View Full Version : Mmm.. Hello!

04-04-2004, 03:16 AM
Yep, I'm back for my Bi-annual vist, Last time I was here I was playing SWG nfc why! but thats over with now.
Looks like me and a few of my friends are going to be playing City of Heros for awhile at least till WoW or EQ2. Was wondering if any of you old timers plan on playing CoH? If so lemme know, I would love to hook up and bs.
I had planed on geting the giant everquest package and diving back in but I just think I would be way to lost to know wtf to do. So anyways I'll be back to troll this area more now got lots more free time! :rolleyes:

04-04-2004, 04:09 PM
Kaddar! How's life been treating you? :D

04-05-2004, 12:10 AM
Ooo Hey Vinilaa! Life is good lately! New job lots of free time and making just as much as my old job but working half the hours. :D Glad to see you still around doesn't seem like there are to many of the old peoples around anymore :(