View Full Version : Holy boring message boards.

06-28-2005, 02:33 PM

Just trying to get an idea of who actully reads this anymore (so i know what kind of perverse posts i need to make, sorry vini you dont count in that decision!). Im awfully board here from time to time (not to mention drunk and whatever else) and would like to hear some sort of inconsistency and or bitching, was in this guild for a good bit of my life and would at least like to be welcomed a tad bit higher than a leper. That being said, put me back to the private boards, i want to see! Or am i forbidden due to comminting the unthinkable? Love you miss you kiss you.

I dont love you miss you kiss you,
but tilea i never commited my undying love to you, now that your almost a doctor, please take care of me.

06-28-2005, 02:36 PM

Just trying to get an idea of who actully reads this anymore (so i know what kind of perverse posts i need to make, sorry vini you dont count in that decision!). Im awfully board here from time to time (not to mention drunk and whatever else) and would like to hear some sort of inconsistency and or bitching, was in this guild for a good bit of my life and would at least like to be welcomed a tad bit higher than a leper. That being said, put me back to the private boards, i want to see! Or am i forbidden due to comminting the unthinkable? Love you miss you kiss you.

I dont love you miss you kiss you,
but tilea i never commited my undying love to you, now that your almost a doctor, please take care of me.

Hey Rika!


06-28-2005, 02:37 PM
thanks fer your input ain, but i know you hate me the most! (even tho i ALways 100% kicked your ass in the arena)

06-28-2005, 02:58 PM
/rod rika


06-28-2005, 03:05 PM
thanks fer your input ain, but i know you hate me the most! (even tho i ALways 100% kicked your ass in the arena)

When i was guesting I smacked you with my 1hb and you DESTROYED me in about 4 seconds. After I got my body I was like hmmm, mental note don't mess with the monk :) Come play WoW with us you slacka


Buazag Bonesteel
06-28-2005, 08:06 PM
When i was guesting I smacked you with my 1hb and you DESTROYED me in about 4 seconds. After I got my body I was like hmmm, mental note don't mess with the monk :) Come play WoW with us you slacka


Lol.....I had a similar encounter with Drakky :rolleyes:

06-28-2005, 08:11 PM
hey rika

06-28-2005, 09:17 PM
Rika, are you still in Thailand these day's? If so how could you possibly be bored? :o

06-28-2005, 09:48 PM
Hi Rika. Hope all is going well. I like the pictures you post!

Andriana Duskrose
06-29-2005, 12:00 AM
andri, I dont love you miss you kiss you

Our love can never be my sweet! You like lame goth wuss rock too much for me to return your affections!

06-29-2005, 12:52 AM
Hey Rika go out and buy WoW and chat it up with us online!

06-29-2005, 03:01 AM
Living in the province as opposed to living in one of the tourist cities is like day and night. Im forced to speak thai tho, and that helps me alot in learning the language. Working on reading and writing it too. Financially tho, it fits much better to live where it is cheap. 125 bucks a month for apartments in this area i think, can find cheaper of course. I go with a bungalow. Modest and nothing at all in comparison to what you all are used too. Basically 4 walls, consisiting of very little, 4 smaller walls, with a hole in the floor for everything to go down, and another whole in the wall where water is suppose to come out. The real estate agent would have a hard time describing all the ammenities of my room, simply because there are none. I want to put a skate ramp out back. Tourist areas, even tho everything is cheaper than my own country, does nothing but drain funds. I do go to pattaya or bangkok semi frequent. But its good i stay away from there, i could very quickly lose the last 3 percent of my functioning yet alcohol abused brain in those cities. Expecially Pattaya, words cannot describe the sheer madness of what i think is the funnest city in the world, if your a male hedonist like myself.

I have also been thinking about teaching english in Phnom Phen cambodia, quite an experience you can have in that country, altough im not convinced any of them would be enjoyable. Other than the experience of actually living there. Guns, Girls and Ganja seems to be the slogan for the Khmers, since its all legal there. But living in a total state of anarchy, literally.. If you have the money, i think it was estimated for an initial investment of 15k and upkeep of about 2k a month, you could have your own armed entorage, driver, 5 body guards, ak-47s, few grenades, couple scooters.. Not including the landcruiser. This would of course seem mad, but its a sad fact of life there. Strange country indeed. Wish i could do something, but sadly corrupt politics, spun out of control during and soon after the american war in vietnam and to this day only getting worse. Have taken one of the greatest cultural countries and turned it into a heap of shit. Did i mention i love khmer music, do give some a listen, its beautiful.

