View Full Version : Rotation Schedule
08-30-2001, 03:17 PM
Trak - Hoss (P1-10/23), NI (10/23), Vind (added 10/27), L`Malla (10/27), VE (F1-10/29), GAP (P1-10/31?), ML (10/16), IG (10/20)
Sev - IG (T-Hoss 9/24), L`Malla(10/11), TR (added 10/26), NI (11/4), GAP (T-NI 10/27), Vindi (T - CN 9/13), Hoss (T-IG), VE (T-GAP)
Ragefire {Naggy Due 11/7} - ML (10/24), TV (added 10/25), GAP (10/12 out of turn), DSO (Added 11/5), Hoss(T - 9/6 ), VE (9/9), NI (9/12), L`Malla (T - VH 9/14), Vind (11/4), IG (10/20), TR (10/22)
CT - Hoss (T-L`Malla 10/28), L`Malla (T-Hoss 10/23), Vind (T-ML 11/1), ML (T-Vind 10/30)
Dain - ML (P1-11/2), Hoss (11/3), Vind (T-Hoss 10/22), L`Malla (10/26)
Tormax - Vindi (10/25), ML (F1-10/31), Hoss (11/1)
Statue - L`Malla (10/29), Hoss (10/31), Vindication (11/5)
Dozekar - Hoss (11/1), IG (P1-10/31?), Vind (10/27)
Lend - Vindi (11/1), Hoss (10/23), L'Malla (10/30) ML (P1-10/31)
Zland - Hoss (T-IG 10/26), IG (T-Hoss F1-10/25), L`Malla (T-Vind 11/1), Vind (T-L`Malla 10/27), ML (10/16)
Klandicar - Hoss (T-Vind), ML (T-Hoss 10/25), Vind (T-Hoss 11/1), L`Malla (10/30)
Sontalak - ML (out of rotation 10/29), Vindication (11/1), L`Malla (11/3), Hoss (11/5)
Yelinak - ML (T-Vind) Vind (T-ML 11/2), Hoss (P1-10/30?), L`Malla (P1-10/31?)
ST Warders - ML (T-Hoss 10/30), Vind (10/31), Hoss (T-ML)
N ToV - Hoss (10/21-10/28), L`Malla (added 10/25), ML (11/1-?), Vind (10/12-10/20)
You know the drill - follow with confirmed dates when mob is down
also double check to be sure you are in the rotations you want to be in
I know it is a pain sometimes - but please post a quick note when a mob is taken down by your guild so we can keep the rotation updated
There are now some (P) up there on various mobs, based on the fact they lived through the days those guilds were due for them. I'll be putting the dates with them and the F's as well.
Rotation Changes.
10/23 Added North ToV to the rotation schedule.
10/24 Added Yelinak to the rotation schedule.
10/25 Added L`Malla to Klandicar, Yelinak, NToV rotations.
10/26 Added Sontalak to the rotation schedule.
10/26 Added TR to the Sev rotation.
10/26 Added {Next Guild} to the Current Rotations list to test.
10/27 Added Vind to the Trak rotation.
11/5 Added DSO to the Ragefire rotation.
Current Rotations:
Trak = IG {Hoss}
Sev = Vind {Hoss}
Ragefire = Hoss {VE}
CT = Hoss {L`Malla}
Dain = Vind {L`Malla}
Tormax = Vind {ML}
Statue = L`Malla {Hoss}
Doze = IG {Vind}
Lend = Hoss {L`Malla}
Zlan = ML {Hoss}
Klan = Hoss {ML}
Sontalak = Vind {L`Malla}
Yelinak = ML {Hoss}
ST = Hoss {ML}
N ToV = ML {Vind}
10-31-2001, 05:43 PM
Andaas -
I don't care why you say you designed that "rule".
ML doesn't agree to it.
I think that as a test, it's a fine way to "gain admission" as I've already said.
The IGB is not a governing body. It's not a mini-NATO. Majority does not rule. This is a place where we schedule events, and try to get a long as best we can. If all the guilds cannot agree on a particular incarnation of the guidelines, then we must work to make sure that all do.
The Aary rule as you propose it is not acceptable to Mythic.
On the other hand, our normal modus operandi is to go for Aary first, anyway.
However, we're not going to be bound by it.
We'll do NToV in any order we please. Sometime, heck, we may not kill him at all.
Yes, ML agrees we should adhere to rules, once we agree on them.
Read my lips. Mythic doesn't agree to that proposed rule. We asked you to *propose* some guidelines that we would think about. ML thought about it, and ML doesn't don't like that one. Strike it. Mythic Legion, once a proven force in ML, has no reason nor need to "prove" anything
Mythic plans to always go into NToV in our rotation slot. Mythic will kill the dragons in whatever order we please.
Mythic is not going to argue this point again. If you want to ratify rules on NToV, then modify that proposal.
11-01-2001, 01:22 AM
Warders dead Oct 31st... but we just started CT too late were running on fumes.
