View Full Version : Small question
10-20-2001, 03:05 AM
just wondering how do you know how good is a shield i mean beside weight nothing apears so when some new one drops i never know if its better than my actual one :/
any of u know ?
PS : hi !
Lronius de la Mancha
10-20-2001, 10:25 PM
Each shield has a base % to block. The small round shields having the lowest and the Tower shields having the most. I forget the exact %'s. But if you spec in shields it increases your block %.
10-21-2001, 11:24 AM
I'm not sure of the %'s on the different shield types, but I do know you gain a 0.5% bonus above the shield's base per point spec'd.
In a van .. DOWN BY THE RIVER!
Damnit ... I had a good screenshot that went here ... (Ash and Wheet probably have some idea! ...) ... but, well, damn crosswinds won't let me upload =\
:D :D :D
Lronius de la Mancha
10-21-2001, 02:33 PM
Well I know base skill in blocking is 15%. So on top of that is whatever the shield does then you get the additional .5% per spec point... so heh kinda odd. Would be fun to make an armsman with 40 sword 40 parry and 40 shield. Defense out the butt!
10-21-2001, 04:04 PM
Well ...
To get back to the ACTUAL question itself ...
The con (material), size type, and your shield skill are what determine the effectiveness of a shield.
I'm not sure there's an actual % stuck on each shield, I don't think there's any such static value whatsoever.
An alloy round shield, when you're level 17, will be better than a steel heater shield even though the heater is of a larger type, though an alloy heater will blow the alloy round shield out of the water completely, or so I surmise.
Item cons are much more important than their raw stats. The final 5 or so craftable bows all have the EXACT same stats, the only thing making them different whatsoever are their levels.
It's always best to get the highest level & shield type you can use, and if it's a matter of cash and you have to choose one or the other I think you'd be best to go with the higher conning shield. (especially if it means just the slight difference between a tower shield and a heater ... one step that is)
Oh yeah ... I live in a van ... DOWN BY THE RIVER! (and bucho has a thing for pineapple juice ( ) )
Lronius de la Mancha
10-21-2001, 04:34 PM
Well item con will always be the end all be all.
As soon as my thrusting weapons went blue, then green, I noticed a freaking huge difference in damage output. At the higher levels where most of the guild is at, weapons are a lot more difficult to come by. So hanging on to that weapon until it goes blue or green becomes common practice. Plus there's nothing to buy from the store guys, gotta kill monsters for some nice rares or hope there's a weaponcrafter with a high skill.
I'm currently working on weaponcrafting as is stylean, got my skill to 260 earlier today so I can make the low teen items. Not gonna actively persue this until late 30's however, as it's a huge time sink to raise your craft by consignments through alloy. Best to just power it through with a good chunk fo change and then once you're at fine alloy consign the rest to 650.
Highest weaponcrafter I know of right now is 52x. He's been in camelot since day2 weaponcrafting. I feel for the guy.
10-21-2001, 04:44 PM
Arrakis is running his alloy consignments now, he should be high up there eventually. *shrug*
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