View Full Version : Rotation Schedule
08-30-2001, 03:17 PM
Trak - Hoss (T-NI P1-10/08), NI (T-Hoss 10/04), L`Malla (10/09), VE (added 10/10), GAP (10/13), ML (10/16), IG (10/20)
Sev - IG (T-Hoss 9/24), L`Malla(10/11), NI (T - Vind 9/13), GAP (T-VE 9/29), Vindi (T - CN 9/13), Hoss (T-IG), VE (T-GAP)
Ragefire {Naggy Up 10/23} - ML (8/27), GAP (10/12 out of turn), Hoss(T - 9/6 ), VE (9/9), NI (9/12), L`Malla (T - VH 9/14), Vind (10/21 out of turn due to default pass 10/12), IG (10/20), TR (10/22)
CT - Hoss (T-L`Malla), L`Malla (T-Hoss), Vind (P3 - 10/15), ML (10/16)
Dain - ML (10/20), Hoss (T-Vind), Vind (T-Hoss 10/22), L`Malla (F-10/19)
Tormax - Vindi (), Hoss (10/22?)
Dozekar - Hoss (10/16), IG (F - 10/15), Vind (P1-10/16)
Lend - Vindi (10/22), Hoss (10/08), L'Malla (Added 10/09) ML (10/15)
Zland - Hoss (T-L`Malla 10/09?), IG (Added 10/10), L`Malla (T-Hoss 9/29), Vind (10/10), ML (10/16)
Klandicar - Hoss (P2-10/04), ML (10/18), Vind (10/22)
ST Warders - ML (10/18), Vind(T-Hoss P1 10/11), Hoss (T-Vind 10/10)
N ToV: Hoss (10/21-?), ML (10/5-10/11), Vind (10/12-10/20)
You know the drill - follow with confirmed dates when mob is down
also double check to be sure you are in the rotations you want to be in
I know it is a pain sometimes - but please post a quick note when a mob is taken down by your guild so we can keep the rotation updated
There are now some (P) up there on various mobs, based on the fact they lived through the days those guilds were due for them. I'll be putting the dates with them and the F's as well.
[Brackets] are temporary removals from rotations.
Added L`Malla to the Lend rotation.
Added IG to the Zlandicar rotation.
Added VE to the Trak rotation.
10/23 Added North ToV to the rotation schedule.
Current Rotations:
Trak = Hoss
CT = L`Malla
Zlan = Hoss
Dain = Hoss
Ragefire = ML
Sev = NI
Tormax = Vind
Doze = IG
Lend = Hoss
ST = Vind
Klan = Hoss
10-17-2001, 03:04 PM
Klandicar has been left untouched for over a week.
Mythic plans to kill him tonight.
10-18-2001, 08:36 PM
Klan down 10/18.
10-18-2001, 08:55 PM
Any idea about Sev ? Last down at 10/11 and havn't hear his death again.
10-19-2001, 01:57 AM
Dain is up.
Sows McBuff
10-19-2001, 06:31 AM
no sev, we checked again this morning.
10-19-2001, 08:07 AM
According to the D Ro board, Naggy has been up since the 16th.
Xor is taking a pick up raid in there tonight to kill him. IG, you were up for Ragefire, would be in your best interest, if we have not done the '2 Day' officially, to have people there even if only to buff and heal, to ensure Naggy dies. If we are indeed doing the '2 Day', then TR will be up, and the same will apply.
Figure this out please, ML has 6 Clerics waiting on this rotation patiently. Whatever you figure out, Naggy needs to die tonight.
10-20-2001, 06:59 AM
Ragefire up 10/19, 6am Pacific.
What is the current status of Dain and Zlandicar?
I saw Hoss was in DN last nite and L`malla was in thurg b.
10-20-2001, 09:39 AM
Put us down for a big fat F for dain 10/19
10-20-2001, 10:37 AM
Xorshaik led it, with a lot of VE in attendance. We want Nagafen dead.
VE has clerics waiting for Ragefire, albeit not as many as ML.
I think the two day thing should start being enforced soon. Maybe not this time, because nobody was really warning IG of it and because it is new and all, but going forward. E.g., as soon as Nagafen spawns again, tell the guild next up they have two days to whack him or take a pass, and keep the pressure on for all successive guilds. Nagafen is such an easy kill - it just takes some effort to turn out an open raid - that Ragefire should be dropped like clockwork.
10-20-2001, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by Ubar
What is the current status of Dain and Zlandicar?
I saw Hoss was in DN last nite and L`malla was in thurg b.