I only go back to the states to aquire new visa stamps and to visit some friends, which is what im doing now for the next few weeks, but i miss home dearly (i sincerely refer to thailand as my home). I dont think I could ever function in america again, im to far off the rocker, and currently as i sit here in colorado, im severly home sick and depressed. But all will be ok soon!

As for playing wow, i suppose that would be an option if i had a computer that could play it. or if i could get internet at my home, i think i could actually... I just dont have the desire tho, in fact i cringe at the fact of giving up so much time for so little and since i recently moved from the bustling city to a more humble environment... I prefer things how they are going now. Im happy.

As soon as i can find my camera ill post a pic for you talas. hehe

Sorry for rambling and making you read so much. If you got this far without thinking i have completly lost my mind, ill take this time to assure you otherwise.
Sawadee kop tuk tuk kon

06-29-2005, 03:11 AM
I forgot. While i still like Him, i mostly listening to thai music now days, along with Audioslave, Coldplay, and as always my favorite The Refreshments. I could assure you Andridyke, that i am not goth. But im very impressed that you have been able to run with that stereotype of me for.. whats it been? Two years already? Miss you!

Fuck.. i just noticed my pentagram thing and my signature line. I understand now!

And woops, almost forgot, or perhaps didnt quite notice. Thanks for the rod Ktul.

06-29-2005, 06:50 AM
I miss Thailand, I want to go back. I was getting into some of the Thai music when I was down there aswell, it's has a unique style and character to it. I am currently listening to the current Coldplay and Audioslave aswell, both good summertime tunes. I am surprised about the Ganja as I would think anything to do with drugs would = jailtime down there.

06-29-2005, 06:52 AM
Hey Rika.

06-29-2005, 07:46 AM
Is... is this your nose?

06-29-2005, 08:09 AM
I will never understand canadians. The ones i meet in thailand seem to spend a lot of their time making sure that people know that they are NOT americans. Good job confusing me tho Eomer.

In cambodia ganja is legal. 20 dollars a kilo approx. Nothing there would equal jailtime, its very corrupt so with a small amount of cash you can buy your way out of anything.

06-29-2005, 09:37 AM
Weren't you in boston and you like never called me dude

06-29-2005, 09:39 AM
Guitar 1

06-29-2005, 09:41 AM
Guitar 2

For Talas

*disclaimer* If you go blind from looking at this picture to close, its not my fault.

06-29-2005, 11:09 AM
You know I'm not really sure what to say at this moment

06-29-2005, 12:13 PM
Thanks For Making My Coworkers Think I'm Looking For Asian Smut At Work!

06-29-2005, 12:22 PM

06-29-2005, 12:38 PM
shit sorry, i didnt notice i t hink she is wearing underwear... dont freak out, she is 22! I saw her ID ! Sorry thuggo =( I promise when i took that pic i ddidnt notice that, it came straight off my camera, and with the little screen you cant see details =(

06-29-2005, 12:46 PM
It's hard to tell with asian women. In all honesty though, the guy who sits behind me is too busy trying to convince girls from match.com to sleep with him and the guy off to my right is looking at guns or working on autocad.


06-29-2005, 05:42 PM
Rofl I had the same thoughts. /touches his rod

06-29-2005, 09:56 PM

So, you picking up any Thai street fighting!? You gotta protect yourself on those streets, ya know...

06-30-2005, 05:53 AM

I worked out and trained at Tonys Muai Thai Academy about 6 days a week until i left the city. I never actually faught anyone. If you seen the brutality of it down around the bar areas (they have outside free matches at many bar locations in the cities) you wouldnt want to either. The best protection would probably be a knife or a gun tho. www.pattayapeople.com

06-30-2005, 07:53 AM
You gotta be careful around the trannies aswell( as in don't offend or be rude), as most of them know kickboxing aswell.

06-30-2005, 08:29 AM

thats funny you bring that up. The lady boys, (called Katooeys) in thai look like girls, act like girls, but they for sure.. 100% fight like men, and never fair, you fight with one and you fight with any in the immediate area. As an estimation id put that at about 5 to 10 depending on where your at.

I reposted that other pic too. I figured what the fuck. If the admins think its not PC enough can remove it. The reason for this thread was to battle my immediate bordem anyhow.

06-30-2005, 08:45 AM
We had a few of them following us home one night, I was drunk and my buddy kept saying, "Hey man don't piss em off". They had boob jobs and were cruising around on there motorcyles trying to get tourists. After that we took a tuk tuk home after the bar. That was in phuket

06-30-2005, 09:04 AM
We had a few of them following us home one night, I was drunk and my buddy kept saying, "Hey man don't piss em off". They had boob jobs and were cruising around on there motorcyles trying to get tourists. After that we took a tuk tuk home after the bar. That was in phuket

Good god that's a surreal image

07-01-2005, 02:26 AM
(sorry vini you dont count in that decision!).

