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View Full Version : Yo ex-seekers

10-12-2001, 02:12 AM
I've lost touch with quite a few ex-seekers I consider friends. Anyway if by some strange twist of luck you're reading here. If you want to meet up in DAOC, which I should have in a few days let me know.

My icq is 14993956
email noxarin@asiaonline.net.au

Specifically i'm looking for people like ffeyde who totally dropped off the radar. Elidroth if you're out there somewhere as well drop us a line man. Lieluu, Raouull, it would be great to play with u guys again. Drop me a line !


10-17-2001, 04:24 PM
A few ex-Seekers from the old days (6 or 7, I'd say) are playing on Bors. We picked Bors because it wasn't up until 2-3 days after launch (we didn't feel like competing with the powergamers this time around). We're not powerlevelling or anything (e.g. I'm lvl 10), just having some fun with it. Anyone who knows me feel free to say hi (I'm Scrith, a Paladin of Albion, of course!)...keeping the names of the others private for now (unless they want to chime in...a few are using their original EQ names though).

10-30-2001, 09:49 AM
Leafweir Elessidil the 17th lvl Friar can also be found wandering Bors.

--The Unconscious