View Full Version : Comission Work (Warning: Large Pictures)

05-17-2004, 10:12 AM
Currentlly I have a decent condition of money finance but I still wish to continue doing Commision work as an artist.. so at this time I will be starting up a business of sorts catering to those who may have more Platinum then they would the true Dollar and reside on Druzzil Ro, allowing them to purchase material portraits of their characters for Platinum.. if you wish to Commision some work then feel free to PM me via this board, email me at ID_Korax@Yahoo.com or send /tells to Sslishta or Mippins on Druzzil Ro.

Examples of my work:





Low Resolution, Low Detail Signature or Avatar Picture = 15,000 Plat

Full sized, High Resolution detailed picture = 40,000 Plat
+20,000 per extra Character.
+10,000 per extra Pet.
+10,000 for a high resolution background.
+2,000 for a low resolution reallife backdrop scene.
Flat White, Black or Grey backgrounds free of charge.

Prices may vary and can be negotiable depending on the conditions of the buyer, prices may increase for requests that may not be the normal for most Commisions.

However you contact me an Email must be spent detailing what is requested, Sample Linework will be sent via e-mail once completed at which time you will decide on changes you wish made if any and specific details you want added such as Tattoos or Battle Damage ect.

When the Linework has been finished and you have approved it there will be a meeting in Character where half the costs of total for the picture will be paid, once paid the coloring of the picture will begin and sent to you in Small, Low Quality to Large, High Quality versions sent to you by Email and when final colors are approved the final ammount will be paid and you will be able to use the picture as you wish as long as I am credited appropriatlly for it's creation solely.

If you commision from me you are agreeing that any circumstances that prevent you from finishing the payment or you decide not to continue the ammount you had paid before will not be refunded and the Character and all it's contents and character design that had been worked upon will be copyrighted to me.

05-20-2004, 04:06 PM
Happy Customers:



06-05-2004, 07:43 PM
Latest Commision


06-12-2004, 01:28 AM
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06-12-2004, 02:20 PM
I love that first one, a lot of nice detail in the robe

06-12-2004, 07:45 PM
Thanks, i'm proud of it.. I can do alot when i'm not hindered or restricted

06-22-2004, 09:24 AM



06-22-2004, 04:41 PM
I feel bad. I never got a chance to be a panda.