View Full Version : showing off EQ2

11-27-2004, 09:48 PM
and showing off Zappo!

11-27-2004, 09:55 PM
that was when I finished my quest armor.
this is me goofing around~

11-27-2004, 09:57 PM
and this is my rat vision!
if you are the 1st person to some places on the server, there are things you can click on and sign your name.
this is the first of 3 things i managed to sign.

11-27-2004, 11:18 PM
You look gayer in EQ2 then you did in EQ1

11-28-2004, 02:11 AM
Thanks for showing me what im not missing!

11-28-2004, 06:02 AM
anti-aliasing off?

11-28-2004, 08:04 AM
wow that looks crappy

11-28-2004, 09:44 AM
Depends much on the system playing it. Graphically EQ2 is a better looking game than the others out right now, assuming you have a good system.I played it for a few hours one day on a friends system. His isn't bleeding edge but is a good system, striped hd's, 2gb ram, x800, 3.2ghz process. The game was visually amazing, the gameplay was fantastic. Some elements of it are a bit easy, but I expected them to be at the first lvls.

Some won't ever play eq2 because of prior experiences with the company that owns the game, personally I think those people are only screwing themselves out of what is a good game. It is one thing to not play eq2 because you have tried it and WoW or eq1 or whatever game is so much better, it is an entirely different thing to not play it out of spite.

The only 2 things that make me hesitant to go full force into eq2 are: 1) I haven't tried WoW yet. 2) I made a commitment to my guild and the other people in it.

If a time comes when I have outlasted my usefulness (arguably I am at that point now) or the guild ceases to be a raiding guild, just look for me in eq2... It may not be the same name, or the same hot dwarf... but it will be the same drunkass freakshow behind the toon.

11-28-2004, 10:18 AM
If a business treats me poorly, I don't care how good their wares are, I will not give them any more of my money.

But that's me.

Andriana Duskrose
11-28-2004, 11:25 AM
His isn't bleeding edge but is a good system, striped hd's, 2gb ram, x800, 3.2ghz process.

Good lord, what's bleeding edge then?

11-28-2004, 11:54 AM
Good lord, what's bleeding edge then?
I give you Bleeding Edge!


11-28-2004, 12:18 PM
Depends much on the system playing it. Graphically EQ2 is a better looking game than the others out right now, assuming you have a good system.I played it for a few hours one day on a friends system. His isn't bleeding edge but is a good system, striped hd's, 2gb ram, x800, 3.2ghz process. The game was visually amazing, the gameplay was fantastic. Some elements of it are a bit easy, but I expected them to be at the first lvls.

Some won't ever play eq2 because of prior experiences with the company that owns the game, personally I think those people are only screwing themselves out of what is a good game. It is one thing to not play eq2 because you have tried it and WoW or eq1 or whatever game is so much better, it is an entirely different thing to not play it out of spite.

The only 2 things that make me hesitant to go full force into eq2 are: 1) I haven't tried WoW yet. 2) I made a commitment to my guild and the other people in it.

If a time comes when I have outlasted my usefulness (arguably I am at that point now) or the guild ceases to be a raiding guild, just look for me in eq2... It may not be the same name, or the same hot dwarf... but it will be the same drunkass freakshow behind the toon.

Wtf... that would run WoW at like 60+ FPS....
that is fucking bleeding edge...

11-28-2004, 02:04 PM
Wtf... that would run WoW at like 60+ FPS....
that is fucking bleeding edge...

Yes it would, but EQ2 also is ahead of WoW graphically speaking. While WoW does look good, it simply does not compare to EQ2 with the right computer setup.

I'd have to say that SoE did the right thing when they put high system requirements on the game. One have to remember that the game must remain playable on the minimum system specs in the future as well. EQ1 has suffered quite a bit from system requirements that was once put on the game, it's something they've been forced to live up to for the 5 years+ that EQ1 has been out.

By putting high system requirements, I'd say that they are planning for the future.

While WoW is playable on much slower computers than EQ2 is today, this is something that may be detrimental to them rather than beneficial in the future.


