View Full Version : Peter Molyneux' Movies

06-14-2004, 09:47 AM
His new game, a movie studio sim, looks interesting. Not that I condone piracy, but does anyone have a line on where it might be available for "evaluation" purposes?

And yes, believe it or not, sometimes I really do go out and buy a game if I like it enough. Given that games are $80Can, I have to be selective...

Oh, and there's a Star Wars version of Battlefield 1942 coming out, which is neat, since I'd imagined a game like this, Star Wars where you could run around as a soldier or command ships, guns, etc, about 5 years ago. Hope it doesn't suck.

06-14-2004, 10:07 AM
I thought his next one is fable?

06-14-2004, 12:02 PM
Lionhead is working on at least 4-5 games right now. Black and White 2, Fable, Movies (The Movies?), BC, and I think another that I am forgetting. Not sure if that's good or bad. I have a lot of respect for Molyneaux, I just hope he doesn't spread himself too thin.

As far as getting an "evaluation" copy of The Movies, I thought that the game was still under development? Gamespot has a release date of some time in 2005, Gamerankings Oct 2004. So I doubt you will have much luck finding anything playable.

Oh yeah, where the fudge are you buying games for $80 CDN? I find it relatively rare to see a PC game with a sticker price much higher than 60, unless it's a special edition type thing. More and more games are being released at 40-50 bucks, as opposed to the more standard 60-70. I primarily buy mine at Future Shop, since they have good selection and good price, and most places are more or less forced to meet or beat their prices.