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11-05-2001, 09:55 PM
Is the person that's most inspired you in EQ? And why?
11-05-2001, 10:04 PM
falorn and falnor 57 cleric and 55 necro
RL friend who helped me at lvl 20 giveing me a ghoulbane for a wedding gift, he was 52/52 at the time.
he was the one who told me stories of hoss and there great people. sadly now he quit but im sure he will be back.
11-05-2001, 10:20 PM
I started playing with a buncha
people from work. :D
They stopped playing though mostly
before i got moved to Druzz
lasomb the large
11-05-2001, 10:25 PM
alc - funner than the rest of the bozos i met
11-05-2001, 11:55 PM
Not sure why.. just did. Always been very cool.. back to the Fennin days..
11-06-2001, 02:40 AM
Orrlaar - no one else can compare to him. He got me started and he made everything fun.
11-06-2001, 06:45 AM
Ternada - a very long time ago when I was a newb in Neriak Ternada helped me find my way around and gave me a couple gold for clothes (shocking I know). This was before she founded Pretentious Malevolent Sisters.
Dravith - was the best SK I ever knew. I miss him.
Phaera - this sexy paly chick just makes the game fun for everyone who knows her
Sirensa - Cracks me up! Sebilis and KC would not have been as fun w/o her!
Andaas - well just because!
Drakky - xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Aularas - (censored)
Those are really just the highlights, there are many others.
11-06-2001, 08:12 AM
No one. I inspire myself.
11-06-2001, 10:45 AM
Thought you had a self-image problem Torrid.. Glad to see that it's fixed now :D
11-06-2001, 11:38 AM
Brave, brave, Sir Graccus....
who desperately needed a minstrel to sing tales of his glory...
"when danger reared its ugly head, he bravely turned his tale & fled"
(basically he was fun to tease)
11-06-2001, 11:48 AM
I wouldn't use the word inspire, but Xuen would prolly be the person I would say was the biggest reason I got to where I am in EQ. Was always a blast doing whatever dumb stuff we would end up doing with the other usual suspects like Cript, Smoosh, Jenkin (afk!), Idyian, Amber/Rash, Mitsy/Lyanna, and one or two others. Getting exp with any of those people was fun, especially if the group was made up solely of those people.
We would camp HS for hours and hours on end, and the time would always fly by with Mitsy and Xuen calling me gay, them sniping at each other, and all that.
Even on raids it's always way more fun if Xuen is around. Lol, I still laugh out loud when I think of the whole "six bags of crack with six rocks" thing.
11-06-2001, 12:46 PM
The reason I started playing was because of Eadin Farking and Triston. So I guess they have the greatest impact on me playing :D
11-06-2001, 01:09 PM
Waaaayyyy back in the day (March 1999), a crusty old necro named Azazar dragged me from my happy little life as a boxie picking rogue in GemstoneIII into the world of Everquest.
Sooo off he is soloing and aquiring mass phat lewts (Yes runed totem staff and derv rings were uber then) as I ran around lost and dying and grumbling and cursing the suck that was EQ.
But then he brought me that uber Runed Totem Staff... and I was suddenly the uberest of all the noobies in Nektulos Forest... and my love for PHAT LEWTS was born...
In an effort to keep up with him in levels so that I too could aquire mass phat lewts, I tried deserpately to level fast fast fast. (which of course took months and months anyways).
Around level 40-something (I was of course still 20-something) he got into the UBER LEET guild Phoenix and oh my goodness they did neat things and had phat lewts! He would still stop by and save me from people who tried to KS my treants - but he was uber now.. Just like I wanted to be!
Sooo a few levels later I eventually weaseled my way into Phoenix. Clearly it was because I was helplessly pathetic and Ashram felt sorry for me. Samuel was too busy camping FBSS's with Graccus and crew, so I was left with Ashram to drag me around to all the new and exciting places in EQ I had never been to before.
Stylean turned into my cleric mentor and inspired me into lusting for Ethereal Mist armor and turning into and UBER BATTLE CLERIC.
