View Full Version : Fan Faire report, from a halfling

11-01-2004, 09:33 AM
So I ended up falling asleep around 11:30 Wednesday night, waking up at 2am to get ready to leave usually seems like a bad idea in that case. I did it anyway. I grabbed a shower, double checked to make sure I have everything I could ever possibly need and the stuff that I didn't, then jumped in the car. I was on the road by 3am...NEW ORLEANS OR BUST. A 14 hour drive may seem like a lot to most people, I actually enjoy driving long distances, not as much after only 2.5 hours of sleep but that's another story. I did stop about 4 times for more Mountain Dew =p.

I got to the hotel where parking was an ungodly $22 per NIGHT. Sheesh, but this was vacation so I bent over and pulled into the garage. Checked into the hotel no problem, and went up to my room to drop off my stuff. We had a room with a view of the city and the river, which was kinda neat even if I only looked aout it when we first got there. I called up Gwaar to figure out his status, he was about 15 minutes out. I was going to grab a shower after the long trip, but I wanted to fit in so I just went down and got my registration stuff instead. When Gwaar got to the hotel, we both went down to the registration area, got his stuff, then met up with Wrait and Horndorf of SOG. We talked for a bit then headed out for the parade.

This parade was something else, first of all they handed us all a bunch of beads. Most people just threw these out willy nilly. To get beads, imo, you need to do the work for them (I still have my beads). Next they had a band, and they blocked off the streets to lead us up and down Canal Street. I didn't really get the point of this parade, it was like a festival of nerds. Hey, but who's really going to complain. After the parade was when I really started to meet the other people from Druzzil. Gigglalot, Glaur, Mystyic, and Irondragon were chatting right inside the doorway to the hotel, so we all gathered up and headed in to the reception. Inside there we met up with even more Druzzil people, which made the night even more fun.

The reception was pretty lame, they had crackers and cheese and veggies, which really doesn't sate a real nerd. Galur and Giggs being natives and all led us across the street to a real restaurant. We met up with Kattoo at the restaurant over there. Mmmm...I had grilled Gator, I've never had the chance to eat gator before but the way it was cooked there it was mighty tasty. That pretty much wrapped up my night, I was ready to pass out after being up so early. Kattoo and Gwaar went off to check out the casino and other stuff around town. Everyone else went off to their rooms and homes for the night. I went to sleep.

Friday I woke up bright and early to particiapate in the EQ2 Ultimate Elimination Challenge. This was a contest to see who could acquire the most xp over the course of 24 hours in EQ2. Originally the contest was slated to be 48 hours, but apparently only 11ish people signed up to participate (me not being one of them, I wanted SOME time to enjoy my weekend). When they changed it to 24 hours I decided to totally nerd out and sign up. This contest started at 10am, we needed to be in the room and ready to go at 9:30. That wasn't too bad since I went to bed so early the night before.

The contest wasn't bad, the nice thing was that they fed us, so I saved a bunch of money on food =D. However, I would've liked to go to the panel discussions and hear some of what they said. I also would've liked to spend more time with the Druzzilites. They came by to cheer me on from time to time which was very nice. I did make it the whole 24 hours, but not with the most xp. I only walked away with about $170 worth of prizes (free copy of EQ2, 90 day game card, zboard with EQ2 insert, and a free tshirt) since I didn't win =(. I did have a lot of fun playing for 24 hours, even though they nerfed clerics to where they can't start their own HO (EQ2 combo type thingie). At one point I was grouped with 4 other guys in the competition, but since I was behind I told them I had to leave or else I would have no chance of winning. I had a lot of fun while gropued with them, then less fun after heh. However, even though I didn't get the most xp, I would've won the award for cybering the most mangina had they given that one out. Nothing beats fun like sitting naked in Archer's Woods at 8am with 3 mangina group members. WUWU! Drunk Saladas really is one of the best cheer leaders in the history of Everquest. I'm pretty sure he called me the Jesus Christ of clerics at one point.

After the contest, after being up for 24 hours, I wasn't going to miss anymore of the fan faire. I went upstairs, chatted with Gwaar for a bit, grabbed a shower and came back downstairs for the livequest. This was something I was relly looking forward to. We assembled our group (someone decided to call it Team CHEAB, I told him he forgot the word "sucks" after that), and we got the rules, etc. Here this contest designed was a lame scavenger hunt. There were about 10 items on this list, and nothing was exciting. It actually seemed pretty lame and a cheap cop out to me. We split up to try and get our list done faster. I had fun running around with Papanishago. I never met him before the fan faire but he was fun to hang out with, like all the Druzillites.

