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09-09-2005, 04:01 PM
Go Bucks!

09-09-2005, 06:07 PM


09-10-2005, 03:59 AM
And what exactly are you trying to say about girl parts? hmmmm? :confused:

09-10-2005, 05:34 AM
You've got a MIGTHY fine Longhorn there babe

09-10-2005, 08:44 PM
I think hes trying to say Ohio state got beat by pussys.

09-10-2005, 08:50 PM
Great game either way.....Lee Corso is the one you should blame, putting on the Brutus head did you in.

Damn I wish was on the Drag and 6th street right now....

09-10-2005, 09:02 PM
It was a good game, and I agree about Corso...he always "picks" the Bucks which never seems to help. It's really a shame Ohio State couldn't put together a real offensive drive inside the red zone, but hopefully they'll work through that and learn a thing or two. Hell, maybe we'll win out and with some hope force a rematch in the Rose Bowl for a national championship. Wouldn't that be sweet.

Oh yeah, and anyone is welcome to mock me as much as you want. I'm already pretty used to disappointment. I was born and raised as a Reds AND Bengals fan after all.

09-10-2005, 09:19 PM
No mocking here, great game between two great teams...could have gone either way. Corso can suck my cock in the middle of the Texas State fair.

With the UM loss I don't see why OSU would drop lower then 5th and still have a great shot at the Rose Bowl.

09-10-2005, 09:40 PM
If i was Ohio fan, id be pissed at the choice of QB. No way id go with that, i was very relived when the fumbler was announced that last drive.

09-10-2005, 10:09 PM
If i was Ohio fan, id be pissed at the choice of QB. No way id go with that, i was very relived when the fumbler was announced that last drive.

The problem with that statement is that neither QB really outshone the other. Hell, the way they both played I wouldn't have cared if they put in the 3rd stringer, Beckman, to end the game like they did last week. We were actually making fun of whenever Tressel switched QBs we'd start cursing and saying that one was obviously the wrong choice because of his poor performance. It was a disappointing loss, but I've got too much stuff to take care over the next couple weeks to worry about a loss....and of course on the note...Bengals kick off tomorrow at 1pm YAY!

09-12-2005, 01:50 PM
USC ftw!!!


09-12-2005, 04:52 PM
yeah I think USC would have to stumble to see that UT/OSU rematch..otherwise, TX would have to lose to the B12 north and win the B12 title thus playing OSU in a BCS auto berth or TX would have to lose one of its remaining nonconference games, then win the B12 title

this will really make the OSU/Michigan game huge at the end of the year assuming that Michigan just tanked against ND and wins out too

as for us, we have a boogeyman we need to kick the crap out of finally or its all moot anyway:)

09-19-2005, 03:31 PM
Mark your calendar.. October 8th.. Red River Shootout

Gonna be more like the Red River Blowout

T prediction

\,,/ - 64
OU - 14

09-21-2005, 07:53 AM
lmao @ rika

I heard the osu game is annual now so buckeyes get another shot next year.

Wife and I were on the edge of our seats the whole game.

As far as OU goes, well their season is over already and they don't have what it takes anymore.

How bout our new running back forty? Charles.. you know, he's from belton rika lol. had a game in belton with 400 + yards, and i think multiple ones with 300+.

09-30-2005, 12:04 AM
Charles, if he continues to play at this level, will be a great back. IMHO, he's way ahead of Benson (on the level of Ricky) at this point, mainly because he seems to have picked-up the pass protection scheme and has been great coming out of the backfield for passes, something Benson was slow to do.

He's ability to catch the ball and make yardage after the catch takes a lot of pressure off the TE's, WR's and Young.

As I see it, we need to work on two things; 1. Young needs to stop forcing the plays to happen. He's gotten a ton better but still tries to make too many "Plays of the Day" highlight reels when he should just eat the ball or throw it away (bleachers). 2. Special teams needs to get tougher. Last two "big" games have been bad. Of course, in those two games we faced some of the best return men in the game today.

Scary part of this team is that we lose only three starters on offense and three on defense at the end of the year. With the back-ups being very good.

Of the top three teams (USC, Texas, VT) I think Texas has the easier schedule left. USC has ASU, ND, Cal and UCLA left to play. VT has WV, BC, Miami, and Virginia to play. Texas has Texas Tech and Texas A&M left on the schedule. USC and VT could play good games and still lose because they play some good teams. I think for Texas to lose a game, they would have to have a huge melt down, which is possible. I don't see any Big 12 offense that could hang with our defense. Texas Tech is the closest but I think our defense is just too fast for them. Offensive, with Charles in the backfield, Texas is too much for the Big 12 defenses; too much speed too many options.

Texas/OU any thing can happen, Texas won in 1989 when OU had the better team, and OU won in 1996 when Texas was better. Too many goofy things happen in this series. But I just don't see OU's offense being a factor at all. I see their defense starting off well (front defensive line is good) but with that offense their D will be on the field so much they will wear down.

I think it is very possible for USC, Texas and VT to go undefeated, which will create a mess come bowl time. All guess work, though, still have to a lot of games to play.

10-05-2005, 11:30 PM
You gonna be in Dallas this weekend, Forty?? :)

10-06-2005, 02:07 PM
Nope, too much going on here. I'll be at the mercy of ABC.

10-08-2005, 10:26 AM
OK I was liking Chicago up until now. Growing up in the south has spoiled me. ABC is running illinois and some other big ten pos team. I'm trying to get the stupid PPV to work, and been on hold 20 mins. GAH! I hate missing a second of this game :/

10-08-2005, 12:49 PM
uga > all

10-09-2005, 05:36 AM
Hooray, I don't have to worry about playing for Pasadena anymore. We all know Tampa loves OSU. Outback Bowl ahoy!

