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View Full Version : North ToV non-homing wyverns

11-04-2001, 03:05 AM
I figured something should be posted about this now, since it was a problem run into with the NToV raid this week.

A few of the wyverns in the entry area are not set to return to their spawn points after they have aggroed and moved. Two of these wyverns were left inside the East wing (Halls of Testing) area.

Two or three people in Hoss died to them, not a big deal really, but I think it was lucky that it was Hoss that ran into these wyverns and not a guild that has no knowledge of dealing with them. I moved them back into the NToV area to get them out of the main ToV path.

Please be considerate of other guilds on the server if it is necessary to move the wyverns around. There are places they can be moved within NToV, or simply move them into one of the lower level alcoves so they are out of the way.

Remember that while it may be funny to leave a little present like that for Hoss, you may be endangering folks from other guilds as well.

11-04-2001, 09:36 AM
I wasn't going to say anything here about them, but since they got brought up, looks like we should.

Thursday we had our people dies multiple times to those same wyverns, because someone kept putting them back along the route after we would move them to the side. Don't know who did it, at this point don't really care. Since we all know they don't go home on their own though, was kinda fishy.

As far as where we ended up leaving them, I really have no idea, I'm not CoV aligned so didn't run up and see them get moved. I do know the level of frustration was very high by that time though, so they may have just dropped em in the first place they could without seeing them taken home. (by the by, the first times they were moved, something was said about them being in N ToV wing for placement, and they couldn' figure out who was going in and resetting them.)

11-04-2001, 04:32 PM
Hoss headed into ToV to kill Dozekar after our Tormax raid on Thursday. A few of our non-kos people, including our mage, ran to the testing halls to get things started for us, and were greeted inside by 2 NToV wyverns.

I don't know who was in ToV bouncing the wyverns around with ML earlier that day, but regardless, the guild that is raiding NToV should be responsible for the spawns and their placement.

When Hoss raids NToV, we move 1 wyvern into the Northeast alcove on the lower level, and that is only if it can see invis.

11-05-2001, 04:45 AM
There was only one see invis wyvern along the route if I remember correctly that was moved for/by ML as well.

Not sure how you got two out there, but I know we only moved one. I'll ask and find out where they put it.

11-05-2001, 05:46 AM
Well, there were two kos to all wyverns parked just inside the halls of testing. They were there when we arrived, and killed 3 or 4 people.

I then trained the two of them from the door where Zemm sits into the back nw corner hallway in NToV. You said that you had some problems with wyverns prior to the start of your raid... so I'm sure they were placed their by you or whomever else was in the zone at the time.

I honestly don't care who or what left them there. Just pointing out that they were there when they shouldn't have been, and that whomever was responsible (ie, anyone who reads this forum), should be more careful and respectful of others in the future.

11-06-2001, 06:08 PM
Someone left one of those wyverns at the ToV zone in, while VE was doing its first ever break of HoT.

Not pleasant.