View Full Version : The Dutch...

12-21-2004, 12:53 PM
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - More than 80 percent of Dutch children aged between nine and 15 say they have tried alcohol and on average start drinking at the age of 12, according to a survey.

The teen Web site Kaboem (www.kaboem.nl (http://www.kaboem.nl)) said Monday a survey of 2,500 young people found nearly 40 percent had their first alcoholic beverage with a parent.

Some 68 percent of Dutch 15-year-olds admitted drinking alcohol often and a third of respondents said that when they drink they have enough to get drunk.

As in many other countries, boys drink more frequently than girls, the survey found. Forty percent of 15-year-old boys said they had been drunk at least once.

The European School Survey project on alcohol and other drugs, published earlier in December, said Dutch youngsters drank more often than their peers across Europe and were among the most likely to binge drink.

No wonder they are evil. They are drunk all the time from age 12!

12-21-2004, 12:57 PM
What constitutes a first drink, though? I mean hell, my dad or uncles or family friends I am sure were giving me sips of booze when I was like 5. I seem to remember one Christmas that I had enough little sips of wine that I ended up drunk enough to fall down a flight of stairs. In many European countries it seems to me that wine is about as ubiquitous with food as water is, and hell it's probably better for you than Coke anyway.

12-21-2004, 01:00 PM
No wonder Canadians are evil. They are drunk all the time from age 5!