View Full Version : New standard set by Fox, yet again

04-12-2004, 07:21 PM

I didn't say it was a GOOD standard...

Buazag Bonesteel
04-12-2004, 08:41 PM
Don't think you're pretty enough? We'll pump 50 grand into plastic surgery for you......and then tell most of you that you STILL aren't pretty enough :rolleyes:

04-13-2004, 04:38 AM
i saw this show and out of perverse curiosity i watched one "transformation"

I died a little inside. Insecure girls changing their appearances and then looking like the freak in Brazil who is getting her face pulled just makes me disgusted.

04-13-2004, 07:17 AM
i saw this show and out of perverse curiosity i watched one "transformation"

I died a little inside. Insecure girls changing their appearances and then looking like the freak in Brazil who is getting her face pulled just makes me disgusted.

Same :(

04-13-2004, 07:21 AM
It's shit like this that convinces me that Stephen King was damn near psychic with the Running Man. Just give it 10-20 years, or maybe if we have a large world war or something.

Buazag Bonesteel
04-13-2004, 09:23 AM
It's shit like this that convinces me that Stephen King was damn near psychic with the Running Man. Just give it 10-20 years, or maybe if we have a large world war or something.

Haha...that's so true.

I don't have anything in particular against plastic surgery. I think that it's important that a person feel good about who they are and like it or not.....part of that involves not just how we look but how we THINK we look. The two areas where I do have a problem is in the reasons for cosmetic surgery. I think it's incredibly sad for instance, that a woman would put herself under the knife to get breast implants because she thinks that it will make her look better to men. I say women because in general us guys seem to be far too self centered and egotistical to believe we need to make any drastic physical changes for the sake of a woman. Our "plastic surgery" comes in the form of buying cars we cant afford to impress you and jewelry we can't afford to keep you :D

The second problem I have with cosmetic surgery is that most often it is completely about laziness. Someone wants to look better and what they really need to do is get their fat ass off the couch, exercise a little and say no to the 6th doughnut in the morning. Maybe quit putting hot fudge sauce on the waffles. What do they do instead? Whine and feel sorry for themselves about being so "ugly" for a while and then shell out some cash for liposuction.

So it's all about the reasoning behind it that makes the process leave a bad taste in my mouth. I don't see anything wrong with taking advantage of modern medical technology for cosmetic purposes. In fact, I lost a tooth several years ago. Over time my front teeth have drifted over a little bit and in addition to having the hole where the old tooth was, my front teeth are developing more and more of a gap. It has absolutely no effect on me as far as eating is concerned......but I still plan on getting it all fixed as soon as I'm done with school and have real insurance again. Purely about looks. I want a better looking smile.....so I can understand the thought process that takes place when someone wants plastic surgery. If a person decides that they want to do something with their looks, from getting a haircut all the way up to getting major reconstructive surgery......I am OK with that as long as the reasons are about feeling better about yourself and how you look. When the reasons are because you want to fit into a mold that you think you need to so that others will approve of you.....that's when I find the whole thing sad and I don't blame the person doing it.....I blame society for that.

There is true beauty of some sort in everyone. Find that beauty in yourself and let it show. That is so much more attractive to me that a pair of fake, freakishly big boobs.

04-13-2004, 09:52 AM
I believe I have the answer..

Fox is secretly being run by Matt Stone and Trey Parker.

04-13-2004, 09:53 AM
I watched a bit of this at Lasgo's the other night...it's just really sad to me.

I can see especially the younger kids hurting the most from something like this.."No! Where is my real mommy?" etc.

I completely would understand if someone got into an accident or something, or if it was just a small change like they needed a new tooth..but they turn these normal/good looking women into completely different people.

It's just a damn shame that no one has ever given them the confidence to be happy with who they are, and realize that it's the inside that counts :(

Ugh, such bad karma :|

04-13-2004, 11:50 AM
I think it's incredibly sad for instance, that a woman would put herself under the knife to get breast implants because she thinks that it will make her look better to men. I say women because...

...we non-tranny guys don't frequently opt for a silicone-enhanced bust?

(The serious responses to this show have already been well covered by the above posts)

04-13-2004, 12:11 PM
Don't think you're pretty enough? We'll pump 50 grand into plastic surgery for you......and then tell most of you that you STILL aren't pretty enough :rolleyes:

I read this yesterday, and I'm still laughing. So very, very true.

04-13-2004, 01:41 PM
I saw part of the first show...and I couldn't help but think. Some of these girls are quite mentally unstable...their self-esteem is basically zero. Now, Fox is taking them...doing massive plastic surgery on them ( a traumatic thing in and of itself, some of the recovery can be quite painful and slow to heal )...and putting them in a beauty pagent...one of the most psychologically damaging contests to lose I would imagine. If these women felt bad about themselves before the surgery and contests...wait until they tell all but one of them that they STILL aren't the most beautiful. Fox is unbelievable.

