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01-22-2004, 03:26 PM
hi; i take it that this area exists for game players.

Please come play a very amusing game with me!

The actual conceptual process of diplomacy!

In "real life!"

Joined: 24 Dec 2003
Posts: 358

http://us.denniskucinich.us/phpBB2/templates/subSilver/images/icon_minipost.gif (http://us.denniskucinich.us/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=12540#12540)Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 7:24 pm Post subject: http://us.denniskucinich.us/phpBB2/templates/subSilver/images/lang_english/icon_quote.gif (http://us.denniskucinich.us/phpBB2/posting.php?mode=quote&p=12540) http://us.denniskucinich.us/phpBB2/templates/subSilver/images/lang_english/icon_edit.gif (http://us.denniskucinich.us/phpBB2/posting.php?mode=editpost&p=12540) Dear Sirs (ladies, persons, freaks, nerds, geeks, and all others)

I am not exactly the most diplomatic person in the world so I hope that
you will give me a break on that.

I am currently working on the problem of how to bring about world
PEACE by non-violent means. I think that this is both very possible
and very feasible and,
in fact, would be far cheaper than war.

I have been working on this problem for a very long time now and
have come to the conclusion that the basic answers are very simple.
When one understands the psychology of Needs and Motivations,
one realizes fully that crime and war are both caused by two primary
contributing factors, which are POVERTY..and GREED.

(nevermind the talking heads that invalidate the obvious.)

That said, the only reasonable solution to the problem of any
given social stress is to end the underlying poverty that causes it.
In the case of The Middle East,nowhere is this
truth made more apparent. It is patently clear that these people
are living in gross Poverty and in many cases that Imperialistic
and Corporate American Interests have contributed greatly to that
poverty. In the case of the Palestinians, it
is a sad truth that they are living in concentration camps,
and die of starvation, bad water
and very poor medical conditions.

Please help me to put together an entire program for solving the
problems of the world using these simple truths to end all wars.

When one analyzes the situation rationally and with the benefit of
Modern Sociology and Psychology, the pragmatic Solution becomes
very simple: Building Homes and Planting Gardens.

On this note, I would like to encourage you to come to the
Dennis Kucinich for President discussion forum
(whether you are a Dennis supporter or not, this is where the
discussion is happening and we need to have this discussion)

Any persons interested in Arcologies, Permaculture, or a non-violent
PEACE process and initiative,
this is your chance to put your voice into national politics.

Thanks so very much for your help!
may peace love light and truth prevail on earth!
and may Dennis Kucinich be the next USA president!

WE THE PEOPLE can build a world that unlocks
from the power of the human heart.
the very possible world of world PEACE!!!!

may peace love light and truth prevail on earth!
and may Dennis Kucinich be the next USA president!

WE THE PEOPLE can build a world that unlocks
from the power of the human heart.
the very possible world of world PEACE!!!!

01-22-2004, 05:43 PM
I'm not sure this is satire or if you just wandered into the wrong forums, but I will assume the later.

The first problem with your analysis is that your causes of war are nebulous terms. You need to provide an operational definition. Without this I don't know if you are talking about relative poverty or absolute poverty and by what metrics you are measuring this variable by. Greed is more problematic a term in that one's greed is another's desire to improve themselves. In my mind greed is as vague a term as "evil" and as such does not lend itself well to serious inquiry or study.

Now on to the meat of your argument.

It seems you argue that American (and I assume all Western) corporate actions have led to an increase in poverty at least in some cases but from what I have seen corporate involvement has usualy been a mixed bag of outcomes. I wouldn't mind if you elaborated your point further here.

When one analyzes the situation rationally and with the benefit of Modern Sociology and Psychology, the pragmatic Solution becomes
very simple: Building Homes and Planting Gardens.

If it only were that simple. Building homes and gardens (by gardens I take you to mean all forms of agriculture) requires money, labor and infrastructure. Getting these supplies is far from trivial. Internal taxation has failed, Loans have failed, Charity has failed to provide these resources. It is somewhat ironic that many wars have been fought over these very resources needed to foster peace. To build Western quality homes for the world's people would deforest much of the world, a problem in itself.

There is nothing near a consensus within sociology regarding a cure to poverty. Wealth redistribution, education, greater economic freedom, etc have all been proposed at one point or another. To say there is a magic bullet cure for poverty is naive.

As daunting a problem poverty is, greed is a greater one. Theologians and philosophers have been working on this "vice" for millennia with no success. I think it safe to say I will not live to see its abolishment.

There are many other causes of war that this approach misses such as all forms of the "Us vs Them" mentality (religion, nationalism, racism, culture, etc).

There is also one error in this assesment and that is that violence works, at least some times.

As for Kucinich, I prefer politicians that will show their teeth when need be.

01-24-2004, 11:24 PM
Sorry sir this is the forum for the game Diplomacy. Please ignore Vidmer he is a card carrying communist.