View Full Version : For Duvessa and Nesuril

04-27-2004, 03:33 AM
(This is what happens when you can't sleep at 3 am - you end up thinking about ways to work your way around SOE's stupidly buggy GoD trials.)

In case I can ever convince you guys to do this accursed trial with me again - I have a way that we will be pretty much guaranteed to beat it. I don't think we should drag the last named back through the entire zone - I have read that the mobs will warp back beyond a certain point, and that would really ruin our collective day.

So, here's the plan:

We clear into the furnace room as usual, and kill 3 of the 4 named. At that point, 4 people will evac to the ZI (Chanter, Cleric, Tank, Druid). Duvessa and I will stay back at the furnace room - there's no respawn for us to worry about.

Anyway, you guys work your way down to the blue crystal room and once you are there, you clear the area around where the NPC spawns. You give us the go message and we kill the last named, sending the final wisp on its merry way. At that point, all that you have to do is keep the crystal area clear while the wisp works its way back to you and spawns the NPC. Do the turnin and we will all be free of this miserable ordeal (at least until trial 3, which I sincerely hope is considerably less buggy and tedious).

I am confident that I can keep Duvessa alive against a single named - I have been able to solo heal single pulls in hard LDoN while our freshly rezzed cleric was oom. For added certainty, we can practice duoing them on the first 3 we have to kill. If the situation turns desperate, she can pop WS to buy me some time to get things under control, but I don't think that will be necessary.

The only remaining detail is getting Duvessa out of the expedition. If she has a Tolan's BP, the problem is solved right there. Otherwise, I'll just bring a port potion along. Alternatively, if everyone quits the expedition or if the leader kicks her out, I think she would be ported to the sewer ZI in Barindu.

I'm going to try to set this up again Tuesday night - so if you guys are masochistic enough to try again, I'd love to have you along. Kod'Taz, here we come - ever so slowly. :rolleyes:

04-27-2004, 07:46 AM

04-27-2004, 02:35 PM
Hey Sith :)
/bonk Ang

Some things you might want to know...

Quiting the Expedition is a 15 minute (or less) port out of the zone.

Lair is timed collection, as is Pools. So SSDD(ungeon).

You probably should go download my document/html, or contact me in game for ways to get complete Trials without trouble. Can ask me anytime for help, as well.

04-27-2004, 07:17 PM
Hey Angemoo! Come back to EQ so we can do these wonderful trials together!

I'm pretty sure I can beat this one using the method I outlined above. As for trials 3 and 4, I'll have to puzzle them out when I get there. Figuring out some of this stuff is half the fun (and there isn't much fun to go around in these trials!). :p

04-27-2004, 08:56 PM
Oh i agree, Sith...

EQ needs to put the laughter back in Slaughter.

04-28-2004, 02:53 AM
I'll touch base with you in game Sith. We can work something out to give it a go again if we have a plan. I have an idea why things didn't work out. Thanks for making the post :)