View Full Version : Dain last night
10-23-2001, 08:54 AM
Around 8:00 pm pacific last night I get a tell from Ciner. He was double-checking that Hoss had passed on Dain, so that Vindication could move in. At this time our Tormax raid (we thought) was near completion. He told me that Rohaise sent him a tell saying that Hoss had passed on Dain and that Vindication was up.
Rohaise never consulted either Andaas or I. I find it distressing that we were not given the courtesy of a single tell before Vindication was told we had passed. At that time, we had not passed and still had every intention of moving to ThurgB in the next 30 mins or so. Since Vindication was under the impression Dain was now theirs, we agreed to a trade. Worked out better for us in the end, since we botched up Tormax, Vindication got Dain, all are happy.
However, it is wrong to assume someone is passing without consulting them. We were both online and available. Things have been going well on our server, we don't need you going behind our back to talk to Vindication. Ciner and I had been in talks throughout most of the night. We are both capable of handling situations that involve our 2 guilds.
Rohaise - in the future, before telling another guild that Hoss has "passed", please consult us first.
10-23-2001, 01:12 PM
Why so distress Sirensa?
Dain was in danger of poofing, so I began the process of initiating tells to ensure that would not happen.
We heard that Hoss did not intend on killing him so I asked Ciner of Vindication (next in line for rotation) if they intended on killing him. Yes, I heard secondhand, but that was enough info to get a dialogue started. It was obviously not the word of law. Uh, Duh?
Since when am I Vindication's mommy?
Of course they are going to verify with you. Since Mythic Legion was not up for Dain, it was Vindication's responsibility to clear it with you - which they did. If ML was up I would have obviously checked with you personally. Ciner can handle himself; I'm sure he didn't need me to be his Hoss contact.
Heck, if I hadn't initiated the tells, Hoss would have never fought Dain, and would have had yet another pass. In addition, Dain would have poofed since I apparently caught Ciner just as his guild was breaking up for the evening.
I'm sure we all hate seeing mobs poof to patches. Which is what would have happened in this case.
You're welcome.
This post reminds me of a traffic ticket I got many years ago.
I was turning left at a (green) traffic signal during a break in oncoming traffic, and a cop pulled me over for "failing to yield right-of-way". (/boggle) I went to court to fight it many months later. Looking at the infraction, the judge immediately said "ok, where's the accident report". The officer stammered "uh, well, there was no accident". The judge responded "then why the hell are you wasting my time?".
10-23-2001, 02:41 PM
The point of my post was not that you saved a Dain from poofing. Kudos to you. It worked out well in the end. The point was that you lied to Vindication about Hoss passing.
It is hard enough getting along without people making up stories and passing them along willy nilly to other guilds. You say you heard that we were passing? Who did you hear this from? It certainly was not Andaas or I, as we did not speak to you about Dain last night.
Dain was in danger of poofing, so I began the process of initiating tells to ensure that would not happen.
Why not just shoot us a tell?
In the future, if you are going to lie to Vindication and tell them we pass on a mob, please confirm your facts with us first.
I am not trying to cause problems here, but I would appreciate you taking a more direct route and consulting Andaas or I regarding matters that concern Hoss in the future.
10-23-2001, 03:58 PM
Who did I "lie" to?
I told Ciner that I heard you were passing on Dain.
Someone from HOSS told someone in ML that you were passing on Dain, and that entered our guildchat. I could tell you the exact names of these someones, but what point would that serve? This was not me making any "officially sanctioned post" on the IGB, it was just me passing on the info to the next guild in line.
Therefore I sent a tell to Ciner of Vindication (the next guild on the list).
Ciner verified that yes, you were not going to be fighting Dain last night.
I am not trying to cause problems here
Then what exactly are you trying to do? LOL
What a silly thread.
10-23-2001, 05:56 PM
The problem Rohaise is that the supposed information of Hoss passing on Dain happened before that decision was made.
When Ciner contacted Hoss about it, we were in fact still planning on doing Dain. We learned around the same time that 2 NToV dragons were up however, and decided that it would be more beneficial to try and get to them last night after Tormax (of course that didn't happen either due to many fuck ups, heh).
It all worked out in the end, however, I think the point that Sirensa and I would like to make here is that in the future to please check with a Hoss IGB representative (who were both online at the time this happened), instead of making assumptions and/or taking the word of someone else.
10-24-2001, 12:31 AM
Er, I'll say it again: "Duh"
If it was ML's turn we would have verified the rumor (for that is all it was) to be true or not.
Vindication was up next, it was up to them to confirm and they did, just like good boys and girls.
Can I help you with anything else tonight?
Kattoo Tacit
10-24-2001, 12:05 PM
TR took down VS last night.
10-24-2001, 01:07 PM
you guys are overreacting.
It shouldnt matter if someones tells Vind that they heard Hoss is passing on orc_01.
Did someone stamp GOD on MLs forehead? Who cares what they say. Its vinds job to verify the info before taking out a mob. Stop being so damn snooty with eachother and move on.
None of business of course but I love giving my input.
10-24-2001, 01:10 PM
We Erudites are quite proud of our foreheads.
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