Going to use our month extention thing on it and get him tomorrow. Tell me if any probs.
Status on Lend and Doz?
11-01-2001, 02:08 AM
Andaas -
I don't care why you say you designed that "rule".
ML doesn't agree to it.
If we don't use the "Aaryonar" rule as an early failure indicator for NToV, how about this then:
The raiding guild must kill a minimum of two (2) of the 15 named mobs (listed in rule 2), each raid day, failure to do so will result in failure/forfeiture of the given raid, and control of the zone will be passed to the next guild in the rotation. Accomodations will be made if respawn issues restricts a guild from killing sufficient dragons.
A guild can build up a buffer of kills during their raid (ie, kill 3 dragons on day 1, and 1 dragon on day 2 is acceptable). However, in the event a guild is using a kill buffer, they are still required to kill 1 dragon on that given day. This is to prevent a guild from taking a "free ride" in the middle of their raid to kill spawns outside of NToV.
The above is much more strict than the simplistic Aaryonar rule I proposed. However, I feel it is necessary for a raid zone such as NToV to have a rule that may lead to a premature failure for the raiding guild.
Like I said before - we all have bad days/weeks, and the intention here is to make those bad days result in the failing guild leaving the zone. It keeps the rotation moving along faster.
11-01-2001, 04:08 AM
whats the deal with the Dain that rotted with the server, is that counting for anyone's rotation?
And like ciner said, does anyone know the status of Dozekar and Lendiniara?
11-01-2001, 04:11 AM
oh, the ST rotation says Vind [Vind], pretty sure thats a clerical error?
11-01-2001, 04:54 AM
Wyvern, we asked here if Dain was up, if you knew he was, why not say so?
Ya, clerical error, been sick a couple of days now, I'll get it fixed later today.
As for the rest, it'll have to wait till I can put more time to it and get info myself as well.
11-01-2001, 05:05 AM
I dont' get why you would confine a guild to N ToV like that Andaas? Granted, most of us won't need the full amount of time once we've got it down (ML just needs to try Vyemm/Vulak), but why make a rule that could cause issues for a first time guild in there like that?
How about on a guild's first N ToV run, they need to kill Aaryonar in the first 48 hours. Failure to do so will mean their turn on the rotation is over, and they'll have to wait to try again until they come around again on the rotation.
Aside from that, a guild has 6 days to clear it from the day they are due to start (per the other guidelines), period. Doesn't matter if they start with Vulak (/laugh) during a full spawn, or with Aaryonar.
If they leave the zone >24 hours while dragons are still up, they will be considered as having quit the raid, or they can post here if they know they are going to leave the zone (/laugh again).
We've all (except L`Malla who has yet to attempt) killed Aaryonar, he's not that big a deal really. Sure people can have bad nights, happens to every guild here at some point or another, why penalize them and force them into a situation where tempers may flare in guild if they aren't having a good night? Trust me, ML has just as much desire to get this rotation on a constant flow as you do, we just don't see the need to 'prove' to each other every single raid that we can sweet talk some dragon into spreading the loot for us.
Seems awfully Frat House-ish and completely unecessary.
11-01-2001, 08:31 AM
Lend is up so we are going to go ahead and kill her tonight.
11-01-2001, 08:51 AM
Hoss will be on Tormax and Dozekar tonight. (Thursday)
11-01-2001, 09:20 AM
Statue dead 10/31.
(Side note - I know it matters only to me, but Hoss has NEVER passed on Tormax and we would prefer the rotation schedule to show an accurate accounting - please remove the pass next to our name on Tormax. Thanks)
11-01-2001, 09:34 AM
NToV Crap -
While it doesn't really affect anyone this time around, due to patch on 11/7, the order in which dragons are killed greatly affects the guilds following them. Starting from the back wastes a lot of time, and unless someone has a permanent COH team camped there, results in a lot of extra clearing the next guild up will have to do just to get to the back.
While YOUR RAID is about you - YOUR RAID also affects every other guild behind you, unless there is a patch. It is curteous to kill things in a logical manner that will keep dragons spawning in the most efficient order to kill.
No one wants dragons rotting in NTOV. We need some sort of way to determine when a guild has FAILED their raid, so that the next guild can move in.
So ML - since the Aaryonar rule does not appeal to you, what would you consider sufficient means to end a guild's turn in NTOV prematurely in failure?
11-01-2001, 09:57 AM
we asked here if Dain was up, if you knew he was, why not say so?
I included dain on the list of mobs that were up or supposedly up before patch.
11-01-2001, 11:11 AM
What we have to decide on is something that signifies, yes, that guild is working on clearing Ntov in there alloted week.
I don't think we can necessarily dictate if a guild that has Ntov has to pass other mobs or not. Thats really up to how fast they can kill.
I still think Aary in 48hrs is quite appropriate.
11-01-2001, 02:59 PM
Vind will be on CT and Lend tonite. Using extention for CT.