11-28-2004, 03:14 PM
Not saying its not a nice system, it just isn't top of the line, I'm sure a lot here have better systems. Give him a couple months, he plans on upgrading... apparently there is some fancy new technology on the horizon and he's waiting until then before doing it.

11-28-2004, 08:31 PM
First off, the system Varran quoted is about half a step down from top of the line. 2gb of ram? I don't think it's even possible to have much more than that at the moment, not on a desktop PC. Perhaps 4gb is possible with the right motherboard, I haven't been keeping up lately. X800? Even if it is simply a Pro and not an XT, that's the second best ATI card available, with the XT and 6800 Ultra's being the only cards faster than it (not counting Nvidia SLI setups, but I don't even know if mobo's are out for that yet). Striped RAID array? How many people out there have striped HD arrays? Sorry, but that system is so close to top of the line it may as well be.

it is an entirely different thing to not play it out of spite.

It's not out of spite. It's called "pattern recognition." If X company or person fucks me over repeatedly, over and over again, I generally find it's a good policy to NOT put myself in a position where they can do it again. Then again, some people are just masochists and don't know it.

And what the hell is with the graphics on those pictures? I honestly thought they were photoshopped. It looks like someone cut and pasted the characters into the game, the edges of them look goofy as hell, and the characters themselves look out of place somehow. Maybe EQ2 simply doesn't take screenshots well, I don't know, but the shots I have seen of WOW shame any I have seen of EQ2.

11-28-2004, 10:20 PM
Nvidia SLI setups are actually available on Intel processors now (You'd have to buy a Workstation class motherboard), and will be available on AMD chipsets before christmas (Think the earliest shipping Nforce4 mobo i've seen is dec 2, so very soon).

11-28-2004, 10:34 PM
And what the hell is with the graphics on those pictures? I honestly thought they were photoshopped. It looks like someone cut and pasted the characters into the game, the edges of them look goofy as hell, and the characters themselves look out of place somehow. Maybe EQ2 simply doesn't take screenshots well, I don't know, but the shots I have seen of WOW shame any I have seen of EQ2.

Those pictures hardly make the game justice, I agree.. they look fricking horrible.

I run the game Athlon XP 2800+, 1024ram (512 is PC 2700, 512 is PC 3200) and a Radeon 9800 Pro and the game runs just fine after fiddling around with graphic settings and the game still looks amazing. I don't have any awesome screenshots to post yet, but I'll see if I can take a few later.

Here's a few I've taken at least:

First one is of the Freeport sewers.

11-28-2004, 10:38 PM
A shot of a sand giant in the common lands. They may look big and scary, but are actually fairly low level (lvl 13-14 ++).

11-28-2004, 10:39 PM
Here's a shot of Nektulos Forest. It's a bad example to display water, as this particular river looked different as the water was moving very rapidly in it. And it doesn't do itself justice on a picture, but still.

11-28-2004, 10:40 PM
And this would be my not-so-impressive room.

11-28-2004, 10:41 PM
Blackburrow entrance.


11-29-2004, 01:54 AM
Here's what the water would look like in WoW if they weren't held back by their system requirements.

11-29-2004, 01:54 AM
More water!

11-29-2004, 01:56 AM
Entrance to Fallen Gate, with other words, Neriak: Foreign Quarter.

11-29-2004, 01:57 AM
This is the first gate within Fallen Gate, still has the 'Neriak' feel to it.

11-29-2004, 01:59 AM
That'll have to do :).


11-29-2004, 02:19 AM
Personally I like the WoW look over EQ2. I think EQ2's textures are horrible for starters and the characters look like they sit on top of the environment instead of being in it.

11-29-2004, 09:24 AM
Totally crap.

I don't have 2 bazillion dollars to buy a new computer, so I can play 1 game at high detail. WoW works for me, and one day, when I have time, I'll play it. I still hope it's around when I do though...


11-29-2004, 10:02 AM
Totally crap.

I don't have 2 bazillion dollars to buy a new computer, so I can play 1 game at high detail.

My $600 computer plays it just fine

WoW works for me, and one day, when I have time, I'll play it. I still hope it's around when I do though...


