View Full Version : Grats

05-08-2004, 05:42 AM
I was browsing the necro forums a few days ago when I ran across a post by a necro named Stacked. I clicked his link to his magelo and saw across the top "Member of Hoss - a guild of Druzzil Ro" and I was immediately struck with fond memories of the server I started on back in 99. Outside of the guild I belonged to, one great friend, and a random wood elf warrior who taught me that the highest goal of a warrior in a group was to get drunk to the point where you couldn't move while hunting in HHP without falling of a ledge; the only thing I remembered is throughout my career, when ever I typed /who all (current max level) I was invariably bombarded with most of the guild roster of Hoss. It's been probably close to two and half years since I played on Druzzil, but it's really neat to see how far you guys have gotten, and that you have hung around for so long, so congratulations and thanks for indulging my nostalgia with your easy board registry processes :P

05-08-2004, 10:59 AM
Don't you hate forums where you have to jump through 1000 hoops and then respond to a special activation email, just to make a post?

Thank you for stopping by and for the compliments. We hope to stick around for a long time. :)