View Full Version : Can I have a translocate please?
10-06-2001, 10:48 PM
See these spell names? Now, when you ask me for a "translocate", what do you think I am going to cast on you? Why casters ask me for translocate, I'll never know. Don't be surprised if you get what you ask for though.
10-07-2001, 05:22 AM
stop whining and go raise ur cov faction biatch !
10-08-2001, 12:30 AM
Usually when I get a translocate the wizard asks, 'Where to?' after I've grouped with him/her, since most realize, "Will you translocate me?" is just a general questions asking whether or not you're willing or able to do it. Of course I'm sure you know that, yet you just want to nitpick about it or be different for whatever reason. :p
10-08-2001, 08:51 AM
Sorry it's bothered you so much you wanted to post about it. I admit I asked for a tl from you and got the "to the bind point" from you. *recalls getting gate at lvl 5* I guess I just assumed that since I'd gotten TL'd to WC and/or Nro from muel and Monty and many other wizzies that you would be able to also. Oh well so sry I guess and next time I'll just ask for a port but I'll be specific and ask for a "port to <location>" :D
hoho humhum
10-08-2001, 02:02 PM
I get mine from Montaro, because Torrid's such a punk :p
10-08-2001, 04:00 PM
erm that's just a page of his TL's, I'm willing to bet he has more...
Amuel Daemon
10-08-2001, 09:33 PM
Froggy sux
10-09-2001, 04:23 AM
Nope Inizen. I feel somewhat insulted that I should be forced to buy components and carry them around just to send people to places I can portal to. Its verant's way of sticking it to us, even though I'm sure they don't think they are. In most cases I will just go with them, so I never bought the spells. However lots of people are unwilling to wait, shrug.
It IS RUDE to not make it as easily as it can possibly be for the wizard-- who has to go out of his way by leaving his group-- to have us ask the simple one-word response of the destination. When I ask a shaman for buffs, I do not say "please cast a buff on me." I ask specificaly which buffs I want. For all you shamans out there: imagine if you had to ask everyone who requested buffs, which ones they wanted? You think you hate buffing now...? Us wizards have to ask them which one 80% of the time.
Believe it or not, most wizards HATE to gate people. I wasn't the "master of transportation" when I signed up for this gig. I was "the master of damage." (hah) Gates were a "perk" for most wizards. All you non wizards are telling yourself how you wouldn't mind it at all right now. Ok, now play a wizard for 325 /played days and tell me how much you don't mind. I am willing to gate people who make it easy for me though.
Of course I can get away with this since I dual box, and we all know the 2ndary characters get much less compensation for the contribution they provide. Torrin is my main.
If you don't feel you should mention the destination in the same sentence you use to ask us for the favor, then feel free to ask the wizards who claim they love spending 1pp to gate you just to make me look bad.
Oh, and it may appear that way, but I'm not mad at anyone for this. No one has seen me mad yet :D
Erudites have attudite problems. Heres mine.
10-09-2001, 04:44 AM
froggy >>> muel :/
if (froggy = suck) then begin
amuel = "deep suckah";
end if;
hi muel :)
*hugg hugg*
10-09-2001, 06:55 AM
Erudites have attudite problems. Heres mine.
Oh this is true. Mine is FU no DS!! :D
10-09-2001, 07:14 AM
Well, we all have our crosses to bear - if I got pissed for all the rez requests I've had I'd quit playing. I mean dear lord, I'm sitting in EC and I get multiple tells asking me to come rez someone in FoB or WW or Qeynos. I mean wth I'm nowhere close to those places and most don't offer money or if they do it's like "hey d3wd I got 36pp you can have if you come to guk and rez me plz plz man thx~" and I'm in VL or something. No, I dont have a 1pp casting cost on it but it takes around 15-20mins to get almost anywhere, get the body and rez it, med back the mana and find a ride to where I wanted to go in the first place. And if it's about the money man I'll go get you the spells if you can tell me where to get them and buy you a few stacks of components even though I only have 73pp to my name cause all the melee's are loot whores. I mean, you try asking for that 5th star ruby that the warrior just looted and having to listen to the disdain in their voices as they say "gah, ok I didn't think it was that big a deal dud3z it's just 60pp" but 60pp would almost double my net worth Rofl.
So, the moral of the story is that we all try to get along and do what we can to make each others life and experience in Norrath more enjoyable. I know I do, and I'm glad to have met up with a group of people that share my same opinions.
:D :D :D
10-09-2001, 08:12 AM
Well, what do you say to the people who ask for resses in FoB when youre in WC? You tell them to fuck off, and rightly so. You may not use those choice of words though.
I give away all the star rubies I loot, I never ask for resses, and I even pay for my CoHs. (gave a shit load of pdots and cash away too, until I had to spend as much as clerics on them myself)
10-09-2001, 08:38 AM
Eliyahu, star rubies are spell components and you should give them all to a druid. How else am I supposed to "poof" summoned mobs?
Lootwhore Extraordinaire!
10-11-2001, 07:55 PM
Torrid is a poo
10-16-2001, 02:04 PM
I lub Torrid and Phae! I've even ported Torrin and Phae gave me DS when I didn't ask for it!
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