10-09-2005, 06:25 AM
well thanks to Penn State we're not either!

ahh well...my Dad is an Auburn grad, I'm UT. We're gonna have the luxury of rooting for 2 straight undefeated number 3 teams come BCS time grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

10-09-2005, 11:37 AM
well thanks to Penn State we're not either!

ahh well...my Dad is an Auburn grad, I'm UT. We're gonna have the luxury of rooting for 2 straight undefeated number 3 teams come BCS time grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

I am more than a bit confused on how the Computer rankings have come up with their list. USC is ranked as low as 11 on one (last week anyway) with Texas 8th. Makes zero sense. Penn State is ranked number 1 in a few of the ranking. Not sure I get it. Texas did gain a few points, on USC, in the human polls while VT remained the same.

If after the BCS poll is released and the number one and number two teams of the human polls are not at the top of the BCS there will be so much complaining about the system, it will be tweaked yet again and the push for a play-off system will grow louder.

Although there are a lot of games left to be played, there are atleast five teams from different conferences that could go undefeated this year.

ACC - FSU/VT (play in the ACC championship game only)
SEC - Alabama/Georgia (play in the SEC championship game only)
Big 12 - Texas/Texas Tech (next week 10/15)
Pac 10 - USC/UCLA (12/3)
Big 10 - Penn State

Not that any of these teams couldn't lose a game somewhere down the road though (USC/ND or VT/Miami or Penn State/Wisconsin or Michigan State).

10-09-2005, 11:58 AM
A few of the rankings have changed from last week, such as Jeff Sagarin had USC #11. As of 12 Noon Pacific time here are the current Computer rankings that have/will post before the first BCS ranking the 17th. Jeff Sagarin updates his lists pretty quickly and are the most up to dated of the rankings.

Jeff Sagarin College Football 2005 thru Saturday, October 8, 2005
ELO-CHESS (ELO ranking is used for BCS and appear in the last column, for example USC is ranked 3rd for BCS)

1 Southern California 96.46 (3)
2 Virginia Tech 93.50 (6)
3 Texas 90.37 (8)
4 Miami-Florida 92.53 (7)
5 Penn State 97.60 (1)
6 Florida State 96.64 (2)
7 LSU 86.47 (12)
8 Minnesota 88.56 (11)
9 Oregon 89.61 (9)
10 Alabama 94.03 (5)
13 Georgia 94.96 (4)

The Anderson & Hester College Football
Computer Rankings, as of Oct. 3

3.Florida State
4.Virginia Tech
5.Penn State

Billingsley Report on Major College Football
Week # 7 – Through Games of October 8, 2005
1 Southern Cal
2 Georgia
3 Virginia Tech
4 Texas
5 Florida State
6 Penn State
7 Wisconsin
8 Miami, Fla.
9 Texas Tech
10 LSU

Colley's Bias Free Matrix Rankings
As of Oct 9th.
6. USC
10. UCLA

Kenneth Massey
1. USC
2. Texas
3. VA Tech
4. Florida St.
5. Miami, Fla.
6. Oregon
7. Penn St.
8. Georgia
9. Alabama
10. Norte Dame

*Updated Computer rankings*

10-09-2005, 09:21 PM
If we go undefeated this year and don't get a bid in the national championship the bcs can suck my ass hairs. After what we did in the rose bowl last year, which looked like a team that could play USC, and how it's going this year...

well, I guess one thing that actually hurts this year is beating OU cus they flat out suck now.

Regardless.. i've said it in the past and it still holds true for me. I've always said (especially after the last five years) that if we beat OU I wouldn't care if we won another game.

but still.. I have alot of love for UT, and I have a hard time imagining them not being in it this year. Course.. it is the BCS and it's all messed up.

10-10-2005, 02:41 AM
Being a Penn State student along with Brooks I have to throw in that the rivalry game with OSU on last Saturday was quite possibly one of the greatest football games I've ever witnessed on Pennsylvania soil. 6-0 now, hopefully this will be Joe Patterno's best year to date!

Without a doubt, if you didn't see this one you should make an attempt to check out the highlights or download a video if you can. ESPN was actually hosting their pregame show from across the street at the Bryce Jordan Center.

(Don't even jinx us with that Wisconsin and Michigan State statement Forty :P)

10-10-2005, 09:47 AM
Those polls are so ghey. I want a playoff system so bad, although I'll probably never see one. I'm a Penn state fan and I'm hopeing their unranked status for so long this season doesn't once again kill their bcs chances. They got fooked several years back being one of only 2 teams who went undefeated that year (the other being Nebraska I think).

Of course going undefeated is still along ways off for any team.

10-10-2005, 09:32 PM
Overall Computer rankings have:

1. USC - .73
2. FSU - .69
3. Penn St. - .66
3. Va Tech - .66
5. Georgia - .63
6. Alabama - .61
7. Texas - .58

Based on the incomplete information I have (one computer ranking service has yet to post their list) and my understanding of how the BCS rankings will work, here is what I see as the Top Five:

1. USC - 2.7215 points
2. Texas - 2.5021
3. Va Tech - 2.4980
4. FSU - 2.3761
5. Georgia - 2.3585

This will obviously be affected by the last computer ranking and how each team does next game. Biggest difference is with the Computer polls having Texas ranked, at what I have as, 7th overall.