View Full Version : Forrest Assassin Open tournament

04-08-2004, 04:42 AM
(Please do not respond to this thread unless you are signing up, or have a VALID question)

Hello Brothers and Sisters,

All Druzzil rangers of 65th level are welcome to partisipate in the first ever Forrest Assassin Open pvp tournament. I am aiming at having this towards the end of april, an exact date will be established a week prior to the starting time.

Sign up is absolutely free. To sign up post here, or send me an email at Sinnetguy@hotmail.com

The idea is to bring a lot of the more active rangers on Druzzil Ro together for a 1 on 1 tournament. The winner will take home 50k, Second place will get 25k, and making the final 4 will earn 5k apeace. The tournament will be played over a 3 day period so that people do not have to miss out on raids. Basically I will make a draw sheet, seed people based on magelo profiles, and organize the start time for each round. The round by round draw will be posted on Druzzil Ro Forums. All fights will be held in the Bazaar Arena unless a contestant has serious lag issues there, in which case their match will be moved to Freeport Arena. In order to be considered for seeding you must establish a magelo number OR have your magelo posted at www.eqrankings.com

(as a second prize for the winner i will be emailing a GM about the possibility of a title of The Forrest Assassin) not sure what they will say, but it would be cool 8^)

The Rules
(1)You must be a Ranger
(2)You must be level 65 or be 60+ with a decent number of AA points
(3)Self buffs only (including clicky items and potions)
(4)If you leave the arena at anytime during the fight you are disqualified.
(5)If you receive aid from anyone during the corse of your match you will be disqualified including foriegn buffs (If the aid is accidental the match will start over)
(6)Excessive Immaturity will resault in permanent banning from all of my future tournaments.
(7)Matches will be desided in 3 ways : 1 contestant kills another contestant : 1 contestant gives up or leaves arena before death : Finally if both contestants decide the fight is even, a winner will be decided by a /ran 100.
(8)I reserve the right to disqualify anyone absent, doesnt show up or provide a reasonable excuse for not being around (official guild raids will be grounds for reschedualing a fight for later)
(9)For a fight to be valid I (Pratorien) will have to see it with my own eyes, or BOTH contestants will have to agree in tells as to the outcome. *note that i will most likely designate helpers as witness's*
These rules may be updated at a later time.

Rezzing will be provided after every fight including divine rezzing if an unfortunate xp death happens (very unlikely). I will most likely have the help of a couple friends to provide mezing, and instant HT deaths to anyone tampering with this tournament.

Thanks for your time everyone. I hope this turns out to be a fun and positive experience.

If you have questions Ask in this thread or email me at Sinnetguy@hotmail.com


Andriana Duskrose
04-08-2004, 11:45 AM
Sign me up please.

Magelo (http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=294482)

04-08-2004, 03:47 PM
You spelled forest wrong =\

04-08-2004, 05:15 PM
Yaay Andriana! your signed up.

Tilea ill get it right when asking the GM for the title hahaha

04-08-2004, 06:17 PM
Can I come with Qaed? =/=/=/


04-09-2004, 06:09 AM
Yes!!!! ohh wait,,, no frogs allowed sorry.

Actually you should server transfer Aed back just for this!

04-10-2004, 01:54 AM

all 3 signed up 8^)


04-16-2004, 07:12 PM
I know you just want to see me pin you down, Prat, and tickle you mercilessly. You've been itching to know if you can best me in a duel for a long time.

I'll sign up ONLY IF .. and only if.. you move it to the Rathe arena. I really dislike the Bazaar Arena, and I'm supremely KOS in Freeport. (Solo'd sir lucan too many times.) I really do enjoy Rathe arena. It's quiet, hardly any one goes there.. and there's more than enough room for spectators. I've had some pretty bad experiences with "interference" in the Bazaar, you know it attracts people of the worst sort.

You also know Rathe is the biggest arena, Bazaar and Freeport aren't nearly big enough for all the egos who are surely coming, and Rangers are outdoor people. :)

So, are only a handful signed up, or are there others?

PS~ Tilly's right. Can we try for Forest instead of Forrest? :) Hi.. My name's Ranj0r... Forrest Ranj0r...

04-17-2004, 12:36 AM
Your the 33rd and im limiting it to 32, ganna find someone to toss out that didnt seem interested 8^).

The problem with rathe arena is that ranger matches can take FOREVER if its in a wide open space. Also this tournament in going to have around 80 fights that need to be played (not encluding disqualifications) and the rathe arena is fairly out of the way if people have to leave for a raid etc.

I have been taking precautions so that if we do have people on the bazaar arena floor they will be chain mez'd and asked to leave. If people try to heal from the outside of the arena ill be in touch with a GM to come talk to them durring the turnament.

If you really want it in the rathe arena that bad ill move it there and we can just make a rule that people cant go behind the pillars.

I will think about it. Draws will be posted on druzzil ro by sunday night, and the tournament is schedualed to start on the 24th of april and go until as late as the 29th if we dont have a great turnout.

04-17-2004, 04:50 PM
I stand firm. I consider hiding behind pillars to be cowardly. But I do like space to run. :) I am very interested, but only if it's Rathe arena! :)

04-18-2004, 04:42 AM

Your welcome Duvessa 8^)