View Full Version : Status of Ntov starting Friday 10/12

10-11-2001, 07:37 PM
I have been perusing through the threads and I have a few things which could use clarifying regarding Ntov.

Under the old and I suppose current system (due to the fact that no new one has been formally agreed upon), ML's 7 days end 10/12? So when are the first mobs due back up and when is Vindicated date wise slated to begin our rotation turn?

Under the 7 day system ML and Hoss both get in effect nearly a double turn on the zone, due to patches. So where does this leave vindi in terms of the guidelines for our current stay in Ntov? Are we being allowed to stay for 2 full respawns, or are we just slated for dibbs on a future patch repop? This may have well been worked out already but I just need a little clarification for reference to guild members.

So to sum it up I'm basically looking for this knowledge: When does Vindication's rotation turn in ntov officially start? What are the guidelines of our stay in Ntov? And what is being done to keep us from getting the short end of the stick in terms of "restarting" after emergency patches?

10-11-2001, 08:18 PM
Ubar -

What seems fair to you?


10-12-2001, 08:15 AM
ML's NToV raid is done btw. (Day 7 was last night)

Ubar, I'd suggest you hop over to the current NToV discussion thread and put your input there since nothing is completely finalized yet (but I think we're getting close).

10-12-2001, 08:28 AM
Oh yeah, as for respawn times you can check our kill dates on our webpage. http://www.mythiclegion.org

The only kills not updated there are last night's Eashen and Ikatiar.

Dragons up currently: Aaryonar, Feshlak, Lord Kriezenn, Dagarn the Destroyer, Lady Mirenilla, Feesh, Vyemm, Vulak

Patch was 10/8.

Due on Monday: Jorlleag, Lady Nevedaria
Due on Tuesday: Zlexak, Cekenar, Sevalak

The only other things that won't be spawned until after Tuesday are Eashen and Ikatiar - due Thursday, but they don't affect Vulak obviously.

Heck, if you hurry you could get an easy Vulak before the weekend is over without having to kill Zlexak.

10-12-2001, 08:47 AM
fwiw, ML has some peeps that are wanting to go into PoM tonight, so if ya see us in ToV, we're not there to interrupt or otherwise mess with any ongoing N ToV kills.

The Back 5 halls are empty of nameds for a few days, so if we set up CoH for PoM back there (someone camped, no need to drag past anyone), we may leave a group or two to kill the standard ToV Drakes that are static there. We won't be touching any Ring spawns or Flurry mobs if we do so, and would be out of there well before the Lady M and Koi fights.