View Full Version : Remember the breathable goo in Abyss?

03-24-2004, 12:38 PM

03-24-2004, 01:16 PM

Buazag Bonesteel
03-24-2004, 01:43 PM
Interesting concept. In theory it works better than conventional methods of ventilation in pretty much every way......excet they don't mention any of the drawbacks.......for instance I would bet on a significantly increased chance of URI and/or pneumonia.

03-24-2004, 02:21 PM

Yeah... I had pneumonia once when I was a kid it seriously sucked. :rolleyes: In fact the scene from the Abyss completely freaked me out because I drowned as a kid and had to be resuscitated.

03-24-2004, 05:18 PM
Here's what I know of it outside of the website - was watching Discovery channel (as usual), and they were showing the footage they had taken of the little girl


I missed just how premature she was, but at 1lb 10oz, that's pretty much got to be the skin of the teeth thin stretching of modern science to pull her through, but they used this fluid on her, and she made it. The Discovery thing only showed her hitting her first birthday, but from the link, she's made it to 5, and seems to be in fine health, though that's only because they don't mention any bad things, which could be due to the info there is hosted by the drug company that makes the stuff in the first place...

The one thing they did say that applies to your concern was that unlike the stuff in Abyss where they had to hold the rat upside down until the goo drained out, this stuff evaporates in just a few hours, so as soon as they decided to let her breath air, they stopped pumping the stuff in and let whatever drained out on its own come out, and the rest just poofed inside her lungs, so no fluid was left behind.

I knew the stuff in Abyss was real, but that while "safe" was still also very early in the testing phase, but had no idea it was so far advanced and while still in the testing phase, was actually helping save lives. Pretty cool.

03-28-2004, 09:56 PM

yes, its alive, and breathing the PFC =)
