View Full Version : Hey, yall.

09-03-2005, 07:58 AM
Skroop here. Just wanted to introduce myself to you guys. I've met a few of your members and they were both really decent people. Adeptus and Elkwood.

I grouped in Maraudon with Adeptus yesterday. What a blast. Yea, I know...Maraudon. Old news. It was Adeptus that made it so fun though.

As for Elkwood, never grouped, just got a drive by paw print as she was trolling EPL for some herbs. Don't worry, Elk, the herbs are all yours.

I intend to apply to Hoss once I meet the requirements. I regularly do a /who Hoss, just to see where you guys are and what you are up to. I wanna go! Don't worry, I won't be nagging to tag along...yet.

I notice that you do have some pre 60 folks and would love to group with you guys if you ever need a pie loving, smack talking, crochety, old sawed off paladin. I am currently working on my Onyxia Key and also working to get through BRD so I can make my smoking heart of the mountain.

So hard to find decent people to group with. Hoping that will change.

Anyway, hope to know more of you in the coming weeks and beyond. See ya!

09-05-2005, 10:53 PM
Elkwood is dangerous, be careful skroop. Appearances can be deceiving, and amusing after the fact.
