View Full Version : Drakky is playing FFXI

11-19-2003, 10:06 PM

The shame, once a proud barb warrior, to a midget football with a harp...


11-19-2003, 10:06 PM
huh =o


11-20-2003, 11:04 AM

11-20-2003, 11:23 AM

Twong what server are you on?

11-21-2003, 10:23 AM
Twong what server are you on?

None now, game just didnt do it for me.

So CS and wc3 until wow, or, uh whatever...


(Hi vin!)

11-23-2003, 06:40 AM
(Hi vin!)

(Hi Twing Twang Twong!) :D

11-24-2003, 10:07 AM
Twong has to finish Return of the King first. Right?

11-24-2003, 10:52 AM
Scrith! I am so buying ROTK on Xbox once the movie is out! Ima not gonna ruin the movie though =\ I hope its as good as you said it was gonna be :D

11-24-2003, 11:29 AM
Twong has to finish Return of the King first. Right?

Yes of course!!!

(wait i dont have a ps2 or xbox ><)

How ya doing scrith? Email me!


11-24-2003, 12:19 PM
I am at the Black Gate and much further back w/ the hobbits.. in the labyrinth of Shelob :p

Aragorn is a strong level 10, but everyone else is WAY low! :D

Nice game, btw! :)

Andriana Duskrose
11-24-2003, 02:39 PM
If RotK is a decent challenge, you can thank me. To paraphrase Scrith after watching me play through a level of it when I was in San Francisco in August:

"I think we need to make it harder, looks too easy for you."

Of course I do have the "M4d sk1llz".

11-24-2003, 03:00 PM
Sorry I can't bring myself to thank a ranger =\ cept maybe Tilea!

11-24-2003, 07:11 PM
Hmm, so where is my copy of RoTK??? Wait, is there a PC version? Scrith so stingy sometimes! Oh, hey Twong! and Drakky if you're out there.

11-24-2003, 09:45 PM
I think there is actually Seraphina! and btw HI

11-24-2003, 10:07 PM
Yup there is a pc version, Xbox, ps2 and gamecube.

11-25-2003, 05:51 AM
Hi Sera! ;)

11-25-2003, 10:42 AM
Wow seraphina!! How are you?

Long time no hear/talk!!!


Hmm a PC version eh?!?!?!

Kick down scrith, ill make a trade!!!


Vin are you keeping Aul in check still?


Zarxen! Hi!! This is like another reunion post!!!

BTW which of you old timers is still playing eq? (you nutty peeps)


11-25-2003, 01:03 PM
Slippy > Twing=Twong=Twang=Twung

Was there ever a Twyng?


11-25-2003, 02:53 PM
Heya Twonger and Sera:)

I was playing EQ about 7 months ago or so, I have been playing some console games here and there like Grand Theft Auto, Jedi Academy and a few others. I haven't played any massive online games inawhile. Final Fantasy online looks pretty nifty though.

11-25-2003, 03:04 PM
Heya Twonger and Sera:)

I was playing EQ about 7 months ago or so, I have been playing some console games here and there like Grand Theft Auto, Jedi Academy and a few others. I haven't played any massive online games inawhile. Final Fantasy online looks pretty nifty though.

Ah thats cool, i tried ffxi, game just doesnt do it for me at all. :/

OMG sloppy ><

11-25-2003, 03:05 PM
hehe Twong. I played EQ briefly at the beginning of summer but I just don't have time for it anymore. :D

Yeah still keeping Aul in line :p He doesn't have time for EQ anymore either. Plus he decided PoP sucked. :o

Same ol' same ol' pretty much. I got a research grant that I applied for, it's not much money but it's part of a fairly prestigous event so looks good on a resumé in any case.

How are things with you?

11-29-2003, 08:44 PM
Wow, so many happy old EQ players! :)

Yes, ROTK is too hard. But our testers kept telling everyone it was too easy, even on the "Hard" setting. I think you have to use all those crazy combo attacks that you spend all the XP points on while levelling your char if you want to make it a bit easier towards the end.

Yes, there is a PC version, so no excuses for you, Jim. I'll be happy to trade with you once you've actually shipped a game. ;) You'll want to trade for my next one though...I'm gonna make you an offer you can't refuse (tm).

Er...and I think Scrith is on sabbatical right now. I tried to log in a couple times this month, but I hear everyone arguing about Time groups and who wants what loots and I just kinda feel like maybe I'm better off spending my time on other stuff right now.

Sera...didn't that grumpy guy who plays your char give you one of the copies I sent him?

