View Full Version : Zappo! =o

03-27-2004, 07:27 PM
"Ok , here goes my giant run-on sentance. Ok there was a tournament hosted on brell serilis server by angelfeeties , after waiting for a hella long time i was up , it was pretty damn awesome i have to say. IT was me at the time a 46 necromancer with baron title ( 7 aa ) put the peices of the puzzle together , well i was against another 46 necromancer , lesser equipped than me but still had a shot if he knew is stuff. It was pretty funny because people made some nice comments before we started like , hes cheating ( one of the other necromancers guildies ) , He de leveld just for this even ( not ) and the funniest one of all , did i read this right i think hes a 46 necromancer ( /shrug ) Well anyway i was up against him , and as soon as he said fight , i casted fear on his pet , because you cant fear the caster anymore /sigh well i feared his pet , Asystoled Him and Venom of the Snaked him , He went downnn , sicced my pet too but im talking , he did not even get 1 spell off , 15 seconds tops. Well he dropped so i thought it was couresy to go fd next to his body , so i did that , it was sucky cause i went up to the guy for prizes and he gave me a stack of peridots , i was like WTF but i didnt say anything , other people got really nice gear Blood Metal Earring of Engagements some other guy had to fight 1 guy 2 lvls lower than him and he won 50k! , so i was like ok what ever , but then it started to get to me so i asked him and he was like yeah i was wondering when you were going to ask me , you won 5k also and i was like , woorrddd.

Ok , so i was waiting for another part of the tournament and i noticed that this guy was talking trash to me before , so i decided to get a little revenge , he was lvl 44 or so and i just found him then pharmed him , then i went afk for 5 minutes and i come back and him and his pathetic 39 druid friend are trying to kill me, they got me down to 40% hp ( i was unbuffed ) gone for like 5 minutes too which is the sad part. Well , im talking failed raid going down here , i kite around the druid cause the the deadliest , i snared the paladin because i was at 30ish and my life taps sucked then , so thank god this 52 ranger just snared the druid and started shootin arrows at him , then i killed the druid , tapped him to death , was at decent mana and full health then i took out the pally , he died , so i sat down farther away got a pet up , clicked my pants ( thurg pants : Augment death ) hasted him up and when they would come in id kill em , did that for a while , it was great because if you ran up onto the stage ( we were in the arena zone , the class dueling was held on the middle part , well if you ran onto the stage you were killed instantly by police , as they called them or helpers that killed people not following rules , yeah well he was snared and my pet was on him , he ran right through it , and he was really annoying and no one really liked him because of his rather annoying /ooc remarks and such , so he yelled in ooc " ahh im blind " by this time i was hardly in my chair laughing , yeah some guy killed him in like 3 seconds , zappo dead pally , well hope you enjoy my PvP story"

someone took your name omgardz

03-27-2004, 07:49 PM
where was that posted=o

03-28-2004, 10:17 AM

03-28-2004, 11:05 AM
Don't start sentences with "ok", it looks silly :|.