We got back to the hotel and turned in our stuff (I guess we were like 6th our something pathetic, but we had the most fun I'm sure). Next on the agenda was the serverwide Best of the Best competition. Each server selected one member to paly a random character in a royal rumble type setting. Wrait had volunteered to represent our server but was MIA when it was time to perform. We all talked Kattoo into being our rep. I kinda felt bad because after getting Kattoo set up in the tournament, I left to go have lunch with Glaur and Gigglalot. It was going on 30 hours of being awake for me WEEEEE! Glaur gave me the driving tour of New Orleans (it was very nice, Thanks Glaur). We went to his house and picked up Giggs. They took me to the Blue Tomato, where I enjoyed a fantastic burrito. My only complaint was that a restaurant named the Blue Tomato should've had blue salsa....I guess they just didn't get it.

We returned to the hotel and found out that Kattoo got screwed in the BotB tournament and now hates Brenlo with a passion. We had about 2 hours until the banquet so I decided to head up to my room and check out some football scores....and check out my pillow who missed me so much. This was the conversation I had just before heading up.

Me: I'm gonna go lay down for an hour or so
Kattoo: Man, if you go lay down, you're going to be done for the night.
Me: No way, I'll get up
Kattoo: What's your room nunber again
(2 hours later Katto beats the shit out of my door)

We head down to the ballroom where the tables are assigned by server. The one catch is that there is no order as to how the tables are assigned. Alphabetically would make sense, but of course this is Sony we are talking about =p. We find out table clear in the back corner, meaning we have to be extra loud to make up for it. Kattoo and I were the first ones down there but the other Druzzilites show up in quick order. Some are dressed up, Mystyic and Irondragon came as their characters (or else Irondragon was a pirate, either way was OK), Papanishago came as a ghost from the matrix and Saladas came as a barbarian I guess (or else just wanted to wear a dress, either way was OK).

We had a great time eating, chatting and KSing the fan faire. Sal wanted to tell that story though so I'll let him. We met one of the devs who has play characters on Druzzil. She was really nice, but I wish I wasn't so tired I could've talked to her for a bit more (we were going on about 37 hours with only a short nap). After dinner everyone lined up for the costume contest. We stayed for about half, but the accoustics in the room were so bad I couldn't make out anything that was said really. The others decided to go out to listen to jazz and drink some beers. I would've gone with them if I had some sleep the night before and/or didn't have a 14 hour drive home the next day. But I went upstairs and got some sleep.

I woke up in the morning, gathered up all my phat lewt, went to say goodbye to Sal the bard, and hopped in my car and headed to Kattoo's. I had lunch with him and his wife. Then headed north, homeward bound. I can't say of anything interesting happening on the way home. I stopped at Waffle House for dinner YUM. And finished the trip by driving nearly 90mph between Cincinnati and Columbus (hehe I just wanted the trip to end).

I had a great time. Enjoyed meeting everyone that was there. The real question remains though....will I meet you in Vegas?

11-01-2004, 09:35 AM
I don't get to add these in how I like on this site (or am too lazy to do so) so just look at pics as you read through story =p

11-01-2004, 10:09 AM
Gwaar, Kattoo and Haikken enjoying cokes!

11-01-2004, 11:16 AM
Gwaar must have been on some very efficient diet last several days! He doesn't look like himself.

11-01-2004, 11:17 AM
Thanks for the update bro, hope you had fun

11-01-2004, 11:25 AM
I'm glad you had a good time Haik. Did gwaar, and kattoo beat each other up over who should have aggro on inc? Wish i could've been their.


11-01-2004, 12:23 PM
That's a lot of beads! How many times you show your tits?


11-02-2004, 12:16 PM
Nice write up, Haikken! Sounds like you all had a great time :)

11-02-2004, 10:04 PM
Awesome Haikk, i wish I could have gone. I spent the weekend screwing around Springtuky and hitting random malls with a girl I met. Oh, i did a haunted maze with my sister and her friends... rather uninteresting though. Fear affects people in unpredictable ways -- like tearing off the wallpaper on an old home, you'll never know what you'll find beneath.

Did you get to meet Korona/Hali? ;)

Haikk, if you plan on driving/flying to Vegas -- let me know.