11-30-2003, 03:02 PM
Holy shit lots of old timers in this thread!! Hey Scrith, Zarx, Sera, Twing, Slippy =D. I am debating getting FFXI but i dunno, ive heard lots of good things. Any opinions on it / servers you are playing on if your playing? I might pick it up this week. Hope you are all well and good, nice to see your names again around. Oh ya slippy its more like this. Ubar > Twi(o)ng > Slippy, sorry but enchanters were just better than rangers :P Btw anyone hear from Kobalt anymore? Been looking for him and bodhi forever =x

Ub ;o

11-30-2003, 03:51 PM
Hey Ubar! Kobalt now there is a name I haven't seen in awhile. I think the last I heard from him was in the game way back when.

Oh yea Scrith,I haven't played the rotk game, but I played a bit of the Twin Towers game a year ago or so and I found that kind of hard, so I can imagine this is similar. It was kind of neat with the film scenes cut in between.

11-30-2003, 11:32 PM
An offer i cant refuse eh??!?!


And ive delivered on games dammit! Just not the EA one...


kick down!!!

ubart i tried ffxi but it wasnt the game for me.

Dunno if you'd like it, you might, you might not, its a bit to "cutesy" for me.


12-01-2003, 02:47 PM
Hey Ubar! I haven't seen or heard anything from Kobalt or Bodhi in ages... :(

12-03-2003, 10:03 AM
Try Knight's of the Old Republic. Really good!

12-03-2003, 01:03 PM
co-op mario kart is hours of fun, even after completing all the courses! :p

12-03-2003, 05:08 PM
Try Knight's of the Old Republic. Really good!

I love that game ! I just started with Grand Theft Auto/Vice City for Xbox, it's alot of fun. I imagine some here have likely played the Ps2 versions, however the Xbox ones are alot of fun with updated graphics.

Crimson Skies, Max Payne 2, Hunter 2: The Reckoning and Jedi Academy were also fun

12-03-2003, 08:07 PM
I love that game ! I just started with Grand Theft Auto/Vice City for Xbox, it's alot of fun. I imagine some here have likely played the Ps2 versions, however the Xbox ones are alot of fun with updated graphics.

Crimson Skies, Max Payne 2, Hunter 2: The Reckoning and Jedi Academy were also fun

I REALLY liked Jedi Academy. It was simple but really fun.

12-05-2003, 10:57 AM
I just cancelled my FFXI account, It was a decent game but I missed my mouse and keyboard. Also I have been spending all my free time knocking out walls, cutting into my foundation and hanging sheetrock. Then there are all those pesky snowflakes falling. Any free time after that I have been spending playing some card games like Munchkin and Settlers of Catan. Oh yeah... SKI SEASON!!! Got my season pass and every resort in the west is open. Gonna be a great year as long as I can hide from the stupid flu epidemic that is going on.

So who is going to try out WoW? would be great to hang with you all again. I miss drunk Twing.


12-05-2003, 12:57 PM
Hi whores, FFXI is fun once you get a bit higher, only thing that's annoying is the fact the JP's have already done everything big, but oh well. Exploring is a lot more fun than it was in DAoC, and later Everquest (can't match the initial 1999/2000 EQ dungeon explorations though).

Twong is gay btw, he told me so, and hi Scrith, long time no see :D and everyone else too!

12-05-2003, 01:32 PM
Hi whores, FFXI is fun once you get a bit higher, only thing that's annoying is the fact the JP's have already done everything big, but oh well. Exploring is a lot more fun than it was in DAoC, and later Everquest (can't match the initial 1999/2000 EQ dungeon explorations though).

Twong is gay btw, he told me so, and hi Scrith, long time no see :D and everyone else too!

Youre just mad cuz i refused your many /tells wanting me to cyb0r you...

I dunno if everyone misses Tipsy Twing, im sure alot didnt like that very much...


12-05-2003, 01:47 PM
Drunk twong/twing are great.

BTW slippy your lucky, all your resorts out west are open, and you actually have real mountains unlike the hills we got back east here ;\

12-05-2003, 02:01 PM
Twong is in denial =\ HI INI =o

12-05-2003, 03:36 PM
So many old names ... and i am still lurking even from time to time.

Ubar if you like tradeskills and a little bit of easy leveling .. try Horizons, i was playing the beta for a while and it goes live this weekend.
I think the best tradeskillsystem i have ever seen.... bah even i did that with one char for days and i really hated tradeskills in almost every game i tried.
Else it is easy to lvl and really nice places to see... even if empty but they promised to fill that too ... lol

Anyway cya around in the next game maybe :)

Urgas Ironfeet

12-05-2003, 08:41 PM
I still remember one late, late night with Twing, Drakky, and Seraphina in that ...um frog dungeon(forget name, but it had a dragon in it). Twing was drunk and I swear I haven't laughed so hard in all my life :)

12-06-2003, 12:28 PM
I still remember one late, late night with Twing, Drakky, and Seraphina in that ...um frog dungeon(forget name, but it had a dragon in it). Twing was drunk and I swear I haven't laughed so hard in all my life :)

Sebilis... and yes Twing was frequently drunk and /ooc in that dungeon :o :eek: :D

12-07-2003, 09:33 PM
Wow. So many memories and so many geezers.. x_X; When's the next friggin addictive online game? WOW please. It's long overdue. I miss you folks that I grew up with. :(

12-08-2003, 08:36 AM

12-08-2003, 09:31 AM
Hey Phae, Ini and Urgas Ironfeet!