:o :wink:

Rika must be returned his private boards access!!! Make it so! :wink:



07-01-2005, 02:32 AM
Thanks For Making My Coworkers Think I'm Looking For Asian Smut At Work!

ditto except I'm in the computer lab for grad students at UKZN...

I'm pretty sure there is a strict no pr0n policy... :eek: :eek: :o

07-01-2005, 07:59 AM
Thailand scares me.

How much of this is true Rika heh?

07-01-2005, 11:27 AM
Some of it is true. Some is also exagerated. Not sign of sars, there was a litte Dengue fever and some bird flu across the way in Vietnam. Nothing to really worry about. As far as Thai hookers there is plenty, but 99% of the thai prostitution is thai/thai not thai/farang. Some of the cities need some major cleaning up, they do however have some state of the art street sweepers there. Old ladies come out in the morning with ancient style brooms and sweep the streets.

Thailand is pretty exciting and very safe (id rather walk a dim lit street in pattaya as opposed to harlem or bronx anyday). Everyday and everywhere you go there is an adventure. Even waking up in the morning is an adventure as most pattaya residents would agree. From the moment sunlight finds its way to my eyelids my first conscience thought was always, "where am I?" followed immediatly by, "and who the hell are you?".

Id like to consider myself a true adventurist. Going down to some island Ko chang or something. I was invited by a few friends to go, saying how great the beaches were and how fun it would be. Upon arrival we have to cross some water to get to the island. THis was the scary part as a large piece of driftwood turned out to be the boat. Which i gave a 50/50 rate of even floating let along crossing about 6 miles of water on this floating tree trunk.

The crew was some man in his late hundreds wearing only a pair of shorts older than he was. He had some grizzly looking tats and his skin looked something like elephant hide, which is interesting since the word for elephant is chang, and this was exactly the island we were going to. He stood proud smoking a big cone shaped cigarette obviously hand made.

As we were crossing the water my friends, altought not for long im thinking, were unwaverd by the lack of safety features. Saying stupid things like, "isnt this fun?". Myself seeming to be the only once concerned, I cant seem to take my eyes off the Thai ship captain. As his smoke came to an end, he nodded to me an quickly produced a small bag of leafy substance from under his seat. I was hoping it was tobacco. Within a matter of seconds he had another conical shaped cigarette identical to the ice cream cone he was smoking before. He reaches down on the boat breaks off about a 10cm splinter of wood, opens the gas tank dips it in and gives it a good soaking. I watch as he spins around, removes the spark plug wire, holds the stick about a cm from the plug and sets the twig ablaze. Quickly putting the wire back, as was his skill. Lit the cigarette, tossed the twig into the water, and then returned the cap to the highly flammable liquid. Im of course the only one that saw this, as it happend in only a matter of seconds.

Needless to say we lived, went swimming, frolocking, and drinking ourselfs into a stupor. I did have time to stop by a shoddy concvience store for a little shopping. As we returned back to the boat, before it was time to shove off. I walked up to the capatin and handed him is brand new shiny lighter. In puzzled gratitude he smiled, tugged on the rope tied to the engine and with a sputter or two we were off.

Adventures like this happen all the time. The differences in thais and westerners are incomprehensible. Better to not even try to understand. By far I think its more dangereous to ride in a car on the freeway, and no way in hell id look forward out the window to see exactly whats going on.

I had actually took time to journalize this story when I returned back to my room. I thought it quite interesting. Unfortunatly, I cant find that version which was a much better read.

So as you can see Vinen. No need to fear Thailand because at any given time you could be on the cover of Bangkok post, "5 Farangs incenerated in fireball during freak boating accident". Happening so quickly it would leave no time at all for even the slightest hint of fear.

07-01-2005, 06:12 PM
I felt safe and at ease in Thailand. Thai people are very laid back from what I have experience. Be it that it's a largely Bhuddist culture or other they seem to be a very non-violent/non-controntational people.

There is some good and bad things. From what I gather everyone that is physically able to work will do so in one way or another. The only type of beggers that I ever came accross were those that were physically disabled in one way or another. Other then that they believe that if you are employed you are doing good.

The food, shopping, medical( in bangkok), skytrain system are all superb.

As far as the sex trade goes, the thing that is the most scary when you hear about children being involved. From what I gather that seems to happen moreso in Cambodia then in Thailand.

