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View Full Version : best place to hunt at lvl 48?

06-25-2001, 11:27 PM
I been hunting in karnors but sometimes it takes forever to get a group there, anyone know a place for leet group exp at lvl 48?

someone I talked to in game suggested Sol B, is that a good spot?

I know its been awhile since most of you were that low but think back a long time and try to remember where you hunted hehe.

ps. someone using an anon name and isnt flaming the hell out of the people on the forum, first time ever this has happened in history.

06-26-2001, 06:13 AM
LGuk, Sol B, Rathe Mountains (Troll Guards), OOT (Seafuries), Karnor's, Chardok, Burning Woods, Skyfire, Sebilis, Charasis, Velketor's Lab (zoneline spiders), and Timorous Deep (Raptors, Spirocs)..there's more, just a few that came to mind. :)

06-29-2001, 03:43 AM
City of Mist and the Hole are my personal favorites.

Valterra Dethdealer
Champion of Innoruuk

Valley Gyrrl
Wanderer of Tunare

p.s. yeah I'm a board troll=/ it's patch day..sue me :)

06-30-2001, 03:22 AM
...in Skyshrine. Seriously. Gargoyle guards are blue and don't start greening until 51. The drake casters are pretty easy too, except for the enchanter mobs. Those suck. Hardcore suckage too, none of that NC-17 shiznit.

Also, stuff behind the 2nd gate in the CY is all blue, but you will need a slower for it. The sentries are pretty MR, have beefy HPs, and are NFA on hits. Still, they're grunts.