View Full Version : Back off, man. I'm a scientist.
I heard news stories on this yesterday on NPR, but the actual report (available at the bottom) is eye-opening.
Now, I have extreme dislike for politicians of both major parties, but this report is incredible - detailing slimy behavior above and beyond what I have come to expect from both sides of the aisle. How are we letting our government get away with stuff like this?
Has anyone seen any non-spin-doctor rebuttal/response from the Repubs on this subject? I'd be interested to read it, if so.
The 40something page report (the good stuff):
02-19-2004, 03:52 PM
After reading through that report, I can't help but wonder how much of it is as extremist as it reports the Bush administration to be.
However, that point is moot. Although the report certainly seems to paint a clear picture that the White House's interests are directly conflicting with those of the U.S. scientific community, and by association the people's interest, the simple fact that it has the power to intervene so directly -- for whatever reasons -- and is perfectly willing to use it at its own discretion, is just plain scary ( and I don't scare easily, especially when it comes to politics ).
That is probably as much as I can say without plunging headfirst into my personal opinions on the Bush administration. And since I don't fancy getting a house call from The Man in the middle of the night, I think I'll stop there ~
02-19-2004, 07:47 PM
Bah, look at their board of directors, bunch of no-name, self proclaimed scientists.
You going to listen to them over dubya? I mean, come on, dubya got a B in 'Physics for non-science majors'...the second time through at least.
02-19-2004, 07:52 PM
I'm surprised anyone is surprised.
02-20-2004, 09:26 AM
After actually reading this report it seems mostly much ado about nothing. First the Union of Concerned Scientists is an admittedly partisan and political organization. Secondly it seems a good number of the cited incidents involved "censorship" of recommendations rather then of data. You also have management's insistence on inclusions of qualifiers and their general buearuacratic reluctance to make public "controversial" findings. There also seems to be a deep seated resentment of industry and their scientists in this report. The inclusion of text prepared by industry (and no comment on what it actually said!) in reports was decried. Oh and of course they had to manage to fit Iraq into their argument. I didn't know our scientists were so familiar with our inteligence agencies.
So after filtering out the iffy material and the downright BS I then have to wonder if the Bush administration's manipulation of science is any different then other administrations? The article would lead me to believe this, but the only example they provide is an anecdote. You would think these scientists would present, oh I don't know, scientific evidance?
So yes government censorship of science is bad. Yes it is happening under the Bush administration. But this report is nothing more then OHNOZBU$HITLERIZTEHEVIL!
02-20-2004, 08:13 PM
I remember back oh 6 or 7 years ago when Vidle lived across the hall from me, one day a man in a black suit showed up and took vidle away for a few days. Then vidle mysteriously re-appeared one day. When asked about where he had been, he declared that he had not been away but I had just not noticed him being around.
02-21-2004, 05:44 AM
I remember back oh 6 or 7 years ago when Vidle lived across the hall from me, one day a man in a black suit showed up and took vidle away for a few days. Then vidle mysteriously re-appeared one day. When asked about where he had been, he declared that he had not been away but I had just not noticed him being around.
ROFL!!!!!!!!! I knew it!!
Hi Cook!!! <3 How's life treating you?
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