View Full Version : You can't be serious on the register form...

06-12-2001, 11:32 PM
"Permission Form
A parent or guardian must mail or fax a signed permission form to the administrator of Hoss Discussion Forums before a user under the age of 13 can complete the registration.

For further information contact andaas@hossguild.com."

Guess we won't be seeing Shik and Hallinforth here


06-13-2001, 07:45 AM

06-15-2001, 02:32 AM
Actually the reason you see the younger than 13 thing a lot now is because somewhat recently the Children's Online Protection Act was passed, which makes it illegal for websites to solicit private information from anyone under 13. Not that it really helps to stop people from doing it, but it's one of those clauses you'll see just about everywhere that asks for some type of your personal info. Just one of those things that would help the board administrator/website owner if they were to get into trouble from lawyers and junk over that kind of stuff.

06-15-2001, 10:19 AM
hypothetically you can also say things like... poop, and thirteen year old eyes won't see such adult content.