Sooo - there is my inspirational story!
And for everyone who knew me when I did join Phoenix, I was a JOKE! I don't think you could have found a mid-30's cleric who had worse equipment. I am pretty sure I had horrible skills too. (but we won't talk about that!)
So I guess I will always love and never forget Phoenix for molding me into the EQ-addict I am today.
Jago, he got me and ciner into our first uber guild (Seekers), he was and still is the man.
11-07-2001, 01:17 AM
Celty (aka Rokfu).
He/they was one of my best EQ friends and a real inspiration to me back in the early days :)
-- Karde
11-07-2001, 01:46 AM
Feeling arogant of ones self isn't nearly as much as a motivator as striving to be the strongest yet always feeling weak no matter what you accomplish. I HAD to be one of the highest levels, no matter what :P
And Siren-- haha I knew Azazar since my low 20s. We leveled together a lot. He was part of my daily group of friends that I ran around with until I reached my low to mid 40s. I remember we were somewhat competative when it came to soloing in lguk too. We spent tons of money trying to get Lynuga earrings. He was always whining about necros but never made pets :P
After level 44 or 45 or so, I grouped with Maclir, Stylean, Samuel, and Jatarri every night. We camped various lguk spawns to get our group gear while we leveled.
I remember running to the maid room in MM and meeting Siren for the first time. Love at first sight! :P
Morder, Ubar, Ciner, Zarxen for giving me a chance~
11-07-2001, 05:28 AM
Zinyen, i remember the day he said come on over to check out this new game he just got, online RPG. From the Majormud we just quit playing maybe 10 months before, it was a dream come true! A 3D FP RPG??? From then on, i bought the game April 6th, and Started Korren, picked Halfling..but friend(Solar) wanted me to be a wood elf so we could group - so, i did and there born Korren!!
11-07-2001, 06:46 AM
Lilkylor ^_^
11-07-2001, 07:24 AM
Sirensa... you still have no skillz! so sorry!
11-07-2001, 08:16 AM
Exxile :)
Lub you hun :p
~Kinthalas Dv`Esha~
11-07-2001, 10:35 PM
My brother inspired me to play cuz he started playing first ~
as far as people of my class inspiring me were: valgar, shindar, leafweir, rezz, and stomp ...all gave me good advice, etc. growing up as a n00b
11-09-2001, 11:21 AM
Have to agree with Kinth (except about that whole "hun" part..heh). Exxile definitely. Nuuk as well.
11-10-2001, 10:25 AM
*laugh* Thank you, both of you.
I would say the person would be Kerien Nobleheart (dr00d). He was the nicest person I had met in this game. I thought about quitting sometimes especially when I realized how terrible people can really be. Then i would talk to him and realize there are so many good people ingame too...
He played a druid incredibly and now does just as well with his monk(Ekan).
11-11-2001, 01:11 AM
Damn I'm like Torrid, I inspired myself into playing ><
I was the highest level Rogue on E'ci before I realized what a shitty class it was then. Level 27. Or was it 25? Yeah baby, uber. Combine Spear all the way. That shit was it. I had banded. Banded was leet. But the people selling it who wore store bought plate were even leeter. I dunno, I stopped the insanity that was driving me to be the best for 2 weeks because it was killing me, and I was in school~
Then I remade on Druzzil because it was the least populated server at the time (back when I had the idea of playing this game again). Then I remade again on Druzzil because of stats. That shows how much I still didn't know about the game. I started over because of STATS? From level 30? The hard way, no twink gear or anything. *shrug*
/rambling off
/backstab_bot on
11-12-2001, 03:51 AM
Well, other than my friends from school that got me addicted, I would have to say Aegys (can't think of her wizards name for the life of me, otherwise I'd put it) and Darkvudu back on Fennin...they were always really nice to me and kept me goin when I felt like quitting. After them it was sheer boredom in France, and now its this entire guild ;)
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