Zland wasn't up last night, Hoss was just fooling around in DN. As of 10/20 at 11:05am pacific, Zlandicar still not up. Soo we're waiting.
10-20-2001, 12:57 PM
Ragefire Dead 10/20
10-20-2001, 09:48 PM
Trak Dead 10/20
10-20-2001, 11:21 PM
Dain down 10/20
10-21-2001, 12:32 AM
Can someone explain warder situation, T and P and dates confusing me.
We wanted to go but were in NToV, but I think ML and Hoss still got in after us, does that mean were up?
Also CT we had to pass cause in NToV which makes us 3, think a rule is three and you have to get tagged to the very end of the rotation like your just starting? If so can ya tag us onto CT again at rear?
Thanks, sorry pls correct me if im a bit off some of this stuff is confusing :p
10-21-2001, 01:07 AM
I'll say again that we should drop ST from the main rotation and move it to the unrotated list. That should allow people to go in and get primal as needed, and wait 24 hours after respawn before clearing back-to-back (unless cleared by others).
As it stands, Hoss will probably be passing 2 out of 3 of our rotation spots on ST due to other commitments and/or lack of need for the lewts.
Also, I'd be fine with allowing Vindication a 3rd pass on CT without moving their rotation spot, heh. I'm pretty confident that they are interested in killing him regularly.
10-21-2001, 07:25 AM
I left Vind in their spot in the CT rotation for that very reason actually. If they are indeed interested in killing on a regular basis then they'll be able to come right back in. Just remember that there's what, a 2-3 week average between getting a pass, so it's been a while since Vind showed tht sort of interest.
As far as ST, Vind is indeed up for it, the T is trade, the date is the date gone down or passed.
10-21-2001, 02:21 PM
I'll say again that Klandicar needs to be moved from the main rotations, since no guild but ML has killed him since August timeframe.
10-21-2001, 02:59 PM
I think were up give us a shot at him alone, might be able to pull it off.
10-21-2001, 10:10 PM
on that last ragefire...Vind didnt pass...they traded with IG. They were in ntov all week so we did the trade.
Just a FYI:)
10-22-2001, 07:34 AM
Than, GAP killed a Ragefire that had been up over 24 hours without any word from anyone, the Ragefire that was on Vind's turn. Considering Vind didn't say anything to anyone, or make an effort to kill it on the 11th, they were marked as a pass on the 12th.
IG's kill was on their own turn, there was no need to try and do a trade with Vind.
And along same lines (not you Than), we had folks catch Ragefire on track yesterday, informed TR, and 2 hours later when they got there, Ragefire was gone, FG's were cleared. The word was that Hoss had cleared the FG's, Sazar and a couple of others, but when I tried to ping Andaas, Sirensa, or Phaera, none were online by the time I got the /tell finished. Wish I could type faster some days, cause I had *just* seen Andaas and Phaera at least on a /w all Hoss. Did the FG crew from Hoss kill the vendor, or take a Ragefire? Sazar wouldn't respond to any tells from the TR peeps either btw, made it seem iffy.
10-22-2001, 10:09 AM
Hoss did not take Ragefire yesterday, nor did anyone in Hoss kill the vendor yesterday.
I talked to Sows from NI yesterday and was told that Vindication had taken Ragefire yesterday.
Hey L'Malla -
Looks like Hoss up for Cazic post patch (Tuesday). We are going to be in NToV. Would you guys be interested in trading spawns with Hoss?
10-22-2001, 10:18 AM
K, thanks Sirensa.
10-22-2001, 10:34 AM
Actually Kryai spoke to Than about trading before Ragefire even spawned, as we were in NToV. So the pass should have been legit. I was told about this pass awhile ago, had I recieved a tell from GAP I would have relayed the info.
Though I never personally spoke to Than, so would need Than to validate what Kryai told me, only have second-hand knowledge here.
To the best of my knowledge we have not gotten rage yet, not sure where the NI fellow got his info.
Edit: Havnt spoken to than yet
Dlgoth Riknueth
10-22-2001, 12:58 PM
We can trade as long as we got nothing going on post patch... I don't really want to trade and then get stuck with multiple rotation mobs that day, having to forfeit one ;)
10-22-2001, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by Dlgoth Riknueth
We can trade as long as we got nothing going on post patch... I don't really want to trade and then get stuck with multiple rotation mobs that day, having to forfeit one ;)
Well I was looking at rotation schedule and didn't see that you were up for anything on Tuesday is why I asked. =D
Sooo looks to me like you're DYING to do Cazic tomorrow :)
Dlgoth Riknueth
10-22-2001, 02:38 PM
haha, works for me. Have fun in North, we'll be beating up a mudball again. I'll go ahead and tell you loot now, since it's always the same. Choker, and Cloak...MAYBE shoulders, or on the odd chance a halo. I've deemed the rest don't exist, and no, I don't care you have a brain. It doesnt exist dammit!
