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View Full Version : Gogo the Strategist

02-16-2004, 12:05 PM
www.scienceofwar.net (http://www.scienceofwar.net)

Vova posted the old library to the public forums so you might want to request your name to be anonymized from there. Your name is the first post on almost all of those 'strats'~ :rolleyes:

02-16-2004, 02:19 PM
www.scienceofwar.net (http://www.scienceofwar.net)

Vova posted the old library to the public forums so you might want to request your name to be anonymized from there. Your name is the first post on almost all of those 'strats'~ :rolleyes:

You have been banned from this forum.
Please contact the webmaster or board administrator for more information.
It's cool anyways, it'll remind them I did more for the guild than all the little suckers that flames me for leaving. :D

/bye SoW

02-16-2004, 04:28 PM
/flames gogo