Oh yea, Slaz if you liked Knights of the old republic check out Deus-Ex 2, it's similar in that it has some of the same rpg elements and you can go with various factions in the game. It's first person. I might have to start over as you really have to conserve your ammo and I kind of fucked up and used to much. It's a challenge in some areas but kind of a neat game.

12-08-2003, 01:59 PM
OMG hi Phae, Bewl and Urgas :eek: :D

/tacklehugs Phae!! I miss you too tankette!

12-10-2003, 09:18 PM
It's the oldies thread :)

I'm hoping for another MMORPG that will capture the fun that EQ had but I'm not sure there will be one :mad: :mad: I think part of the allure of EQ was not the game in and of itself but the newness of the concept.

12-10-2003, 09:27 PM
I'd agree with you there Slaz. I'm a bit intrigued by EQ2 though, and also WOW.. But I guess time'll tell if it'll be breakthrough enough to catch my attention, but I'd certainly like to try. I miss roleplaying sometimes too, just as a creative output. Nice to get those juices flowing every now and then, and you just can't get that anywhere. Seems to strike when I'm at work doing..of all things, paperwork. Anyways, hey folks! PM me or chat me up on AIM sometimes.. SN is still PhaeraP. Just announce who you are, because I get pissed at random IMs and block them like it's nothing. :D

12-11-2003, 07:56 AM
OMG ITS PHAERA AND URGAS! My favorite Paladin, and that dorf that is as hot as me!

How you doing Urgas? Saw you stop by the Druzzil Ro Flame Boards.

Phaera!!!!! Long time no hear! Hows life treating you? I miss= \ Wow needs to come out so I can bug you again as a smelly little dorf!

01-01-2004, 12:23 PM
Its really cool to see all these old names in one room again...alot of very cool memories in this EQ addicts head. after 2 years off...amazingly i find myself trolling around with the ranger. Good or bad, its good to see you all again:)

Lyynch Mobius
I never met a ranger i didnt like.....

01-12-2004, 05:57 AM
Eh I'm about a month late in seeing this thread, but timing was never really my thing I suppose. I see lots of old familiar names. Hello folks~

01-12-2004, 06:23 AM
Hello chanter bish.

01-12-2004, 09:35 PM
Wow. So many memories and so many geezers.. x_X; When's the next friggin addictive online game? WOW please. It's long overdue. I miss you folks that I grew up with. :(

sup everyone (drakky sux)

hiya pheara :)

01-16-2004, 08:19 AM
moo? :D
Hi everyone! I'm back.

01-18-2004, 06:31 AM
holy shyte

hey ubar i sold out and realized the true power of the chanter :P

01-18-2004, 06:51 AM
something i just found in a directory


01-23-2004, 02:33 PM
nah i quit FFXI a long time ago its just like eq~_~ eeewwwww

01-24-2004, 01:26 PM
you lie, youre a tarutaru mini football healer!



01-28-2004, 10:01 PM
Hey Vini, Phae, Rhedd, Drak, Ubar, tari... (I know I just missed 23847239 names, deal!). Just stopped by to say hi and ask who's planning on playing wow. :rolleyes:

01-28-2004, 10:32 PM
you didnt say hi to me!
amb hates me :(

01-30-2004, 11:58 AM
I don't say hi to clerics with hairy feet, sorry :\

/hug zappo

02-01-2004, 01:54 PM
hehe hi Amb! :cool:

I'd love to play WoW I just haven't got any spare time right now. :(

/thwap Xuen for me ;)

02-01-2004, 07:44 PM
hola amb

yeah i'll play

but unfortunately it looks so good i hope i don't overplay. doubt it though, i don't think i could overplay a game again like i did eq.

02-10-2004, 06:47 PM
Somehow I found my way onto this board and my fingers forced me to type this message!

Andriana Duskrose
02-11-2004, 11:17 AM
We're letting anyone post here these days, aren't we...

02-11-2004, 11:43 AM
Yeah we are!

God damn Rangers.

Andriana Duskrose
02-11-2004, 03:00 PM
Rangers suck though, I want to be a Rogue, or a Ranger ver2.0 a.k.a. Berserker.