View Full Version : Rotation Schedule
08-30-2001, 04:17 PM
Trak - Hoss (P1-10/23), NI (10/23), Vind (added 10/27), L`Malla (10/27), VE (added 10/10), GAP (10/13), ML (10/16), IG (10/20)
Sev - IG (T-Hoss 9/24), L`Malla(10/11), TR (added 10/26), NI (T - GAP), GAP (T-NI 10/27), Vindi (T - CN 9/13), Hoss (T-IG), VE (T-GAP)
Ragefire {Naggy Down 10/23} - ML (10/24), TV (added 10/25), GAP (10/12 out of turn), Hoss(T - 9/6 ), VE (9/9), NI (9/12), L`Malla (T - VH 9/14), Vind (Missed turn, up next), IG (10/20), TR (10/22)
CT - Hoss (T-L`Malla 10/28), L`Malla (T-Hoss 10/23), Vind (P3 - 10/15), ML (10/16)
Dain - ML (10/20), Hoss (T-Vind P1-10/25), Vind (T-Hoss 10/22), L`Malla (10/26)
Tormax - Vindi (10/25), ML (), Hoss (P1-10/25)
Statue - L`Malla, Hoss, Vindication (10/25)
Dozekar - Hoss (10/16), IG (F - 10/15), Vind (10/27)
Lend - Vindi (10/22), Hoss (10/23), L'Malla (Added 10/09) ML (10/15)
Zland - Hoss (T-IG 10/26), IG (T-Hoss F1-10/25), L`Malla (T-Vind), Vind (T-L`Malla 10/27), ML (10/16)
Klandicar - Hoss (T-ML F1-10/28), ML (T-Hoss 10/25), Vind (10/22), L`Malla (added 10/25)
Sontalak - ML( 10/18), Vindication (10/21), L`Malla (10/25), Hoss (P1-10/28)
Yelinak - ML (F1-10/28) Vind (), Hoss (), L`Malla (added 10/25)
ST Warders - ML (10/18), Vind (10/23), Hoss (T-Vind 10/10)
N ToV - Hoss (10/21-10/28), L`Malla (added 10/25), ML (10/5-10/11), Vind (10/12-10/20)
You know the drill - follow with confirmed dates when mob is down
also double check to be sure you are in the rotations you want to be in
I know it is a pain sometimes - but please post a quick note when a mob is taken down by your guild so we can keep the rotation updated
There are now some (P) up there on various mobs, based on the fact they lived through the days those guilds were due for them. I'll be putting the dates with them and the F's as well.
Rotation Changes.
Added L`Malla to the Lend rotation.
Added IG to the Zlandicar rotation.
Added VE to the Trak rotation.
10/23 Added North ToV to the rotation schedule.
10/24 Added Yelinak to the rotation schedule.
10/25 Added L`Malla to Klandicar, Yelinak, NToV rotations.
10/26 Added Sontalak (pending aggreement) to the rotation schedule.
10/26 Added TR to the Sev rotation.
10/26 Added {Next Guild} to the Current Rotations list to test.
10/27 Added Vind to the Trak rotation.
Current Rotations:
Trak = VE {GAP}
Sev = NI {Vind}
Ragefire = Vind {Hoss}
CT = Vind {ML}
Dain = ML {Hoss}
Tormax = ML {Hoss}
Statue = L`Malla {Hoss}
Doze = Hoss {IG}
Lend = L`Malla {ML}
Zlan = L`Malla {ML}
Klan = Vind {L`Malla}
Sontalak = ML {Vind}
Yelinak = Vind {Hoss}
ST = Hoss {ML}
N ToV = ML {Vind}
10-25-2001, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by Rohaise
Dain Frostreaver IV is up.
Dain - ML (10/20), Hoss (T-Vind), Vind (T-Hoss 10/22), L`Malla (F-10/19)
Hoss is still in NToV tonight. We cannot make it to Dain. Good luck L'Malla.
Not even worth it, like pounding your head against a wall trying to explain some stuff.
10-25-2001, 09:34 PM
Tormax dead, 10/25
Dlgoth Riknueth
10-25-2001, 10:49 PM
so uh, since Dain was kinda sprung on us, and by the time we got a chance to think about him, we didnt have the peeps (425 Dain), any chance we can wack him tomorrow? Dont think we sued our monthly pass yet, and well, month is about up ;)
*ducks the incoming flames*
10-25-2001, 10:59 PM
Course, can use pass dl...