04-14-2004, 01:22 PM
I wonder when its all over they will say, "Ahhh shit, 50k later and they still sneak out before I wake up."

04-14-2004, 09:28 PM
speaking of weird tv shows, this was MY highschool in texas and my graduation class... if i had not dropped out got a GED and went straight to college hehe. why would they want to do a show on round rock high school? morons http://www.thewb.com/Shows/HSReunion/0,13602,160433,00.html

and no i dont know any of these people.. dont even remember seeing them

04-14-2004, 10:25 PM
I don't understand those shows. I think they can only work if they were done within 5 years of graduation. Granted, it's been a long, long time since I graduated, but even just a year or less afterwards, with the exception of a few people I remained friends with, there was nobody from high-school that gave me cause for more than a bare, passing thought. No unrequited love stories, no deep-seeded hatreds left smouldering. Life moved on, and while there are of course people from high-school that I'd like to catch up with, and I'd attend a reunion any day, it'd be all "oh yeah, you were the dork that liked to tease me, so what do you do now? That's cool. Oh, me? I paint naked women, hang out on movie sets with the actors, and get days off whenever I want. Anyway, seeya."

But that's just me. Clearly I'm not a standard for normalcy. Someone thought the idea for The Swan was good enough to pump a few million dollars into it, and I think it's horrifyingly distasteful crap, so what do I know...

Buazag Bonesteel
04-15-2004, 08:47 AM
speaking of weird tv shows, this was MY highschool in texas and my graduation class... if i had not dropped out got a GED and went straight to college hehe. why would they want to do a show on round rock high school? morons http://www.thewb.com/Shows/HSReunion/0,13602,160433,00.html

and no i dont know any of these people.. dont even remember seeing them

Hrmm.....so apparently the TV execs feel that the general viewing public that this show will attract aren't even smart enough to stereotype by themselves......so they do it for you. Sweet. :rolleyes:

04-15-2004, 09:54 AM
Just as devil's advocate...

Threads like this are part of why networks produce shows like this.

This is a short running show. Bad publicity, discussion, etc, is almost as effective as good publicity. How many of the people in this thread have watched at least one episode?

It's not about giving the public what they want, it's not about providing good, wholesome content, it's not about bolstering the phsyche of young americans...it's about selling add time.


04-15-2004, 09:57 AM
I watched the show for 10 minutes by accident, so I'm not sure they're making bank of folks like me.

04-15-2004, 12:45 PM
I've never watched it, but I don't doubt at all that the discussion here will increase viewership. (albeit trivially)

04-15-2004, 05:00 PM
I'm going to be even more of a devil's advocate then Aal for a moment:

Society values beauty and this is a good thing. Beauty makes life all that more tolerable, without it we live in a bland world of dingy white walls and cracked sidewalks. We as a society are however going through a teenage rebellion in which we reject the values of our past; human beauty being one of them. We now like to pretend that appearance makes no difference and that we are too high-minded to take such petty things into consideration. These notions never seem to hold up when "put to the test" however. It is quite clear that beautiful people have many advantages in our society. Some people chose to trade one advantage they have (money) for another (beauty) and this seems to provoke just the kind of response you see in this thread.

It really makes me wonder why there is such a large rejection of this behavior; is it the belief that the human body is perfect upon creation, is it a rejection of the commodification of beauty or is it really ones attempt to protect their "place" in the hierchy of looks? Just as people hate to see others work harder and pass them by at work people seem to hate others that do what it takes to become more "beautiful" whether it be exercise or surgery.

04-16-2004, 07:27 AM
I think one of the earlier posts explained why this show is bad - it takes women with very low self esteem, that think they aren't beautiful, puts them through the surgery, then tells half of them they still aren't pretty enough to enter a beauty contest. Those that do get to enter, only one of them is going to win.

It's one thing to get surgery done for yourself - the one I saw, the woman's stomach and boobs had definitely taken a beating after pregnancy, and that I could see getting fixed up, but there was nothing wrong with her face. I can see getting surgery, then continuing on with your life, but to get surgery just to enter a beauty contest, that's insane. Athletes aren't allowed performance enhancement drugs to compete, beauty contests shouldn't allow people to go under a knife to compete. Next, those horrible little girl beauty pagents, where six year old children are made up and compete, when will they start getting boob implants for that? Get your nose fixed now, why do it later.

I've had "cosmetic surgery". Laser eye surgery. It's still considered cosmetic. I did it because after wearing glasses since I was 4, they were driving me nuts. Always in the way, getting dirty, sliding down my nose. Did contact lenses - they're great, except when I work an 18 hour day, my eyes can't take it. Yes, I do like how I look without glasses, but I didn't do it for anyone else but myself.