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View Full Version : Baramos, Quintall, Rohaise

10-09-2001, 04:23 PM
Just a quick apology for some things said from me earlier today. I was in a bit of an off mood this morning, and just learned late today that there had been strides of cooperation between ML and Hoss with regards to things like ST.

After checking the boards this morning, and before Baramos post (which I wasn't even aware of until writing this message, heh), I just kind of went off.

Anyway, sorry about all the shit. I didn't need to blow off my anger at you three, but something rubbed me the wrong way this morning.

Selice, no apology to you, as I think you rule (and happy b-day!) ;)

10-09-2001, 04:44 PM
I think both sides of the fence have acted inappropriately.

From the Left, accept the apology of Mythic, as well.


10-10-2001, 05:41 AM