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View Full Version : Warning !!!

10-14-2001, 04:04 PM
Hello all
Some of you might know. Recently I have been having trouble logging in on my druid Lyanna I would chose her and it would say disconnected and kick me to server screen. Today I found out why. There is a lvl 14 paladin with the EXACT same name as Lyanna. When she is on my druid cant get on yet all my other characters work fine. This worthless piece of shit is also claiming to be me. He/she has also tried to convince a friend to come Power Level He/She/It. He didnt do it because he knows I would never ask him to.

If you see this level 14 paladin and he/she ask anything from you dont do it. Im writing this on different web sites so this person cannot use my name to "borrow" items or gain access to accounts or anything. I have sent an email to the server GM but he isnt on till tuesday.

Also if anyone gets simuliar log in problems you know what to check for.

Thanx Mitsy

PS I really hate spinless people like this. No morals and no honor.

10-14-2001, 08:32 PM
Makes you wonder how it got past the name filter. Wouldn't it reject the name since there is an identical character name in use? I would think the GM could easily handle this.. but then again.. that's assuming the GM is equipped with a brain.


10-15-2001, 06:58 AM
They've had this problem for ages. Remember when they had the problem where people would create characters with identical names to someone elses, and then when the other person zoned the characters would literally switch?

10-15-2001, 09:10 AM
A friend was telling me about this bug where a paladin could somehow take over another persons char with Lay Hands, dunno much about it really, but considering the guy is a low level paladin it kinda fits the description.