I'd expect eq2 to stick around longer than wow. A game can be fun only for so long without content. Knowing blizzard, even if they started on a new expansion 6 months ago, it will be 2 years before it hits market.

11-29-2004, 11:43 AM
I play EQ2 just fine on an Athlon XP 2800+, 1024 (PC 2700) ram and a Radeon 9800 pro and it runs very well. I even have the graphics turned up fairly high. Character and texture detail for example I have set to Maximum (which is very much possible even though it tells you not to unless you have a 512mb gfxcard).

You need a pretty good computer to run EQ2 well, but you don't need a monster of a computer.. which many seems to believe.


Buazag Bonesteel
11-29-2004, 01:51 PM
Yup.....runs fine on my athlon 2600 with geforce 4 ti4600. Certainly not top of the line so I have the settings all in the moderate range but it still looks pretty darn good and the gameplay is fine.

11-29-2004, 03:40 PM
looks great at medim settings for me as well. I think it will outlast WOW but for now WOW is more accessible and fun to start out in.

11-29-2004, 04:57 PM
Screenshots are defaulted out to be 75% quality anyways. I'm hopeing thats what is attributeing to the poor image quality.

11-29-2004, 06:48 PM
I agree with Elidroth, the textures in EQ2 are god awful. It's entirely possible that EQ2's engine is technically better and more capable, but I think that WOW has so much more character and just plain looks better. I really couldn't give much of a shit less about reflective water, if said reflections are of a bland, poorly done world, which most shots I have seen of EQ2 show. On the other hand, most I have seen of WOW are impressive, and my brief experience with the game turned my opinion of the art direction of it from "meh" to "pretty damn good." Again, perhaps it has to be seen in motion to get the full effect (EQ2 I mean), but I kind of doubt it.

11-29-2004, 07:19 PM
yeah WoW textures are pretty good. Kinda reminds me of the cartoon Gummi Bears tho...

Then again, still haven't played it. Just because it looks like it was ripped from saturday morning cartoons doesn't necessarily mean the gameplay isn't there.

11-29-2004, 09:42 PM
UO baby, give me my UO

gd it, Narrartor started, I hate XP :P

11-29-2004, 10:01 PM
I agree with Elidroth, the textures in EQ2 are god awful. It's entirely possible that EQ2's engine is technically better and more capable, but I think that WOW has so much more character and just plain looks better. I really couldn't give much of a shit less about reflective water, if said reflections are of a bland, poorly done world, which most shots I have seen of EQ2 show. On the other hand, most I have seen of WOW are impressive, and my brief experience with the game turned my opinion of the art direction of it from "meh" to "pretty damn good." Again, perhaps it has to be seen in motion to get the full effect (EQ2 I mean), but I kind of doubt it.

You should really watch someone playing it or check it out yourself. The graphics work, and I was skeptical.

I'm not sure how Zappo managed to make such absolute shit screenshots. They look like they're from a bad Fark photoshop.

11-29-2004, 10:23 PM
You should really watch someone playing it or check it out yourself. The graphics work, and I was skeptical.

I'm not sure how Zappo managed to make such absolute shit screenshots. They look like they're from a bad Fark photoshop.

I watched myself download Beta, install beta, play beta for 1 hour, uninstall beta.

11-29-2004, 10:52 PM
I was trying to get a good shot of the necromancer in this instance. I missed a shot of a cool blight witch model earlier.

11-29-2004, 11:28 PM

11-29-2004, 11:56 PM
Guild Wars has better graphics even though I'm sure EQ2 has more content.

Widespreadd Panic
11-30-2004, 08:00 AM
eq2 looks totally cut and paste, and the land scape is no more impressive than oow. these look way better~

Widespreadd Panic
11-30-2004, 08:03 AM

Widespreadd Panic
11-30-2004, 08:05 AM
more mmm

11-30-2004, 08:05 AM
eq2 looks totally cut and paste, and the land scape is no more impressive than oow. these look way better~

I killed that bitch last night in a level 26-28 group... felt sooo overleveld for that entire instance was soo easy >< wish I had gone at like 26.

Widespreadd Panic
11-30-2004, 08:09 AM
i went with me 28, my gf 27, and my rl friend who is 25 last night, that guy is a toal puss anyway hehe but orc warlocks look cool!

