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View Full Version : In the words of Lola, Nice town, I'll take it

Lronius de la Mancha
11-03-2001, 02:22 PM


In what I believe is a galahad server first, we took a keep. Was a combined effort of Hoss, House of Shadows, Stout, and some independants.

Now before you flame me I heard midgard attempted a keep. But I haven't seen a keep in their name from the /realm report like I did when we took ours. Which leads me to believe that they;

a) didn't take it or
b) took it but then lost it right back to hibernia.

Regardless. Was a good show by all.

11-03-2001, 07:09 PM
Took over two more keeps after that. Too much fun, even though we b0rked on the fourth keep.


11-04-2001, 08:04 AM
I had a great time with the many albions that were present. I had a feeling you would be right in the thick of things:) You all did awsome and it was my pleasure to assist in any way I could. I was surprised I could hit the guards at my level. I look forward to helping more in the future.I recieved well over a 150 realm points running interference.Thanks was a blast.