View Full Version : The Heroes' Tavern
10-01-2001, 04:56 PM
OOC - Feel free to add any in character response to the thread. This is an open invitation for any of those roleplayer types :wink: (Full time, part time, whatever) to join others who rp. Basically, the idea is player interaction. If you wish to splinter off a story, feel free and be sure to link it. :)
The chipping sound from her whetstone kept Phaera company this evening. The veteran Paladin had pulled her favorite stool up beside the fireplace and had propped her sheathe and her shield up against the stone construct. It had been a long day, and the high woman treasured those seemingly few and far in-between times where she could relax and enjoy the calmness nonadventurers thrived off of.
She looked Dawncaller, her favored sword of late, and admired the relic's ornate etched patterns of it's blade. She had had quite a time mastering it. Phaera's eyes narrowed and she sharpened a particularly dull portion. She ignored the usual faint spray of blue-white wisps that emitted; as with all magical weapons, it's power slowly dwindled away with time and upkeep. Finally, her blade now sharpened for the evening, Phaera's attention widened to see whom was up and about the tavern this evening.
11-13-2001, 09:17 AM
As Phaera entered the Tavern , Rhedd appeared at the bar drinking Ale. As Phaera approached, Rhedd turned around and greeted Phaera. He noticed that Phaera was not holding her infamous blade, Dawncaller. Out of curiosity, Rhedd inquired as to the location of the blade. She replied, I am resting, I wish to relax. Rhedd agreed with Phaera and went into the back room. Moments later Phaera heard the song "Im a believer begin to bellow out from the back room. Shortly after, Rhedd charged out in a pink tootoo and pom poms and began dancing!
11-15-2001, 03:23 AM
Vinilaa looked up from her brandy goblet and nodded in greeting as her eyes met those of her long-time friend and fellow mercinary, Phaera. Such a strange fellowship existed between these two women who by all rights should have been enemies. Vinilaa smiled to herself as she thought of this seeming contradiction and was about to drift back into her quiet contemplation of the nature of good and evil when suddenly there came a high pitched caterwauling from the back room.
Vinilaa gripped her sword in readiness just as the dorf danced out the room wearing a short pink skirt and waving odd pink puffy things in his hands. She glanced at Phaera and raised her brow in confusion. Phae shrugged and raised her drink and the two women burst into laughter.
11-17-2001, 04:57 AM
<I>As the two easily amused women started losing their breath from their goofy, high pitched laughter, a large barbarian clad in some sort of tan, skin tight, odd looking armor that is apparently stronger than any steel, puts down his mug and gets off his stool. He then calmly walks out of the tavern following the dwarf, unsheathing his weapon as he walks out the door. The glitter on one of the the deadliest weapons known to man sparkles at the anticipation of striking its owner's foe.
The barbarian quickly locates the stumpy creature lying on the ground, whom apparently tripped on his own pom pom. Just then a robed figure appears, eminating an aura of power. This master of the arcane and destructive forces begins to chant in some strange tongue and strike his fists downward in the air, causing a lick of flame from the heavens itself to strike the short pathetic creature lying on the ground. He does this repeatedly until he is mentaly spent and is forced to rest.
The barbarian approaches the small, yet fat, dwarf. He is apparently unsurprised at the minial damage done to the hideous little bearded being. The barbarian raises his weapon and strikes the dwarf on it's ass repeatedly, all the while the stumpy man screaming, "my face! my face!"
When it is over, the dwarf lie on the ground unconscious. The robed figure remains sitting on the ground exhausted. The barbarian pulls out an abacus and starts mumbling somthing about "DPS." In the distance can be heard the maniacal laughter off a dark blue skinned healer with a helmet ressemblling a bullet. Somewhere, a male elven druid dies.</I>
11-17-2001, 08:25 AM
Phaera continued laughing for a few seconds, and then finally regained her usual Erudite composure. She watched the barbarian and his erudite ally assault the pathetic dwarf, and chuckled. She heard her laughter again echoed by Vinilaa. Her smile diminished as she saw another visitor having appeared at the bar from out of the shadows of the tavern. Eyes squinting, Phaera recognized the latest guest as her niece Lynette. The woman didnt have much tolerance of her deceased sister's necromancing Paineelite daughter, but she knew the young girl needed friendship. The paladin excused herself politely to Vinilaa, and approached the necromancer. Lynette's indigo eyes met hers, and she felt a slight shiver race up her spine.
11-19-2001, 12:45 AM
As Fenriel sees whats going on he suddenly notices that this isn't his scene and quietly begins to cast the gate spell...
OOC - Hey you guys know that vulture guy that is always going after Bugs Bunny and always goes crying to him mother? If anyone happens to know who it is please send me a e-mail at or if you have AOL ( AIM ) send me a IM Sk8ingGuy69 shoot if you do know who he is and if you do play EQ and on Druzzil Ro let me know and I might even pay you
11-24-2001, 12:50 PM
Fizbain walked along the long dirt path through the forest. He was on his way to the tavern. Sure it was out of the way for most, but that's how he liked it. Very few travellers ever took this route through the forest and even fewer made it to the tavern itself.
Walking steadily, the cold winter wind slapped him in the face. It was a bitter cold, one that sent chills through your body no matter how many furs you were wearing.
Colder than Erudin. He thought to himself as he made his way to the clearing.
As Fizbain approached the tavern, he could see 2 large figures standing over what seemed to be a smoldering dwarf. One of the larger figures proceeded to hack at the dwarf in the arse with his sword (or was it his face?). The Champion looked as though he was through by the time Fizbain arrived.
Torrin and Torrid stood over the charred dwarf. Torrin wiped his blade clean as Torrid was computing DPS. Fizbain just shook his head and made his way to the door. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a dark elf with a bullet head, it made him chuckle.
As he stepped through the door, Fizbain's nose picked up a scent he had not had the pleasure of inhaling in a long time. Phaera was there, interestingly enough she was with her sister Lynette and her bosom buddy Vinilaa. All three of them seemed a bit tipsy, and engaged in some sort of staring contest. Ordering up a tall pint of ale, he lifted his glass in a toast to the trio of tipsy tarts (say that 3 times fast) and took a drink of the frothy liquid.
Resting his glass on the bar, Fiz relaxed. His journey home was just beginning...
02-11-2002, 10:24 AM
As Torrin and Torrid were pouncing on the dwarf and roasting him in the fire, they looked away for a brief moment to greet Fizbain. Rhedd, with his lighting reflexes, began casting an arua of blue magic around him which seemed to have great healing abilities. Moments later the Dwarf sprung from the fire and cried out " For The Glory of Kaladim." Torrin and Torrid promptly turned around. Upon doing so they both fell to the ground. They then released the dwarf had used his pink skirt to tie their legs together. Rhedd ran off laughing back into the tavern with much joy. Fizbain greated the Dwarf with a Blessing of Aegolism. He then asked the dwarf, 12 Platinum please. With a loud grunt, Rhedd handed over 12 platinum and sat next to Phaera discussing recent events.
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