Statue dead also.
10-26-2001, 02:56 AM
I guess IG failed to Zlandicar. Hoss will be on him Friday night after we finish in NToV.
10-26-2001, 06:09 AM
Thank you Sirensa. :)
10-26-2001, 09:53 AM
Quintall -
Please adjust the rotation schedule to show that Hoss TRADED Zlandicar with IG. It was done on these boards and in advance and was legit. Must have just been missed by you in the spam of yesterday's posting frenzies.
So like Andaas said, we'll be on him tonight after we finish in NToV. Don't want that to be a surprise to anyone.
10-26-2001, 09:56 AM
KK it shall be done.
Yer right, that frenzy did have it missing.
10-26-2001, 11:15 AM
Im a bit confused about Zlan. The last kill was 10/16? Is that accurate?
And L`malla is up after hoss, correct?
10-26-2001, 11:19 AM
Correct on both counts.
He was due the day of the patch (23rd), hence the long gap in spawn time viewed in the rotation.
10-26-2001, 12:13 PM
Were actually realizing we are running low on mobs to kill. Are going to try Doz next time he pops. Are we up next or is IG?
10-26-2001, 12:34 PM
The Dozekar rotation has been funky, rarely seem to get told when he dies, so maybe best if you guys let me know, and we'll get it kick started again.
10-26-2001, 03:16 PM
In the list (bottom of the schedult) of who's up for each mob, could you add who's next also? The lists are kinda hard to read sometimes. E.g.
Trak = L`Malla (NextGuild)
Sev = NI (NextGuild)
Ragefire = Vind (NextGuild)
10-26-2001, 05:31 PM
Would you like fries with that Grazel? :)
10-26-2001, 11:26 PM
Killed Dozekar 10/26
10-27-2001, 01:17 AM
Zlandicar down 10/26 around 11:45 pm pacific.
NToV basically cleared, Ikitiar dying tomorrow to finish it off.
Eta for NToV spawns next week:
Tuesday: Eashen, Aaryonar, Feshlak, Dagarn, Kreizenn
Wednesday: Miranella, Koi`Doken
Thursday: Cekenar, Zlexak, Sevelak, Jorlleag, Nevedaria
Friday: Vyemm, Vulak
Saturday: (Ikitiar)
Kattoo Tacit
10-27-2001, 04:46 AM
TR - CT down 10-26.
Popped while we were there.
I got screen shots. kk
10-27-2001, 08:27 AM
Um, I don't see TR in the rotation anywhere.
Dlgoth Riknueth
10-27-2001, 08:55 AM
Dain Down last night.
From my understanding the CT that they killed was a lesser GM spawned version that dropped different loot.
10-27-2001, 09:32 AM
sev down to gap 27/10
10-27-2001, 09:51 AM
ah, k.
Dlgoth Riknueth
10-27-2001, 11:35 AM
From what I hear GM's spawned a "mini" ct that dropped Scim of emerald dawn, bladestopper and dragonscale mask.
10-27-2001, 01:51 PM
Add Vind to trak rotation please.
10-27-2001, 01:55 PM
God knows why ppl in Vindi want to go to VP, but some do apparently.
10-28-2001, 01:03 AM
Loani just posted this on our internal board. Make of it what you will:
I went into SolB and found a bunch of people /anon. I did a /who and found these people in the zone:
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:30 2001] You have entered Nagafen's Lair.
