM about it, period - you don't know who is playing, or what country they may be. Just telling someone who you are in a gunboat game is a no-no.
11-04-2003, 10:53 AM
Sign me up!
In order to play, first register at
Then go here and follow the directions for joining the game
The password for joining the private game is in the #diplomacy topic.
Also, for anyone who has never played before, please read the rules, and take the test and send me your answers before signing up.
11-04-2003, 03:51 PM
Also, for anyone who has never played before, please read the rules, and take the test and send me your answers before signing up.
I don't see a test. :|
11-06-2003, 10:19 AM
11-06-2003, 12:44 PM
lol, thanks already found it~ :P I thought there was a test at I was supposed to find. ><
11-06-2003, 01:09 PM
lol, thanks already found it~ :P I thought there was a test at I was supposed to find. ><
You failed, Derasi!!
11-07-2003, 03:38 AM
Well, I signed up for hoss6 but, I don't know if it worked! :|
Need 2 more people to sign up! If you want to learn how to play, come see me! :)
Kattoo Tacit
11-10-2003, 05:40 PM
I'll play. will sign up after I log.... this PC is fucked and cannot access the interface.
12-12-2003, 11:48 AM
This is my play summary as England.
I opened up with a move to the North Sea and the Norwegien Sea which is a fairly bland opening. I decided to avoid the Belgian sink hole and convoy my army to Norway in the Fall. Upon arriving in Norway the 1st English Expeditionary force noticed neighboring Saint Petersburg was undefended and in a daring Spring manuever headed for the border. My fleets moved into defensive positions. It is at this point the sneaky German began throwing me friendly assists. Well the turns process and lo and behold I had managed to sneak into STP in the spring of 02 but even more shockingly I noticed Moscow was also undefended. Knowing that MOS was the key to the Russians I decided to be bold and leave STP for MOS before the winter could set in. My homeland was pretty poorly defended at this point and I was largely relying on the fog of war to keep me alive. Well surpises of surprises I managed to take MOS in the fall of 02 before the winter set in. I had topped both Napolean and Hitler with one expeditionary force. At this point I split my fleets and began an attack on France while I consolodated STP. It was at this point my success got to my head and I made a grevious mistake. I should have moved against the German but instead went after the French. This left my forces roughly evenly split between two halves of the map. Well I managed to finally get control of STP and eventually Brest. It is at this time the German hit my overextended forces and began to roll me up. I lost my Eastern posessions quickly and managed to hold onto my Western possesions until almost the end, but I fell to the eventual winner Germany (Lola).
Highlights of the game for me: Taking Moscow in 02, Doing something most men dream of: getting my hands on Zeldapika's (France) Brest.
Lowlights: Losing to Lola
12-12-2003, 11:55 AM
yep, I was Russia. :)
I made a huge blunder in the ending of the second move, where I could have occupied two territories and I didn't move. Xuen showed me my errors, lol. From then on it was a defensive struggle with Turkey and a swift attack from Austria to finish me off.
Least I know how to play now, haha!
That's what you get for not taking the test Talas!!! :)
So, press is enabled now, and everyone can see the PDF of the move history (very interesting for blind), and it'd be really cool if all the players could write some press with their end of game comments, which can then be read at the appropriate section on:
My EOG is sent already, not gonna post it here like Vidle however!
12-12-2003, 12:22 PM
So, i decided to do a more formal summary here!
~I was France!~
At the start, I initally decided to go after SPA and BEL to get 2 more units, and also moved into BUR to support my dude's moving into BEL. Then i saw Germany move into RUH, so i figured it would be worth a shot to try and take MUN because he might just be looking into taking HOL/ not paying attention to my unit in RUH. I took MUN in the Fall of the first year, then proceeded to move out, as i was outnumbered with Germany's new builds (and the other country's forces moving in on the rest of France) :p
As for the attempt on Spain, I noticed Italy was moving into PIE, so i was like hmmm crap! I managed to fend Italy off for a little while, but i knew he must be moving around in the Medditerranean if he was attacking me this early on :| So, then i was like ahhh! move down south to get rid of Italy!
And of course at this point, England is like hmmm lets try to take over France too! So, now i am completely on the defence, and in a really bad position lol. I still don't know how i survived those last like 4 years at all lol :)
Overall, it was a fun game! I would like to play again :D
*thank you stickler Lola~!
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