10-22-2001, 02:50 PM
Ciner wrote regarding Klandicar:
I think were up give us a shot at him alone, might be able to pull it off.
He's up now.
If you don't plan on attempting him tonight, please let us know asap.
10-22-2001, 03:14 PM
Vind is going after Klan tonite.
10-22-2001, 03:32 PM
Just heard Dain is up as well.
Good luck tonight Hoss.
10-22-2001, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by Quintall_ML
Based on the guidelines, removing Vind from the Dozekar, Sontalak, and Yelinak rotations due to 3 passes in a row.
Based on the guidelines, removing ML from the Statue rotation due to 3 passes in a row.
Per Dlgoth request, removind L`Malla from Kland and Lend rotations.
Removing Sontalak from rotations, based on frequent passing by most guilds involved with him.
ST added to rotations.
Removing Statue and Yelinak from rotations, based on frequent passing by most guilds involved with them.
Removed Seekers from all rotations other than Ragefire, per Indecisive's request in another thread.
Changed all instances of CN to NI per guild name change.
Removed VH from rotations per guild disbanding.
Removing Seekers from Ragefire, per no IGB representation/notification. If/when they get a new rep, they can be re-added.
Added L`Malla to the Lend rotation.
Added IG to the Zlandicar rotation.
Added VE to the Trak rotation.
Quintall, could you start dating this section (ie, when you add a note, throw a "10/21 -" in front of it to mark when it was noted), and delete the older comments out after a month or so.
The initial message is getting really long, hehe.
Dlgoth Riknueth
10-22-2001, 04:28 PM
lol I was gonna suggest that as well. Every time i copy and paste the initial post to our boards, i always gotta remove that stuff ;)
10-22-2001, 07:52 PM
Lend and Klan down, 10/22.
Edit: I dont know the dain situation, perhaps someone else could elaborate. I think we traded but not sure.
10-22-2001, 08:17 PM
yah traded dains with hoss, dain dead
gave the bugger more hp but hes still a joke :cool:
Edit: dain status updated
10-23-2001, 04:20 AM
What has happened to Zlandicar? The last recorded kill was 10/16... that just doesn't seem accurate. Has anyone killed him since or has he just not been spawning.
10-23-2001, 05:56 AM
6-7 day spawn, so he would have been up last night or today...
He didn't spawn last night though, and the patch will have prevented him spawning today.
I'm going to remove all that stuff from the initial post actually, and start dating per your request. From this point on I'll purge that stuff every 30 or so days.
Currently, I know from last night that hasn't been mentioned yet:
Hoss was engaging Tormax, did he die, and/or did Vindicator and Statue die?
TR got Ragefire yesterday, glad another one popped before the patch.
Anything else happen?
10-23-2001, 06:47 AM
Statue died a few days ago to the hands of Hoss, according to their front page.
Tormax also died last nite, per front page.
10-23-2001, 07:00 AM
I rarely look at news pages of guilds tbh, unless someone points me to them.
Kattoo Tacit
10-23-2001, 08:36 AM
Rage Fire Down 7:30est.
10-23-2001, 09:22 AM
who is up for Zland currently and when is our turn? No coffee and no mt dew this morning...forgive me.
10-23-2001, 09:29 AM
Originally posted by Thanatoz
who is up for Zland currently and when is our turn? No coffee and no mt dew this morning...forgive me.
Hoss is up and I believe IG is after us, but not sure =) I am still waiting for my coffee to seep in.
10-23-2001, 11:01 AM
Naggy is up, LoH is hosting a raid on him tonight. Just a heads up in case any buffers or twinks are in the area ;) A dead Naggy is a good Naggy.
Dlgoth Riknueth
10-23-2001, 08:07 PM
CT dead, and by god, the light was shining on us tonight, because he actually dropped 4 things, including a robe. I'm still stunned lol.
10-23-2001, 11:31 PM
3 warders dead in the early A.M of the 24th, EDT.
10-23-2001, 11:34 PM
Reguarding ragefire. Did Kryai speak to you about it before Rage pop'd or no Thanatoz?
If he did it should have been a legit trade... Would like to get to the bottom of this, we need it the same as the rest of ya, had a few people at the Nag kill tonight just to get this moving...
10-24-2001, 12:22 AM
Lendinaira dead 10/23 around 6:45 pm pacific.
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