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] Players on EverQuest:
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] ---------------------------
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [38 Monk] Toattin (Iksar) <Fallen Angels>
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [45 Paladin] Adaur (Dwarf) <Knights of Emerald Dawn>
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [ANONYMOUS] Kikken <The Reverie>
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [45 Rogue] Dorcas (Dark Elf) <Legacy of Hate>
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [45 Warrior] Slappyz (Human) <Evil Dominion>
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [ANONYMOUS] Soubity
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [ANONYMOUS] Aonuma <Great Adventure Partizan>
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [ANONYMOUS] Free <Great Adventure Partizan>
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [ANONYMOUS] Golding
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [ANONYMOUS] Yamasa
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [ANONYMOUS] Muse
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [ANONYMOUS] Niceye
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [ANONYMOUS] Birdme
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [ANONYMOUS] Mopatpat <Hoss>
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [ANONYMOUS] Kevinmen
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [ANONYMOUS] Palmk
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [ANONYMOUS] Cros <Vindication>
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [30 Magician] Aandaen (High Elf) <Fallen Angels>
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [29 Cleric] Sadini (High Elf) <Fallen Angels>
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [ANONYMOUS] Leearba
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [ANONYMOUS] Yuku
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [ANONYMOUS] Eyaone
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [47 Shadow Knight] Oceanbreeze (Troll) <Great Adventure Partizan>
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [ANONYMOUS] Adaas
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [ANONYMOUS] Howbazare
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [ANONYMOUS] Pking
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [ANONYMOUS] Pumn
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [40 Bard] Keyzz (Half Elf) <Vexillarius>
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [ANONYMOUS] Bemeni <Fallen Angels>
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [ANONYMOUS] Halffoot
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [ANONYMOUS] Nasus
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [43 Cleric] Toban (Dwarf) <Obsidian Circle of Power>
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [ANONYMOUS] Vanessalee
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [ANONYMOUS] Aleman
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [30 Warrior] Lallai (Wood Elf) <Fallen Angels>
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [ANONYMOUS] Johanen
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] [60 Grandmaster] Loani (Human) <Mythic Legion>
[Sun Oct 28 01:22:32 2001] There are 37 players in Nagafen's Lair.
Most of the /anon players are in Night Kids. I thought that kinda weird that so many people would be /anon.
I ran into Naggy's lair and found a group of people. I think they had just killed Ragefire. I took a screenshot of the people that were there, who were busy arranging ports. I don't think it could have been Naggy because some of those people are well above level 52.
I wonder whose turn it is for Ragefire?
10-28-2001, 02:37 AM
Yah waiwai told me NK killed Ragefire. Soo.. heh
10-28-2001, 06:35 AM
Let me try to understand something...Waiwai knows Rage is on Rotation, and didn't bother to try to stop NK's from killing Rage and getting on the damn rotation?
10-28-2001, 09:42 AM
A little birdie told me quite a few NK members have characters in Vindi, is that true or just one of those unfounded rumors?
10-28-2001, 11:41 AM
So uh, Hoss ended up not finishing our clearing of NToV. The vile Ikitiar the Venomed evaded us yesterday... only killed him once too, rofl.
Anyway, he's there for ML still, enjoy. Will serve us right if he drops a tunic, heh.
10-28-2001, 11:45 AM
I'm confused as to why Ikatiar is on the NToV rotation.
The fact is, a guild could easily kill Ikatiar way before they could kill Eashen or enter NToV.
Seems he should be seperate.
10-28-2001, 11:51 AM
Reguarding Waiwai, while he has a char in NK he plays during the early hours and day... He dosnt seem to have any real power.
Had the same problem when we cleared some Myga pats, Myga pop'd and when we were mobilizing NK came and took her. A db that will never be used ^_~
10-28-2001, 01:36 PM
Agreement with ciner, ikatiar needs to be separate from the ntov rotation, should just be an ffa mob.
10-28-2001, 02:01 PM
Separate perhaps, FFA, probably not.
I can see a limited need to kill him, as I have monks and necro's breathing down my neck for tunics/cloaks, however, once they are taken care of I doubt we'd have any interest in touching the spawn.
Would appear Sont and Kland are up in WW, sont since sometime last night I guess. Just informin the masses ;)
10-28-2001, 02:45 PM
Yeah, we'll be heading out for Kland/Sont after CT who seems to be up today as well.
Oh and Quintall, Hoss got Zlandicar as I posted earlier in this thread.
10-28-2001, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by Ciner
Reguarding Waiwai, while he has a char in NK he plays during the early hours and day... He dosnt seem to have any real power.
His SHD Waciy(spell?) is an officer of NK, just FYI.
10-28-2001, 06:30 PM
Ciner dont even bullshit everyone by saying Waiwai has no power over Nightkids.
Point is you can do something about it but choose not to. You choose NOT to do anything because it doesnt effect Vind. Im damn sure NK wouldnt dream of stealthing a mob when its Vinds turn.
