View Full Version : Disapointed...
I have been watching the 3 main guilds on this server since I hit 60 about 12 months ago. After being in Vindication for many months I decided that their rude antics and obscene behavior was to much and it was time to look for another guild. It was starting look like it was going to be a difficult decision on which I was going to attempt to join. Clearly after seeing what has been posted on I will not be choosing Hoss as my new home... Its either this guild is full of immature players(which I don't think is the case) or its just Torrid thats immature(hateful, spiteful, etc, etc). But seeing as you let him act the way he does, doesn't look good for the guild as a whole. Well, good luck and take care all.
Kail Nightwolf
i like goat cheese and sugar sweet tarts
10-30-2001, 10:16 AM
I really don't see the big problem with Torrid's post. It is a tongue in cheek imitation of you-know-who's website, but there is little to no profanity or sexual content, as opposed to others that have been done. It's amusing. Not once in the post does he directly make fun of or attack anyone else. It's just a little bit of satire, and the way the original post was written, I don't really have a problem with it.
I am sure that most people in ML don't really even care.
10-30-2001, 10:24 AM
This person is trolling....posted the same message on vindictions site under a different name. I'm sure, if he/she could have, the same message would be on ML's forum.....then again, hmmm.
At least Shik and Torrid post using their real names and don't hide behind anon...
/rude troll
10-30-2001, 10:33 AM
I don't see the big deal, it was amusing and flattering. I mean hell, it got a chuckle out of me (Shik's still trying to figure out how to do that, he's getting better though). /shrug People just need to stop taking things so seriously. =) Life's too short. =)
btw OT: I'm looking for good info on Friardom in Daoc. So far I've been levelling pretty steadily and keeping my gear up to date, just trying to figure out what path I should take with advancement and such.
So far I've been buying staff every level, I like the results, I'm not a good healer, my self enhancement is limited to my base, but I'm breaking things in two pretty easily with my stick. This a good way to go? I don't know if I get extra development points later in life or not and I want excommunicate, if it's anything like the techniques I have now it should allow me to deliver some serious pain come 50.
--The Unconscious
10-30-2001, 10:36 AM
Heh.. someone just got their new "Fun with Trolling" handbook I guess.
Paraphrasing what Zarxen said on the Vindi board..
"Um.. what makes you think anyone is interested in guilding you anyway?"
10-30-2001, 10:40 AM
Touche =)
Elidroth was funny too =)
--The Unconscious
Edit: Bah, Elidroth's post changed, it isn't a funny any more. It was better the first time.
*Ignoring the troll factor for a moment*
Yes Torrid maybe immature *poke Torrid*, but he's not hateful or spiteful - and the satirical news entry was funny and well done. There is good clean fun to be had by guilds poking fun at each other, I think. As long as it stays "friendly".
10-30-2001, 11:33 AM
Actually forty, I think Kail is his char's name :)
forty has short term memory :P
10-30-2001, 12:10 PM
Except there are two here and the other at Vindication...sooooo =P. Besides it's a good general statement that doesn't have to be directed specifically at Kail.
Yeah....I remember that Kail person. He's just a troll in Barb clothing.
/e Looks around for more caffine. Mmm, Diet Coke Lemon.
10-30-2001, 12:32 PM
Hey, what happened to the true purpose of this thread? j00 are to geev me r33t daoc strats, kk thx~
--The Unconscious
10-30-2001, 12:38 PM
Leafweir go back to sleep =\
10-30-2001, 06:03 PM
Immature huh? Perhpas I pretend to act that way sometimes in attempts at humor and people don't get it. I don't deny every once and awhile its not, but then everyone does once and awhile. If you met me in RL I extremely doubt you'd be saying that.
All bark and no bite I'm afraid. I've yet to even gate pricks who ask for ports to places other than where they ask in my 325+ days. Youd be surprised how many people who don't like you would ask you for gates too heh.