07-02-2005, 12:16 AM
hi rika! and everyone else. this thread is quite interesting

zaaarx its been forever, hope all is going well, i remember we had good times although its kind of weird how much EQ has escaped my memory, i hardly remember anything now that i think about it. oh well, a few things stand out :)

07-02-2005, 07:20 AM

Nodd Oxide
07-02-2005, 08:40 AM
Hey Rika, sounds like your having too much fun over there ;) good to hear from you.

07-08-2005, 10:51 PM
hi zarx~

07-09-2005, 06:41 AM
Hey Shik and Vanuill

Cheers :)

07-09-2005, 07:54 AM
Don't have time to read all of it right now.


Please note the description of a Bungalo ***Nedari/Elletira*** -- that's what you were calling my house. Thanks :p

One day, I'll go to Thailand...and it will be wonderful! Women, drugs, brutality -- all the vices this body has been craving.


07-10-2005, 03:42 PM
As of this weekend I enjoyed my first Thai meal since being in Thailand. I have made several efforts to enjoy a Thai meal that is as good as one of the many that I have had in Thailand and finally yesterday I had a lunch that was more authentic, or tasted what I experienced over there. If you enjoy a good meal the trip is worth it for the food alone.

07-10-2005, 10:43 PM

07-11-2005, 04:43 AM

HI!!!!! :sun:

07-11-2005, 04:44 AM
As of this weekend I enjoyed my first Thai meal since being in Thailand.

I didn't know you were back in Thailand!!!

How are things there? How are you? Have you been in touch with Rika? ;)

07-11-2005, 04:56 AM
Not back in Thailand, I had some food here that was more authentic or true to the Thai style:)

07-14-2005, 12:08 PM
Not back in Thailand, I had some food here that was more authentic or true to the Thai style:)

That makes me soooo hungry... ><

Andriana Duskrose
07-14-2005, 01:31 PM
That makes me soooo hungry... ><

Nah, that would be the pot, that you and your hippie college friends are smoking, that's making you hungry. For shame missy! FOR SHAME!

07-16-2005, 01:39 PM
Nah, that would be the pot, that you and your hippie college friends are smoking, that's making you hungry. For shame missy! FOR SHAME!

I am not smoking pot! Sheesh, I smoked a bit off of a pipe with a Zulu medicine man when we went to the Zulu Kingdom. I didn't even get a proper hit. :embarass: :o :eek:

07-16-2005, 01:56 PM
Getting a hit from a medicine man in Zululand? It is amazing what you glaucoma patients will do!

07-16-2005, 08:53 PM
See me and I assure you many "proper hits".

07-17-2005, 08:52 AM
See me and I assure you many "proper hits".

It's a date!
:o :eek: :o :D

07-17-2005, 03:31 PM


07-18-2005, 10:08 PM
hey there jason, stopping by NJ at all while youre in the states?

07-19-2005, 05:01 PM
Hello Dharrk,

Probably wont be making it to jersey, spending my time in colorado and texas for now. Hows it going for you now days?

07-20-2005, 11:48 AM
it's been 2 years.. bored at work checkin shite out~


07-20-2005, 01:51 PM
OMG Rivethead hi! :o

07-23-2005, 01:51 PM
hehe. =] wassup y0!

08-09-2005, 12:19 AM
Here a little pic i took FROM my condo in BKK when i first moved there, i thought it looked cool, and just found it the other day in some old CDs.

08-09-2005, 08:49 AM
wow, looks crowded... but cool nonetheless.


08-10-2005, 10:48 AM
Dubbs lives in the hood

08-10-2005, 03:13 PM
nice view! .. and hihi.... stfcku tari ! :D

08-10-2005, 10:26 PM
In america i never had views like that. So i thought it was quite nice, but the sounds that eminated from the city every evening was the coolest part.

08-10-2005, 10:30 PM
Here is my view. Only the power lines ruin it. And cant see all the mountains, it was cloudy.

08-10-2005, 10:34 PM
Few other views I had, somehow in the span of the same roll of film! lol

08-11-2005, 07:23 AM
Thailand scares me.

How much of this is true Rika heh?

Hey! I've seen that show in thailand. Was pretty good actually aside from the fact that all the guys and girls in the production were.. um.. guys.. er.. former guys.. you know what I mean. Was pretty sureal watching people clammer all over the cast afterwards (You got to take pictures with them after the show for cash). Some of them actually looked like females, but when you shook their hands.. your like WTF!!?!

For the most part Thailand was pretty fun when I went several years ago.


PS. Hi Zarx..

08-11-2005, 07:38 AM
Ruca! :o

Hi. :p

08-11-2005, 04:53 PM
Hey, if you're so bored call me bish. I'm leaving in two weeks, and we havin a kegger at chad's this weekend.

see me and I assure you proper hits

he's not lying lolz