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View Full Version : NToV Rotation Proposal v3

10-31-2001, 04:24 AM

1. Each guild in rotation is given 6 days to clear NToV. This 6 days is consecutive and may not be restarted at any time due to scheduled or emergency patches. Under no circumstances except where noted in the next paragraph is a guild allowed to extend their raid beyond 6 consecutive days without the consent/agreement of the other guilds in the rotation.

In the event a guild has cleared all dragons minus Vulak through 6 days, the raiding guild will be allowed to raid a 7th day to attempt/kill Vulak (note, if a patch or other interruption alters the zone this bonus day is void).

2. NToV mobs consist of Ikitiar, Eashen, Aaryonar, Feshlak, Dagarn, Kreizenn, Miranella, Koi`Doken, Zlexak, Cekenar, Sevelak, Jorlleag, Nevederia, Vyemm and Vulak.

A Rotation turn is secured by killing Aaryonar. Aaryonar is the gatekeeper of NToV and should be killed by the 2nd day of your guild's turn. If you cannot kill Aaryonar within the allotted 2 day limit, your turn is forfeit, and the next guild in line is up. -- This rule applies to all NToV guilds and raids and is not a 1 time test.

3. Ending/Beginning a new rotation turn. It is possible that guild's can take anywhere from 1-7 of their allotted days to clear NToV. In the event that a guild takes the entire 7 days, the next guild up in rotation is allowed 1 day between the previous guild's raid and the start of their raid to allow for spawns to "catch up". (Example - ML is in NToV and takes their full 6 days + 1 day for Vulak, ending on a Friday, Vindication is up next, they can choose to start their raid either Saturday or on Sunday, without being penalized). In the event a guild is finished with their turn in less than 6 days, the next guild up will have their turn commence anytime within 24 hours of Aaryonar's respawn.

4. Monthly pass considerations. Due to the high level of interest and lengthy raid times for this zone, no guilds may utilize their "1-day pass" for NToV raids. NToV consists of 15 high level encounters over multiple days, and should be treated as the highest priority raid for all guilds involved. Failure to enter NToV for a 24 hour period during your alloted raid time will result in forfeiture of the raid to the next guild in the rotation.

5. Extra spawns / pre-patch cleanup. In the event a guild's raid would start within 48 hours of a planned server outage, the guild can choose to start their raid after the patch. Any spawns that appear leading up to the patch may be taken by one of the other NToV raid guilds (a second loosely followed rotation for this may be tracked). If the waiting guild is up in rotation for the extra spawns, they cannot take them pre-patch, and must pass to another guild (this is to ensure people don't take advantage of the rule to gain days+spawns in NToV).

6. Failed raids. Once a guild has quit or failed an NToV raid, control of the zone will go to the next guild in the rotation. The guild would also have the options available in rule 5 above based on patch timing for their raid.


Lets finalize these asap so everyone follows the same guidelines, thanks.

Post comments here, I will post a final version up for voting within 24 hours.

10-31-2001, 05:37 AM
Just like to clarify a few things, starting with the comment after:

There can be no abuse of something that isn't finalized, would appreciate it if you backed the hell off that stance, especially considering ML could have, by the old rules, done multi spawns in there instead of saying "go for it" to you and Vind. Thanks.

On the Aary clause, we don't like this. Regardless, you need to be clear here, since you say at the begining of their raid, then if Aary respawns, they are NOT responsible for making sure he dies within 48 hours again. That would be simply assinine to 'require' it and possibly end up making the guild following them not have an Aary to clear when they 'enter' the raid.

Failed/Quit raids. clarify what is 'quit'. If ML is up for Ragefire and he spawn, bet yer ass we're gonna get it for our cleric. However, leaving for an hour-three-ten-whatever, shouldn't be counted as quitting. Quitting should be posted here, as you have pointed out, guilds are constantly in flux, and therefore may need a single night off for whatever reason during their allotted turn. I don't believe this should be counted against them, since they have, technicaly, 6 days, possibly 7, by your proposal.

10-31-2001, 05:49 AM
Edited my closing statement, heh.

Doh.. sorry about the quit raid thing, I edited it once and omitted a key part...

6. Failed raids. A guild will be presumed as quitting an NToV raid if they do not attempt any of the 15 above named mobs in the zone in a 24 hour period. Once a guild has quit or failed an NToV raid, control of the zone will go to the next guild in the rotation. The guild would also have the options available in rule 5 above based on patch timing for their raid.

On the Aary clause, we don't like this. Regardless, you need to be clear here, since you say at the begining of their raid, then if Aary respawns, they are NOT responsible for making sure he dies within 48 hours again. That would be simply assinine to 'require' it and possibly end up making the guild following them not have an Aary to clear when they 'enter' the raid.

Most failed raids would include Aaryonar as an active spawn, so the Aaryonar respawn issue wouldn't apply. If a guild moves in after a failed/quit raid and Aaryonar is down, it is assumed that they will proceed to kill the remaining spawns before respawn. This would include fighting/killing Aaryonar within 48 hours of his respawn on their active raid (if the respawn is ever this screwed up I would be surprised however).

10-31-2001, 06:03 AM
I'm not talking about him respawning during the next guild in after a failed or completed raid, I'm talking about you are in there for 6 days. You kill Aary on the first day, and get to the back area, killing all the ring dragons including Vyemm, in the first 2 days.

Emergency patch, everything is up again, you still have 4 days of raid, why the hell would you be *required* to kill Aary withing the first 48 hours if you don't feel like it? You've already killed him at the start of your turn, it should be well within your rights to kill him in whatever order you please at that point.

ML still doesn't like this clause though, I'm just pointing out a very viable issue that could arise.

10-31-2001, 06:16 AM
If you have a 6 day raid, kill the inner circle dragons (including Vyemm) after 2 days and have a patch. Outside of being extremely pissed off... why wouldn't you want to kill Aaryonar after the patch immediately?

You have to kill him eventually...

10-31-2001, 06:18 AM
I know you would have to kill him eventually. Hell, having been there working from the back, we learned something nifty about Aary that you probably already know.

However, you state that clause in the manner of a start of the turn, there is no reason to *require* a respawn of Aary to be killed in 48 hours again if he respawns in the middle of a raid, the 'gate' has already been passed through.

10-31-2001, 08:20 AM
I agree with Quint here. If a guild has already proven that raid that they can kill Aary in 48hrs I see no need for them to kill Aary again in 48hrs if there is a patch.

Proving you can kill Aary in 48hrs once a turn should be enough.

Everything else looks great, thanks Andaas.

10-31-2001, 08:57 AM
Oh actually I forgot one thing, I dont think Ikatiar should be on the Ntov rotation, many guilds can kill him before they can kill eashen ect.