Andriana Duskrose
10-30-2001, 06:04 PM
L33t DAoC str4ts:
Click start menu --> Mythic --> Dark Age of Camelot --> Uninstall.
10-30-2001, 07:01 PM
lol how could you forget Kail, Forty!
He duped the post some egg made on our board btw, for the slow pplz!
Nmok Soulblighter
10-30-2001, 08:11 PM
Rhedd, Leaf is asleep...isn't he always?
BTW Rhedd, thanks for the most friendly tag, my ass is awaiting your arrival.
Nmok "Rhedd is the Bun in my Oven" Soulblighter
10-30-2001, 09:18 PM
10-31-2001, 06:40 AM
I thought it was Gnrub's ass Rhedd was so fond of? :)
this whole thread has done nothing but confuse me.
10-31-2001, 07:27 AM
Me too Rika.
10-31-2001, 09:10 AM
Gnrub cheated on me
10-31-2001, 12:35 PM
Torrid is the most misunderstood person when it comes to his humor. I like his humor as I believe most others in the guild do also. Letting him act this way? Why not, it's always good to laugh, and it isn't like he pushed any situation to far. Luckily; knowing from experience, communicating your thoughts towards Torrid about what you think in a negitive way doesn't stop him, believe me I know from experience. :D
here frnds i shall enlighten~
10-31-2001, 02:13 PM
hehe this thread was meant as a joke for people who have read both ours and vindis boards and public forums, just a bunch of people didnt see that =[
this post was simply reitterating what the person on the vindi board said only with a few changed words - was all in good humor
hope that clarifies most of the huhs? etc :D
10-31-2001, 03:04 PM
So, lemme get this straight. Kail satirized a post on vind's boards that was in response to their satire on ML's page, which we also posted a satire of, which Kail referred to in his satire?
<head explodes>
10-31-2001, 03:10 PM
Your making my head hurt Eomer stop it
10-31-2001, 05:28 PM
exactly eomer :D
10-31-2001, 05:54 PM
Sorry rhedd, will watch my teeth next time
<takes out retainer>
Lronius de la Mancha
10-31-2001, 07:53 PM
*fondles rika*
I dunno about immature. But we crack jokes at each other a lot =)
11-01-2001, 04:12 AM
Screw you guys. I'm going home.
Haha, sometimes I get worried if people take me too litteraly :D I don't hate anyone though, not even close. Not even if people devote an entire news post of their guild page to flame me. Need a gate, gnome? ;)
Nmok Soulblighter
11-01-2001, 07:59 AM
I just hate Rhedd....don't we all?
11-01-2001, 08:06 AM
Torrid hates me because I wont give him free sexor
Nmok how WUUD
11-01-2001, 10:06 AM
So, by hoping to poke a satiracle look at a brief faux listing that altered tags and placements for the bridal quality, the original listing weened the taste of testiments tantimount to the proverbial lancaster.
When you see the battery acid taste tested, freezed dried innuendo posted from guild to guild, it's clearly transparent to the reader's writer while solidly fog-laden carbon copied.
There's a problem, leathers iron. Bargin building, weights and pulleys. Feathers hit the ground before the weight benieth the air.
11-02-2001, 08:16 AM
Umm...omg ;|
Pass that weed over here LK cause you must be smoking something nice.
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
11-06-2001, 11:32 AM
Leaf if you are a healer and plan to play DAoC all the way through i strongly reccomend you choose to either be a messer or a Healer. Both are strongly wanted but in the game are the same class. I am in the same group and have been since level 20 we have 2 healers in our group one that heals one that mezzes. Without a pure mezzer in a group in skona ravine or Swamp(notice i play in Midgard) You are in trouble. The same way for a pure healer you need the healer to only deal with heals that way get the most out of his power and less "OOM's"
Hope that helps a lil..
Lortl "Da'Tortl" Thrice
Lortl Thrice
Tristan, Midgard
Troll Beserker
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