View Full Version : What a fancy picture that is... but why is it on your ass?

01-04-2004, 10:14 PM
A request of the artists that happen to hop on this board from time to time. This is a fairly easy request for most of you, but would mean something big to me.

I will be moving at the end of the month, and in honor would love to get myself a tattoo. I know what I want, but have no idea how to make it.

Basically the thought is the Canadian Flag superimposed over the British Flag. The parts that are red on the Canadian Flag should be changed into the design of the British Flag.

Not an ideal explanation, but I hope I've explained it well enough for one of you talented artists to make something up for me.

01-05-2004, 11:23 AM
A request of the artists that happen to hop on this board from time to time. This is a fairly easy request for most of you, but would mean something big to me.

I will be moving at the end of the month, and in honor would love to get myself a tattoo. I know what I want, but have no idea how to make it.

Basically the thought is the Canadian Flag superimposed over the British Flag. The parts that are red on the Canadian Flag should be changed into the design of the British Flag.

Not an ideal explanation, but I hope I've explained it well enough for one of you talented artists to make something up for me.

This is a quick and dirty one from a couple of clips arts from a site that sells flags. I think this is what you wanted.

Kattoo Tacit
01-05-2004, 01:40 PM

If you like it I can modify however you want =p


01-06-2004, 09:07 PM
Well Varran... tattoo's are for men not little boys.. You need to grow up and get tough before you get one of those.. Needles might hurt your precious skin that you spend countless hours washing to make sure it is a soft as your girlfriends.. Anyways what better way to contact you and make you look like an ass haha.. Call me at Work tomorrow need to ask you something..


"Do what I do, Not what I say"

Yea im sleeping in dont call me before 11 I wont be in.

01-06-2004, 09:33 PM
varran is married.

01-06-2004, 10:50 PM
we've got a ton of flag tattoo flash at the shop. although i might not have that exactly, i'm pretty sure i've seen a similar design somewhere and could probably dig something up. i'll talk to the artists tomorrow. if you have any questions about getting tattoos or what to look for in a shop (inc. shameless plug) take a look at the faq pages at luckytats.com (http://luckytats.com) (i hear this shop rocks, especially the piercer =p).

01-07-2004, 11:19 AM
Hey Adol - go fuck yourself you pansy whooooore.

edit: i meant to type hello , but hit post

01-07-2004, 09:55 PM
change all the red to british flag, and leave the white

01-11-2004, 07:55 PM
You kiss your mother with that mouth?.. Cause I kiss her with my mouth all of the time and she loves it.. Were going Snowboarding Next week maybe you gonna come? Anyways fuck you too say hi to your sister for me..

Adoloratta > Gukaistar
65 Cleric

"Do what I say, Not what I do"

01-12-2004, 07:47 AM
apologies for not responding a bit faster with opinions on the art. Definitely in the right directions here. Basically what Slippy had posted, except with the brit flag also in the leaf shape of the middle.

I really like the look of yours tho Kattoo, very stylized.

Such hard work deciding on a permanent design for my skin