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10-21-2005, 12:19 AM
Turns out my computer was born with its head firmly lodged within its ass. It's taken a lot of patience, and a whole lot of butter, but it reached ¾ heterosexuality early this week.

Unfortunately it's made a turn for the worse. I may have to put this thing down before I even turn it on :( To the glue machines for you!


10-25-2005, 09:36 PM
Yay for wasting weeks and hundreds of dollars. Think I fried the ram with a bad DVD-RW drive...or something. See ya's next summer!


10-26-2005, 07:42 AM
Let me guess: you assembled your computer on thick shag rug wearing wool socks?

10-26-2005, 10:05 AM
is it posting at all? Unless there are scorch marks on the ram stick, take it back :)Unless you fried the slot....then take the MOBO back!

When I hit a spot, I take everything out, start a rebuild, post it upon every new piece of gear, and then when it fails I've localized the prob. Sometimes a PCI card might have come loose (or AGP card)...since you were tinkering with DVD drive, check cabling...how many power leads did you use and do you have the power to run all that ya want (if you have a high end vid card etc)

One weird one that a lot of people miss is if you accidentally loosen the ground wire for the mobo, or it isnt properly grounded if its just a screwdown. A badly grounded mobo/case combo is a PITA to diag because usually you have to pull the mobo out, ground it or place it in another case, and then try and post it. That's my last resort check, even after swapping power supplies...I hate pulling a mobo out just to find out if its a case prob or not

10-26-2005, 10:20 AM
Ok when Mut was building his like 1st computer (before we met) he melted is motherboard (like pieces were oozing off) and he was able to return it... uhh it came that way... right. Something to think about

10-26-2005, 09:56 PM
I'll get time to mess with it in a week or two, I'm just too busy working during allergy/cold season and a ton of people on vacation. Add to that it's midterms, and you just have a recipie for disaster.

Here's what I did (a crosspost on the MSI site)

Great news! The only part I transfered over from the old comp to the new comp was the Plextor DVD-RW PX-716a. This piece broke down while I was installing drivers for the mobo and graphics card -- it just stopped being able to read disks (first it fumbled a bit, then it completely stopped). I said, "oh well" and started tweaking the services.msc in XP SP2, when i heard what I can only call "some settling" ... not a pop... not a blurp or anything. Like maybe something got too close to a fan and hit a fan blade? Mouse, keyboard, all interfaces stopped working. I restarted and it bogs up now, before completing boot. I think (according to my color deficient eyes) that D-Bracket says it's hanging up when checking the memory. Didn't have problems with the Dual Channel DDR 400 memory the first 5 times i started the computer... now it won't boot. Guess the DVD-RW blew the ram? Ironically, this may have been the reason why I had to buy a new computer, if the DVD-RW had anythign to do with the booting issues.


10-26-2005, 10:01 PM
Strangely, to my "male" eyes, the 32-bit color scheme makes most of Windows look blurry. It's far crisper at 16-bit...at least I think. Maybe it's the size of the screen, but i doubt it.

Other than that, I've not had any experience with the vid card, which saddens me. I really want to see how it handles WoW.


10-26-2005, 10:16 PM
is it posting at all? Unless there are scorch marks on the ram stick, take it back :)Unless you fried the slot....then take the MOBO back!

I haven't pulled it out yet, but I doubt it got fried that bad. I'm not sure though. I hate RMA's but I might be able to send back the DVD-RW if it's within a year. BTW, if you ever send back a faulty part (like the DVD-RW), do you have to send back all the pieces, too? I have no idea what all came in the box with the DVD-RW, and only it itself is broken, not the driver disks, etc. I know RMA'ing is different, but this is warranty stuff.

When I hit a spot, I take everything out, start a rebuild, post it upon every new piece of gear, and then when it fails I've localized the prob. Sometimes a PCI card might have come loose (or AGP card)...since you were tinkering with DVD drive, check cabling...how many power leads did you use and do you have the power to run all that ya want (if you have a high end vid card etc)

This could be it, the 7800 has no monitor connection, only S-something and HDTV/TIVO. I had to put on an adapter, and really push to get it in because the thumbcrews on it are for carnies. It's got a Antec Truepower II 550...it's ok on the PSU aspect.

One weird one that a lot of people miss is if you accidentally loosen the ground wire for the mobo, or it isnt properly grounded if its just a screwdown. A badly grounded mobo/case combo is a PITA to diag because usually you have to pull the mobo out, ground it or place it in another case, and then try and post it. That's my last resort check, even after swapping power supplies...I hate pulling a mobo out just to find out if its a case prob or not

Hmm, grounding... i'm sure I didn't do that when i put the mobo in the case. Definitely a screwdown, and I'm notorious for missing the hole. :embarass: Um, how do i ground the mobo? I did try to install the computer in the linoleum kitchen we have, but there's a rug under the table (one of those huge, closecut oriental things). What is a grounding bracelet, btw? :)


10-29-2005, 07:15 AM
Just touch the case (if metal) I normaly touch the power supply to ground myself out. Do this as u began to work on it. DOnt touch walk off and then work :)

Btw i actually ran across the very thing u are talking about. I went through 4 key boards before i figured out it was my keyboard port on the mb that was bad and causing me the strange problems

Get u a usb connector thingie and plug the mouse and keyboard into it. This will only help u in windows. Wonder if msi had a problem with ps2 connectors

Not to sure about the plextor. Mine have always been rock solid. I have a set of scsi that are still running in a friends computer. Hell they have to be over 7 years old ... Omg has it been that long ...

If it died i send it back. Freaking thing should be bullet proof !!

Btw if that is the problem send the mb back. Mine was over a year old when it developed the problem. I think it was power related as the power here not been very stable since ivan wiped out most of the power grnd. I really need to get me another UPS.

On a die note i built me a new computer. Ordered the parts today that is.

Dfi lan party Mb
3700amd - 1meg cashe
7800gt - bfg - oc series
2gig - memory

Ill put it together in a new box. After the first of the year ill water cool it. Not going to fuck with fans anymore !! ... I hope.

10-29-2005, 07:49 PM
Switched out the Plextor for a Creative. Still says the ram is faulty.

I'm going to find out which stick or block is messing things up and send it back.

Computer is stable at 7% heterosexuality. It's a small handhold, but at least it's alive.
