View Full Version : Hello there!

07-24-2004, 11:23 AM
Hi there hoss, My name is Aeliana, 65 Druid 370 something AA's blah blah, I am going to be doing a Server transfer soon and was wondering if i could learn a little more about your guild. I am Time flagged and Kod taz flagged, i come from the rathe. I am looking for a PST guild that I can raid with, I am a single Mom on the east coast, so my raiding time is when my little one is settling for the night. I would like a guild that I can raid nightly with again, who tries to stay away from the drama that EQ brings. Also, like i said i like to raid nightly, but usualy will need 15 min to put my daughter to bed at 9 pm est, an hour into your raid times. Would that be a major problem with the way this guild works? Thank you ahead of Time for any information, and well if your just not accepting Druid apps, bonk me and tell me to go away. :)

07-24-2004, 12:37 PM
Heyas, Aeliana. On our frontpage, we do have druids listed as a class we are seeking out. Most all the information you seek will be underneath the Membership Application Form. There you will find our raid time, as well as what we are seeking for a particular class. To the rest of the question you had to say, I will let someone else take it from there :) Good luck in whatever you decide to do :D

07-24-2004, 02:06 PM
I did check those, can never be too sure about them being up to date, on my server druids are a dime a dozen, don't usualy find them in need many places =) Thank you for the info! I appreciate your response. I really do love to raid, but my main thing here is i want to be sure the guild I join accepts the fact that I am a Mom first, I need those few afk's to put her to bed.

Other than that I am a top notch Druid, I know my class, I pay attention, I love encounters that are tedious and stressfull ( I really like the Rathe Council raid, and PoAir Mini's, about anything in GoD, alot of people think I am crazy :) ).

Anyways i understand if you say, no we can have that in our guild, It's fine, i just want to make my deision on which server i transfer too based on what guild i will apply too, and where I plan to stay.

Thanx again for any information

07-24-2004, 02:27 PM
War in our guild who was at the time the MT would put his child to bed as well, personally if you have to afk here and there and its a regularly scheduled thing, i dont care honestly. Post your app, that type of thing wouldnt be looked down upon by any of our members.

07-24-2004, 03:04 PM
Like Burn said I don't think it would be a problem, pretty much everyone understands people have RL Obligations to look to sometimes =o. I'd say post away! :D

07-26-2004, 10:41 PM
hehe we have a druid name aelia lol your app would be most welcome