View Full Version : Poor Boston...
05-03-2004, 06:30 PM
thought they were pretty awesome sweeping the Yankees..
but the Rangers swept them! Someone needs to go comfort Pedro Martinez now that his ERA shot up! And they said Benoit v. Martinez wasn't a fair matchup.. :p
Looks like Pedro is leaving anyway. Our Pitching has still been supreme the last two nights with Schilling and Wakefield, but jeebus our bats just cant come together at the right times. Leaving the bases loaded twice last night was just freaken disgusting. 7 innings, two runs, is a damn good outing if only we could hit the damn ball again. It will come...maybe tonight, Lowe typically gets huge run support from the Sox so who knows, but the sooner we get out of this slump the better.
05-04-2004, 07:39 AM
you live in boston ubar? i'm gonna be there in the middle of june
Yep Tarissa living in Boston for now :) Shoot me an e-mail ( before you are coming, would be nice to meet some EQ people.
05-04-2004, 11:34 AM
You mean Rangers don't suck for a change? Oh wait, not talking about EQ...
05-04-2004, 11:53 AM
I hate Boston =x live 20 minutes outside of it, worst traffic ever................................
Sucker, driving in Boston :P. I only use my car to leave and return to the city. Its all about the subway to get around the city ;o
I concur, traffic in Boston is horrendous, worst traffic ever.
05-04-2004, 01:44 PM
Sucker, driving in Boston :P. I only use my car to leave and return to the city. Its all about the subway to get around the city ;o
I concur, traffic in Boston is horrendous, worst traffic ever.
It's not *that* bad.
Then again, I live and work in the burbs.
05-04-2004, 09:22 PM
Friends didnt want to take the T for some reason so we ended up all driving to the Museum of Science. It took us about 2 hours to figure out how to get out of the city when we left. I like how the first signs that they show for a road are like right at the road. Major ones that is that you think they would tell you are coming up about a mile or 2 ahead.
Hah, figuring out the streets of Boston is like a giant game. No better way than to just go out and drive, get lost, and figure it out.
Wait, so Coral and Vinen are outside of Boston, Tarissa is moving here. Damn we should all meet up for drinks or something sometime. Never knew that people I played EQ with actually lived around me.
Im not to far from Boston. Get me some sox tickets and ill come hang out with you!~
05-05-2004, 10:13 AM
Hah, figuring out the streets of Boston is like a giant game. No better way than to just go out and drive, get lost, and figure it out.
Wait, so Coral and Vinen are outside of Boston, Tarissa is moving here. Damn we should all meet up for drinks or something sometime. Never knew that people I played EQ with actually lived around me.
I may be incorrect, but I don't think Tarissa is moving to Boston. He's probably just going to be in the area visiting some friends or something.
05-05-2004, 10:41 AM
Hah, figuring out the streets of Boston is like a giant game. No better way than to just go out and drive, get lost, and figure it out.
Wait, so Coral and Vinen are outside of Boston, Tarissa is moving here. Damn we should all meet up for drinks or something sometime. Never knew that people I played EQ with actually lived around me.
So figuring out Boston at Night Time is like a Challenge Stage
Buazag Bonesteel
05-05-2004, 11:43 AM
I may be incorrect, but I don't think Tarissa is moving to Boston. He's probably just going to be in the area visiting some friends or something.
From my l33t inside info.....I think it's somewhere in between the 2
Im not to far from Boston. Get me some sox tickets and ill come hang out with you!~
I gotto at least one sox game everytime they are in town :P. Go $18 dollar bleacher seats!
05-05-2004, 12:02 PM
From my l33t inside info.....I think it's somewhere in between the 2
This man is correct! Actually I'm staying indefinitely :) Moving there and seeing how things go with my savings from GTMO. Anywhere but here!
Damn, a lot of folks in Boston. We've got to have a party. Had a huge one at my friends place. Great party. Male/Female ratio at 1:1! Much beer, much dank bud!
05-05-2004, 12:03 PM
Hah, figuring out the streets of Boston is like a giant game. No better way than to just go out and drive, get lost, and figure it out.
Wait, so Coral and Vinen are outside of Boston, Tarissa is moving here. Damn we should all meet up for drinks or something sometime. Never knew that people I played EQ with actually lived around me.
I second this! Email me at or aim me so we can hook something up (i'll be in mid-june)
Great party. Male/Female ratio at 1:1! Much beer, much dank bud!
This is truly a good party, beer, bud, and a 1:1 ratio, damn nice ~
05-06-2004, 10:37 AM
Ya you need to be insane to drive around in Boston unless you enjoy pain. I live about 15 miles S/SW of downtown and work in the backbay area. If you see a picture of the Boston skyline you can likely see my office ! I work in the Prudential Tower, one of the taller buildings in Boston and one that sits out like a sore thumb way away from the downtown area.... also one which happens to have a birds eye view and is in the direct line from Logan Int'l Airport... sometimes unsettling to see the planes take off and head directly for us for awhile.... especially knowing 2 of the planes from 9/11 took off and flew nearly in front of me....;(
Odd how beantown has soo many Hosslings living around it.....
- Card
05-06-2004, 04:05 PM
I thought this was going to be a thread about the Bruins. You guys need to start watching a REAL sport.
Andriana Duskrose
05-06-2004, 10:06 PM
Like Lacross.
05-07-2004, 05:36 AM
Ya you need to be insane to drive around in Boston unless you enjoy pain. I live about 15 miles S/SW of downtown and work in the backbay area. If you see a picture of the Boston skyline you can likely see my office ! I work in the Prudential Tower, one of the taller buildings in Boston and one that sits out like a sore thumb way away from the downtown area.... also one which happens to have a birds eye view and is in the direct line from Logan Int'l Airport... sometimes unsettling to see the planes take off and head directly for us for awhile.... especially knowing 2 of the planes from 9/11 took off and flew nearly in front of me....;(
Odd how beantown has soo many Hosslings living around it.....
- Card
If you can peel yourself away from EQ you should join the imminent party~
I thought this was going to be a thread about the Bruins. You guys need to start watching a REAL sport.
While I like hockey, the Red Sox, just carry so much more emotion than the Bruins. Hockey is great, but its the Bruins...:P
05-07-2004, 10:52 PM
pfft boston/yankee's...go Marines :\ yeah they suck...but FU...they got a moose for a mascot..i mean wtf who wouldnt love a moose for a mascot?
PS..go Bo-sox
05-10-2004, 01:36 AM
poor red sox wont even make the playoffs
poor red sox wont even make the playoffs
Devil speak!!! Its far too early in the season for these negative vibes, in fact its always too early for those words. This is the year, I swear!
05-10-2004, 07:47 AM
Devil speak!!! Its far too early in the season for these negative vibes, in fact its always too early for those words. This is the year, I swear!
Will I get my ass kicked in Boston for being a Yankees fan?
Will I get my ass kicked in Boston for being a Yankees fan?
As long as your not an obnoxious Yankees fan you will be fine. The only Yankee's fans that have problems are the ones that go out in the street drunk off their ass and start blabbering how bad the red sox are after a big loss or something. Generally their are no issues as its a "friendly" rivarly for the most part. You should be fine as long as you are not loud and obnoxious :cool:
05-12-2004, 10:02 AM
You should be fine as long as you are not loud and obnoxious :cool: ... but if you were not loud and obnoxious, how on earth could you be a Yankees fan?
- Card
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