10-28-2001, 06:37 PM
Actually, that was indeed Vind's turn, based on that confusion previously they were to get the next spawn.
10-28-2001, 07:05 PM
We are up Than heh, you dont think I'm mad? Waiwai said he told them not to but they didnt listen. Like I said he has no real control.
Damn, Than, why so angry
10-28-2001, 07:06 PM
Zlan dead around 9est the 28th
10-28-2001, 07:36 PM
Thanks Quint. And yes i want curly fries, biggie size.
10-28-2001, 07:41 PM
Sorry, out of curly fries, and Vind used all the salt. Can I interest you in our new stuffed baked potatoes instead?
10-28-2001, 07:42 PM
Ciner, was that a trade with L`Malla, or did they pass/fail?
Um, we sure didn't fail, and I know we didn't pass on it. When did it spawn, why did it spawn 6 days early and why didn't anyone in vindi notify the next guild in line that a rotated mob is up until after you guys were in DN and prepping to engage? I'm not gonna say it was taken out of rotation, but I don't like being skipped over because a GM thought it would be funny to spawn a mob in a seldom used zone and nobody saw fit to notify the next guild in line when it was discovered this was the case. And don't give me the "you should have been watching your spawn" shit, nobody on this board watches a 7 day spawn starting 1 day after it was killed.
I'm not pissed Vindication killed it, but I would like to not be skipped over on it. A trade would work for me, but I refuse to take a pass/fail on a mob that was GM popped and nobody who knew it was up felt it was neccesary to mention it was up.
10-28-2001, 09:07 PM
Zlan pop'd 2pm yesterday, I was reminded by a few guildmembers today that it had been more than 24hrs and "lets go get him" so headed on down and got it done.
I have np with officially it being a trade if others are ok with it.
Dlgoth Riknueth
10-28-2001, 09:11 PM
GM's have been popping dragons all weekend like it's going out of style. Kunark dragons were spawning every 6 hours. Hell Zland could already be up again. I've been reading stories of other servers....Guild killed trak, then a dwarf spawns and says "oh you think you killed him?" and he respawns. Another guild said there were THREE traks in the lair. One guild killed sont, then zland, came out, sont was back.
Honestly it's hard to complain about it much this weekend due to the GM events. Hell We did CT what? Tuesday...they spawned a version of him friday for TR, and Hoss just killed him again last night?
Personally, I wish it was always like this, less disputes, but it's just for this weekend during their misc events for Halloween.
VE encountered the clockwork dragon in WW, believe they said they "drowned him", where as on other servers guilds say they actually killed him.
Didn't Vind have an ancient dragon spawn on them in VP saturday night? Other servers had him spawn at Vhemm prep.
Crazy weekend I tell ya, and hella fun.
10-28-2001, 11:05 PM
Was wondering status on Yelinak, Klan, Sont.
FYI spoke to Andaas earlier and Hoss is going to kill warders Monday.
10-28-2001, 11:16 PM
Well.. we'll do the warders if they're up.
Sorry for the tone of the above post, have had problems logging in all friggin day for some reason, I was able to connect long enough to find out about Zland then promptly get booted again, so my nerves were a tad edgy. Trade is cool, just didn't want to get passed on it. At the least, the rotation will be 5 days faster this time around ;)
10-29-2001, 01:05 AM
Sont Klan Yel? Anyone out there? Need to know if anything is up to plan our day...
10-29-2001, 02:03 AM
CT dead.
Sont / Kland are up. Couldn't get Kland with 36... never got around to Sont.
10-29-2001, 07:33 AM
Yelinak lived, wouldn't reset as normal, and survived us with that hated invisible red / in his life.
Updating the rotation regarding Yel, Sont, Klan, etc, etc.
10-29-2001, 07:43 AM
Rotation is updated and current to here Andaas.
Dlgoth Riknueth
10-29-2001, 08:20 AM
Blah, I'm looking at Trak and it says we passed...We killed him Saturday ;)
Sorry for not posting heh.
10-29-2001, 08:29 AM
Fixed it Dlgoth, thanks.
10-29-2001, 09:05 AM
Says Hoss is after ML in NToV, think you skipped us =\
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