11-01-2001, 04:32 PM
Here is what is up right now:
4-5 Ntov dragons
All 3 Warders (been up 3 days now..)
All these mobs are up, who is killing what.. Since I know some guilds who are up for some rotationwise just arent going to get them before the night is over.
That's your post Wyvern. Even you weren't sure if Dain was up when you made it, and that was a mere 4 days after L`Malla killed him anyway.
11-01-2001, 06:05 PM
CT dead, 11/1, Lend dead 11/1, Sont dead 11/1, Klan dead 11/1 (Traded with Hoss)
Traded Yelinak rotation spots with ML for friday.
Dlgoth Riknueth
11-01-2001, 11:26 PM
Zland dead
11-02-2001, 01:13 AM
Tormax dead 11/1
Dozekar dead 11/1
11-02-2001, 09:08 AM
Naggy still up?
11-02-2001, 09:50 AM
I heard Dain was up late last night.
Rotation on him seems a bit confusing, but looks like ML is up?
Vind -
I neeeeeed Yel before you keel him tonight - what time is your raid starting?
11-02-2001, 09:52 AM
We won't be coming out to kill Dain tonight Sirensa, how about we work a trade for next spawn, since Hoss is up for em after us?
11-02-2001, 10:06 AM
That should be ok - lemme confirm with the troops that we want to try him tonight. I'll post confirmation in a few hours.
11-02-2001, 01:56 PM
Hoss isn't up for a Dain trade tonight, we need to catch up on a few quest things, and are going to try to get Nagafen deded too.
If we could take a shot at him tomorrow, that would be better for us, but we aren't willing to spend a monthly pass on him, heh.
11-02-2001, 08:56 PM
Yelinak dead 11/2
ML passed on dain last night im assuming since they did not kill. That means HoSS is up for it tonite (11/3) correct?
Dlgoth Riknueth
11-03-2001, 08:22 PM
Sontalak Deaded
11-04-2001, 12:57 AM
Dain dead 11/3.
There seemed to be some confusion over Dain with regards to ML. My previous post stated that Hoss would not be interested in trading Dain for Friday night due to having other plans, and added that we would attempt him on Saturday if he was around.
I assumed that was clear enough for ML to initiate discussions to trade Dain with another guild, or pass, whatever they could do, as Hoss was not willing to spend a monthly pass on Dain.
Sows McBuff
11-04-2001, 10:00 AM
after like a year and a half, we finally got our sev at 3am today.
Dlgoth Riknueth
11-04-2001, 04:52 PM
status on Trak?
Dlgoth Riknueth
11-05-2001, 09:07 AM
Ok no response...ML is in NTov, Gap we think passed? Can we have IG do Trak tonight or tomorrow and get this moving again?
11-05-2001, 09:33 AM
We can do trak tonight :)
11-05-2001, 04:01 PM
Sont up as of 7est.
11-05-2001, 08:35 PM
statue dead 11/5
11-05-2001, 08:50 PM
Sont dead around 8 pst.
Sows McBuff
11-05-2001, 09:35 PM
Ragefire {Naggy Due 11/7} - ML (10/24), TV (added 10/25), GAP (10/12 out of turn), Hoss(T - 9/6 ), VE (9/9), NI (9/12), L`Malla (T - VH 9/14), Vind (11/4), IG (10/20), TR (10/22)
Ragefire = Vind {Hoss}
? :D
11-05-2001, 09:37 PM
Hoss is keeping an eye out for Ragefire right now, and we are well aware that we are up for him.
11-05-2001, 11:04 PM
Wasnt able to get to trak. got hung up on things in fear and it got late. So u can mark IG down for a pass on trak.
also we never passed on doze...we failed:)
11-06-2001, 01:28 AM
Klandicar popped late tonight, Hoss is going to try to get to him tomorrow (not 100% sure what scheduling/timing will be with the ToT 3 event).
In Sleeper's, only the MotG, FA, and I think Tukaraak were up around 6 or 6:30. I wasn't willing to invest the time in the zone for dragons that I couldn't guarantee to be up.
ST is also in a bit of flux due to the ToT 3 event tomorrow. Since we really have no idea how late the event will run, we will need to confirm tomorrow if Hoss will be in ST.
11-06-2001, 01:05 PM
Would Vindication be interested in trading ST spots for tonight?
Hoss is up for 2 more keys in the next 48 hours, and I don't think Vindication has anything else to do tonight after ToT 3, so would probably work out better for both of us.
11-06-2001, 05:36 PM
Klandicar up.
5:30pm PST.
11-06-2001, 09:53 PM
Please add IG to the statue rotation. Thanks
11-06-2001, 10:09 PM
Roh must not be paying attention.. I posted that Kland was up late Monday night. :p
Klandicar and Trakanon dead 11/6.
Ragefire still not spawned as of 10:00 pm tonight, going to keep my eye out until the patch. /shrug.
11-07-2001, 02:58 AM
Ragefire dead early am on 11/7.
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