Widespreadd Panic
11-30-2004, 08:10 AM
and mass mmmmm~

Widespreadd Panic
11-30-2004, 08:12 AM
o, and i'll leave you with pure sexy pr0n material.

11-30-2004, 11:20 AM
Looks like shots from a Disney movie.

11-30-2004, 04:13 PM
I guess to each their own. I watched Aladdin awhile back. I was impressed by the cartoonish look when I was younger.

Edit: Actually in all honesty, the graphics don't make much difference to me. I've had some pretty fun times playing Atari 2600 games. To me it's the substance of the game. Here it is one week after the launch of WoW and people are nearing the max level already. Many of you have passed the highest level of the most hardcore EQ2 player. A leveling system that goes that quick is great IF there's something to do with it. WoW appears to me like a new and improved UO (with more defined character roles). If this had been a single player game, then it would be fantastic. I could go through it, kill all the bosses, then put it on the shelf. I don't really want to consider another MMORPG with PvP as the "end game" content. I'll be the first to say that I'm bad at PvP, and prefer to stay away from things that I'm bad at.

12-01-2004, 08:06 AM
I guess to each their own. I watched Aladdin awhile back. I was impressed by the cartoonish look when I was younger.

Edit: Actually in all honesty, the graphics don't make much difference to me. I've had some pretty fun times playing Atari 2600 games. To me it's the substance of the game. Here it is one week after the launch of WoW and people are nearing the max level already. Many of you have passed the highest level of the most hardcore EQ2 player. A leveling system that goes that quick is great IF there's something to do with it. WoW appears to me like a new and improved UO (with more defined character roles). If this had been a single player game, then it would be fantastic. I could go through it, kill all the bosses, then put it on the shelf. I don't really want to consider another MMORPG with PvP as the "end game" content. I'll be the first to say that I'm bad at PvP, and prefer to stay away from things that I'm bad at.

If you only knew how full of shit your "PVP as the end game" really is, theres more to do post 60 then there is to do pre-60. The end game is going to be just like EQ with raiding, that pvp shit is being end game is wrong, there was a article that spoke about 10+ raid targets.

Theres a reason there are higher levels in wow then there is in eq2, thats because blizzard has enough damn content in the game to keep people busy once they hit 60, they dont make levels so bad cause they dont have enough content like eq2. SOE has always used extreme level climbs as a way to make up for lack of content, the longer your leveling the less your expierencing content, which leads to longer game life.

Blizzard lets you level at a nice pace that isnt tedious, and theres plenty upon plenty of things to do. There will be more then enough raid targets to keep you busy, blizzard doesnt have to use the extreme level grinds to keep you in the game like eq2.

Buazag Bonesteel
12-01-2004, 08:49 AM
I might hazard a guess here and say that both games have a lot to offer. Some people will like EQ2 and some people will like WoW. Some people won't like either one and will have to find some other game to waste their time on. Some people have an excess of said time and can afford to like BOTH games.

It all boils down to personal preference. I'm guessing that I wouldn't like WoW as much as I'm liking EQ2.......but that's just an opinion since I haven't tried it. I don't care much for PvP....but that wouldn't necessarily ruin a game for me. From the various screenshots I've seen I like the EQ graphics style better than WoW but again......not a terribly big deal as long as the game is fun.

Perhaps somewhere down the road I'll have some more free time and few extra bucks and I'll give WoW a whirl.....hopefully when I do I'll bump into a few of you.......and you can like.....give me shit :D

12-01-2004, 10:32 AM
The bottom line is, are you having fun?

If you're playing EQ and having fun, you're all set.

If you're playing EQ2 and having fun, you're all set.

If you're playing WoW and having fun, you're all set.

You can post your screenshots and your stories of why you're having fun, but there's no need to explain your reasons for why those things are fun to you, they just are.

12-01-2004, 01:48 PM
Maegwin, shut the hell up and stop being so reasonable.

12-01-2004, 03:23 PM
Maegwin, shut the hell up and stop being so reasonable.

whahahaha. I agree, its no fun that way.