View Full Version : Allo =) ... a frosted tome?
10-23-2001, 01:31 AM
I just made a post in your items forum...but it doesn't look too trafficed =). Anyhow, it describes my desire to trade for a frosted tome if u have any extras in guild. Pls, give me a tell or email is there are any possibilities. Dankies =).
Ali Pali
10-23-2001, 06:13 AM
Heyas Ali :) *hugs* Not sure if we have any frosted tomes...but I'm sure an officer will give you a response soon
10-23-2001, 06:25 AM
/hug Alindria
How are things Ali? Its been a long time :)
10-23-2001, 07:09 AM
eh eh mae had one of those :)
account in limbo tho not feeling like reactivating it just to give :/
10-24-2001, 07:39 PM
Phaera and Ambie /hugs! I've not seen u in ages...nice to see u still around and I miss u! I hope things are well in HoSS! =)
BTW Maed...I don't know if this is kosher uber perhaps I could reinstate the account? at least for a while perhaps? Anyways, tell me what u think =)
Ali Pali
10-24-2001, 07:42 PM
I was so excited I forgot myself. I mean if we manage a trade... I could reinstate the account with my credit card =). Anyways, tell me what u think =).
Ali Pali
10-25-2001, 11:03 AM
well put email wherever u want ill send u login/pass
hope its in i guess
if not u can suicide my 60enc from cliffs as much as u want for fun
10-25-2001, 08:06 PM
Lol, hehe hmmmm where can i jump him from? Lake Rathe Spire, I think. Thanks so much Mael.....i can be found at >hugs<
Ali Pali
10-30-2001, 06:36 PM
Thank you thank you!
Maelikki! I got my book of scale and its all thanks to you!
Ali Pali
10-30-2001, 10:09 PM
Yay Ali, grats :)
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