View Full Version : webspace

11-22-2003, 11:52 AM
just curious if anyone knows of a place that offers webspce (need about 100mb) with ftp access for uploads.

Yes, I know I can buy some. Prefer not to as that would require me using my name on forms and since what I will be posting is my dj sets, my label might be a little ticked off.

No sense responding in this thread, you can PM me or msg in game if you have any ideas suggestions. I had a setup before but somehow my access was removed.


11-22-2003, 12:22 PM
How much transfer bandwidth you think you are gonna need?

11-22-2003, 01:03 PM
How much transfer bandwidth you think you are gonna need?

to be honest not sure... the only people that are given the access are friends in game, and a dj collective that I am a member of in the UK. The problem is that the files I use are typically very close to 100mb, and you'll have about 50 - 100 people downloading the file within the first week or so of it being up.

I've planned to put up one mix a month, and in extremely rare cases an extra one.

the space is only for storage, but I'm aware that its a fair size of transfer bandwidth.

Sorry, should've put up more info with the original post.